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"you're okay" seokjin reassured as he held jimin's hair back as the boy violently threw up what he had eaten for dinner. jimin wiped his mouth with toilet paper and frowned, "this feels horrible"

seokjin caressed his hair, "i know, minnie, but you'll get you'll bloodwork done and then we'll set some appointments up with the doctor" he smiled, hugging the boy tight.

"to early to wedding plan" namjoon mumbled as he and yoongi approached the building with junho in the stroller, "you're right" yoongi whined and interlaced his arm with namjoon's.

"we're getting breakfast after this, right?" namjoon asked, yoongi nodded, "yup and remember we agreed on no laptop use whilst eating"

the tall boy pouted because he really needed to catch up on work, but he would start sweating and shaking whenever he thought about how much work he had. this caused yoongi to ban electronics at all meal times.



confirmed: i'm having a baby


love u sm

like it's actually unbelievable

i wanna give you a hugeeeee hug rn

i should buy u a house just for existing


i'd appreciate an almond hershey's chocolate bar


i will make sure to buy some on my way home from work



ty love

im rlly scared

so scared of hurting this baby :(((


did they not give any advice and/or suggestions?? :((


they told me to take it easy

idk what that means though

i thought i took it easy last pregnancy



you did, minnie

it was not our fault

i think it means to not put physical stress or mental stress on yourself

anything you want or need, just let me know


thank u

so much

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