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"oh wow, you made a lot of food" seokjin said, jimin was cooking for the other boy's parents. the smaller one nodded.

"i figured that if i made a lot of food, they'd spend more time chewing that criticizing me" he mumbled as he put salt in the food in front of him.

seokjin sadly smiled, "sorry, minnie" he said, "can you go buy some drinks? i only really have juice and water" jimin said, seokjin nodded, "i'll be quick"

jimin placed the food in the center of the table for seokjin's parents to choose from along with drinks and cups. the young couple sat across the older one.

the small boy felt too nervous to eat, he served himself a small portion and chewed slowly as he avoided making eye contact.

"how's your day, jimin?" seokjin's father spoke up, "it's been great, what about you?" he softly asked, scared to be too loud.

"my day is good" the man said and it went back to silent chewing, jimin's hands began shaking as he attempted to put food in his mouth.

"so how's your job?" the woman asked, "it's good, my students and i made homemade play doh yesterday" jimin said, his voice was shaking.

"seokjin, how do you expect me to not say things when he says ridiculous things like that?" the woman scoffed, jimin's bottom lip trembled. he had messed up again.

"what's so wrong about play doh?" seokjin mumbled, putting some food in his mouth. jimin took a sip from his water as he tried not to cry.

"he has a stupid job, i don't want my son to be with someone like that" she said, she proceeded to talk about how seokjin was too good for jimin and only got angrier by the second.

"he doesn't even care about you! i bet he didn't help you make this food!" the woman shouted at seokjin, "who said i made the food?" the son asked, jimin had his legs to his chest, rocking back and forth, praying to the universe to make everything stop.

he wasn't focused on anything around him. he was trying not to cry because it would only mess everything up.

"jimin made the food! he woke up at 6am to go to the store to buy ingredients for every single dish he could think about just to please you guys, especially you! you do not get to badmouth him! he has done everything in his power to make you satisfied and like always, you don't care!" seokjin shouted, his face red from how angry he was.

"there's no way he can make something like this!" the woman argued, seokjin's father stared at jimin who was rocking back and forth.

"why is he doing that?" seokjin's father asked. after a lot of thinking, he decided he wouldn't shame jimin anymore. he read several parenting articles and found that he and seokjin's mother judged all his partners so much that seokjin just stopped telling them. however, that wouldn't stop his wife's behavior.

seokjin sat next to him, ruffling his hair to get a response, "jimin?" he said, jimin didn't stop rocking back and forth. he wanted to scream, he wanted to be alone.

"i-i'm so sorry that i'm n-not good enough f-for your son" his wavering voice said, "i-i'm sorry a-about e-everything" he mumbled, more tears running down his cheeks.

seokjin wiped his tears, seokjin's mother stared. she didn't know what to do or say, she didn't even know if she was supposed to do something. and mr.min Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat