chapter 1

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"aviana! we need your help!" a sign was heard from the girl who was sitting under a tree. she lifted herself up, and began walking towards the source. there, a few teen boys stood with their hands on their hips.

they're the builders, but the hut they've been trying to assemble keeps tumbling. it's a newer advancement.

the girl quietly walked inside, a few more teenage boys stood in there holding the walls. "it seems like the roof is too heavy. the supports on it are too weak to hold it. if you want that roof to stand, use a beam or make the supports stronger." they nodded and the leader whistled to some teens.

"can you bring me more wood logs? thank you."

with that, the girl left the room. today was the day that a new arrival will come. she thinks back to chuck who was excited not to be the newest member to the glade. alby kept her from the maze these days incase he needed help with the greenies.

when the loud sound played for the boxes arrival, she stayed leaned against a shack watching as they opened the box. she saw gally drag the teen up, not really seeing him since the whole glade surrounded him. they mocked and laughed, so when the runner ran past them she didn't really find it surprising.

zart laughed, "we got ourself a runner!" he shouted, making aviana shake her head. the boy looked around his new home, he seemed familiar but she didn't think anything of it. the boys then grabbed him and dragged him off to their makeshift jail.


the boys continued on with their duties, allowing things to sink in with the greenie. aviana and alby made their way to the jail. "hey," alby greeted, the boy immediately flew back from the bars, "hey there, green bean." the two teens crouched in front of the bars.

the boy's eyes switched between the two, somehow finding a slight comfort seeing aviana. "you're not gonna run again. okay?" aviana spoke softly, waiting for a response but the teen remained quiet. alby nodded before moving to open the door.

"my name is alby, this is aviana." he introduced, "now is there anything you can tell me about yourself; like who you are, where you came from, anything at all?" aviana watched as thomas began to think hard, then start breathing heavy. he was scared and that was understandable.

"can you tell me your name?" aviana asked.

"i can't- i uh, can't remember anything. why can't i remember anything?" alby looked like he lost hope of finding out what this place is.

"it's okay. hey relax, relax. it's normal. it happens to us all, you get your name back in a day or two." he paused for a moment before continuing, "it's the one thing they let us keep."

the boy nodded, before making eye contact with aviana. "aviana!" someone shouted within the glade, must be frypan. she glanced between the two before running off.

"come on, let me show you." he puts his hand out to the scared teen.

they walk out and begin walking towards the center. "this is our home. we eat here. sleep here. we grow our own food we build our own shelter. whatever we need, the box supplies. the rest is up to us."

"the box?" the teen questions, staring at the place he was trapped in.

"yeah, they send it once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie. this month they sent you. congratulations." he sarcastically stated. staring at the teen.

"sent up? sent up by who? who put us here?"

"that we don't know."

"hey. you alright there, alby?" a new teen comes up to the two. alby lights up and laughs, while the teen is still on guard.

forever in my heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora