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"but i don't want to go to recess! let me stay,!" a little boy cried, all his peers had left except him. the tall man kneeled doen to eye level.

"why don't you want to go?" namjoon asked, wiping the boy's tears. the boy just cried and sobbed, shaking his head and mumbling, "i-i can't say"

he sat down with the boy, "you can tell me anything. it is my job to keep you safe" namjoon said, "i-i think i-i'm getting bullied"

namjoon frowned, "who's bullyying you? what are they doing to you?" he asked, "t-they call me mean names and they h-hit me and they try to shove the woodchips in my mouth" he cried, namjoon's heart broke in half.

"that's unacceptable on their behalf. who was it?" namjoon asked, the boy listed some names and was slumped in his seat, "you believe me?"

"of course" namjoon reassured, the boy sniffled, "thank you. can i spend my recess here?" the boy mumbled, namjoon nodded, "you can play woth the blocks or draw, i have to go to talk to mr.min" namjoon said, the little boy nodded.

namjoon headed over to yoongi's classroom, "can i talk to you about something? it's about bullying" the boy said, yoongi nodded, "mhm, what do you need help with?"

the tall boy told yoongi about what his student had said. yoongi listened attentively, he felt horrible.

"i came to you because you've been through this and i don't want to make the situation worse" namjoon said, yoongi nodded, "do his parents know?" the boy asked, namjoon shrugged.

"i don't know how to say this namjoon, but there's not a lot we can do unless his parents tell the principal. if you were to speak to his bullies, it wouldn't go well for the victim because the bullies would know that he told on them" yoongi said, namjoon frowned, "can i talk to him?" yoongi asked, namjoon nodded and they headed to namjoon's classroom.

"i'm mr.min" yoongi smiled, sitting across from the boy, "hi" the little boy said, " told me of some things that people are doing to you on the playground" yoongi said, the small boy nodded.

"i wanted to know, have you told your parents?" yoongi asked, "mama doesn't believe me" the boy said, "but i believe you. i went through a very similar thing and i know how scary it can be"

the little boy perked his head up, "did kids bully you too?" he asked, yoongi nodded, "they would do very mean things to me"

"like what?" the boy asked, "um, well, they made me lick toilets and they would hit me and call me mean names" yoongi softly spoke, "that's really mean!"

"i know and that's why i would hate for any student to go through bullying. what do you say you tell your mom what you told us and we want her to talk to the principal. i know talking to the principal can be really scary, but he's a nice person and he just wants things to get better" yoongi said, the little boy nodded.

"okay, i will tell mama that" he said, yoongi nodded, "you're so brave" the boy smiled.


do you want to go on a picnic after work??


of course!!

what type of food are we bringing??


you can bring what ever you want!!

the conversation i had with ur student made me feel :(( so i just want to get my mind off things and mr.min Where stories live. Discover now