chapter 6

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"we don't even know what this stuff is." newt said, as they all stood in the med-hut. newt carried a blue filled syringe. "we don't know who sent it. or why it came up here with you. for all we know, this thing could kill him." aviana fidgeted with her fingers. unconsciously, thomas rubbed her back.

"he's already dying. look at him. how could this possibly make it any worse?" newt's eyes landed on alby's body. his veins turned black, and a thick layer of sweat on his body. "come on, it's worth a try."

"all right. do it." thomas nodded, and walked over to alby. he was hesitant and didn't know where to inject it, until alby noticed who was near him. he grabbed onto thomas.

"you shouldn't be here! you shouldn't be here!" newt went forward to help thomas, as alby threw him around. newt ordered aviana to get the syringe. she took it from teresa and stabbed it into alby. it immediately calmed him down.

"well, that worked." jeff stated, as everyone but aviana panted.

"okay, from now on... someone stays here and watches him around the clock." everyone glanced at teresa, before they noticed gally walking into the hut.

"hey. sundown, greenie. time to go." with that he waited for thomas before walking outside. gally held a torch as they made it to the pit.

"hey, what is your problem with me?"

"everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. first ben, then alby... and now the girl. everybody saw she recognized you. and i'm betting you know who she is. you also have been following aviana around like she's a magnet." gally then opened the door to the pit. the truth is, he didn't know who she was. she was familiar, but not like how aviana was to him. thomas was confused and slightly defensive about the aviana part.

thomas walked into the familiar pit, "gally... you know we can't stay here forever, right?" gally ignored him before leaving. a few minutes passed before thomas heard footsteps. "who's there?"

"just me." aviana appeared. she brought a small candle with her. he sighed in relief. "chuck will bring you food later." she sighed, leaning her forehead against the bars.

"avi, thank you." she sent him a confused look. "thank you for not calling me a greenie, ever." she nodded and looked down at the ground.

"i wasn't called that, so why should others?" she then paused for a moment, "thomas, i have one more question to ask." he nodded, noticing her small freckles. he leaned against the door, faces inches apart.

"what is it?" she was extremely beautiful, he was sure be had loved her in multiple past lives.

"what is love to you?" she asked, thomas's eyes widened. love? why hadn't he thought about that.

"love is a lot of things: how you search for them in crowds, how certain touches go unnoticed because you do it unconsciously, how you find yourself thinking they are they most prettiest thing on earth, and how you would risk your life, over and over again, just so that they could live another day. all those things but love is so much more." he said, as aviana's eyes widened. then, they went soft and she smiled.

"when i woke up from the box, i remembered my name, and someone who i waited every month to arrive. i didn't tell you, but the person's name was thomas. i don't remember what happened, but i think before i went totally unconscious in the box, thomas woke me up. he told me what my name was and that he was thomas, and thomas loved me." thomas's head buzzed, as deja vu hit him hard. he reached a hand out to the girl. she looked down at her hands before lifting herself up from the ground.

"tomorrow, you'll come on a run with me and minho. rest well, tommy." thomas nodded, sliding down a bit on the floor.

"yeah, okay. goodnight, avi." he said, almost as a whisper. he watched her retreating figure until chuck came, and blocked his view.

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