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yoongi watched as the twin siblings moved boxes from the apartment to the moving truck. the boy was sitting on the sidewalk whilst eating some cookies with chocolate on them.

"can you guys hurry up a bit? i'm getting really cold" he frowned, eunji huffed, "this would be a lot quicker if you did something other than sit on the sidewalk and eat! why don't you lift some boxes" she groaned, setting a box done on the concrete floor.

yoongi sniffled, "y-you're so mean" he cried into his hands, he would pull his knees to his chest, but his stomach was in the way, "nononono, please stop crying. namjoon is literally going to beat me up" she begged, the small boy cried more.

namjoon saw the small boy crying and the girl try to ease him, "what's going on?" he asked sitting next to his fiance, "nothing-"

"eunji is so mean" the boy cried, trying his best to explain the situation through his broken sobs. namjoon frowned hearing the boy.

"here are my hand warmers, i like that you're just sitting here and eating because you're growing my baby. i wouldn't want you to get hurt by lifting boxes" he said, yoongi took the hand warmers and put them on his thighs, "oh gosh, i'm going to throw up" eunji gagged, yoongi frowned, "do you see how mean she is?"

"eunji, apologize" namjoon said, leaning his head on yoongi's shoulder and looking at her, "fine, i'm sorry" she said, yoongi sniffled, "thanks, i would move boxes, but i don't want to hurt myself or the baby" he explained, namjoon kissed his forehead, "you just keep eating your cookies and we'll let you know whem we're done"

he nodded, scrolling through his phone and continuing to eat.


since yoongi hadn't moved any boxes, it was his job to help unpack with the twin siblings. yoongi sat on the floor with a pair of scissors that he slid through the boxes to open.

"oppa, are you still going to buy my medications?" eunji asked as they drank water, namjoon nodded, leaning back on a wall, "of course" he said, glancing at yoongi who was whining.

"i'm tired" he pouted, "we just worked two hours straight, let us breathe" eunji said, "well, i've been carrying this child for 5 months, let me breathe" he huffed, "well, blame namjoon, i didn't impregnate you" she defended herself, putting her hands up.

namjoon grabbed one of the boxes and the scissor from yoongi's hands and began opening them, "you guys whine too much" he said, eunji rolled her eyes, "not everyone was 16 working two jobs"

the tall boy hummed, "at least i was doing something with my life" he said, yoongi stared at them in shock, "both of you grew up in the same house, why are you judging eachother?" the small one frowned, "how else are we supposed to cope?" the girl asked.

yoongi hummed and shrugged, just letting the twins do their thing. he sat in front of namjoon, "rub my back, please" he said, namjoon positioned his hands, starting with the boy's lower back and working his way up.

"do you guys have any ideas for the nursery? if not, i have some cute inspo pictures" the girl said, "no, not really, but i know we have to get it set up soon" yoongi said, rubbing his stomach.

"what if you made it emo?" eunji proposed the idea, "are you crazy?" the tall man asked, "it'd be cute!"

"no, i don't want my child to be emo!" the small boy sniffled. everything made him cry. literally everything. it was unpreventable.

"oh my gosh, are you crying?"

"eunji, one more word from your mouth and i'll slap you" namjoon threatened, "chill, it was a joke. i actually have cute ideas" and mr.min Where stories live. Discover now