Be my girlfriend

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Jessica and Maggie were talking with a broker about the building they wanted to rent for their studio. Well Maggie had moved back into X country with her boyfriend for their business purpose.

-" See young ladies, the rent will be not reduced a little bit. If you can't afford it then don't buy it. "The broker.

-" Please sir, we really like this place and building. Just reduce the rent a little bit. " Jessica and Maggie pleaded.

The building was situated in a perfect place where it was close to the city as well as away from all that noise pollution. The decorations in the building and plants in the yard gave a feeling of home which attracted Jessica more.

-" Sorry to disappoint you. But the owner won't let it happen. " The broken mercilessly ignored the sad look of Jessica.

-'' Fine, we are ready to give you the agreed rent. " Jessica looked down dejectedly.

Now they have to raise more funds for their start up and she doesn't know how she is going to do it. If she wants she can buy the whole building in a second but Jessica doesn't want to use the name of her family and power of her parents. She just wants to make an identity without their help. She wanted them to be proud of herself.

-" Jessy, are you in your sense.? It's almost double our expected rent. " Maggie whispered near Jessica's ears.

-" Yeah. But we will find a way to raise funds." Jessica consoles Maggie even though she doesn't know how she will do it.

-" Great, then I will prepare the documents by next week. " The broker smiled before leaving.

-" He is surely killing us with heavy rent. We should find another place. " Maggie was still not happy with the huge rent.

-" But there won't be any good places like this. This place is worth it. " Jessica again got lost in her surroundings.

-" And what about funds.? We already took out a loan from the bank and we can't take it anymore. " Maggie reminded her friend.

-" I believe in God. He will surely show us a way out. " Jessica looked up at the sky as if she was praying to God.

But it looks like it was the devil who listened to her prayers. Because Jessica and Maggie saw two men in black dress walking to them with a cold expression on their face. They bowed down in front of Jessica.

-" May I know Who are you.? " Jessica was startled by the sudden entry of two men.

-" Miss, our master wants to meet you. "

-" Master..? Who is your master.? I don't know anyone. " Jessica

-" Miss, Mr. Miller wants to meet you. He asked us to bring you to his office. "

-" Lucy..?! ! " Jessica whispered. Somewhat she felt happy as Lucifer searched for her after coming back to X country.

-" Who is Lucy..? What do you have to do with her.? " Maggie  thought it's a girl, as Jessica called Lucy.

-" Nothing.. Nothing… I will handle it. You go back home. We will meet tomorrow. " Jessica assured Maggie and followed those men.

But those men let Jessica walk ahead of them as if she was their queen. Definitely she is soon gonna be their queen as she is already the angel of their devil boss.

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