His girlfriend

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Both Lucifer and Carlo were shocked for a moment. Is the girl really crazy..? How can she introduce herself as the girlfriend of the devil..? And Most importantly how can she think of a miserable life..? Being his girlfriend is not less than walking to a fire pit by herself…

Lucifer's face was becoming cold with each passing second which was also noticed by Renzo…

-" Looks like Lucifer didn't like the introduction as a boyfriend.. Is that so..? " Renzo looked at Lucifer.

Lucifer was just about to deny what Jessica had said but before he could do so she snaked her hands around his arms and leaned her head to his shoulder.

-" Don't mind him. We had a little argument on the way and he is still  angry with me. That's why he reacted like that. " Jessica

-" Oww…  you remind me of the old days.. " A Middle aged woman came near them and stood beside Renzo.

-" Love always has the same color and taste no matter in which century we live, isn't it Mrs. Renzo..? " Jessica asked excitedly

-" Absolutely.. Ohh.. I love your girlfriend. She is so cute and has a sweet mouth.. " Mrs. Renzo looked at Lucifer.

Lucifer wanted to say no and reveal the lies of Jessica but he also knows if he did so then Renzo will think he is cornering his girlfriend because of the fight as per mentioned by Jessica.

But at the same time he was wondering how a girl can lie so easily.! She is lying without any guilt and has been dragging him to her act. He never felt like this.. It was his first time he was forced by someone, especially by a girl and he can't do anything.. He never has been this much helpless.

-" Then we will have a talk after my business proposal, Mrs. Renzo. " Jessica

-" You are here for business..? Aren't you his girlfriend..?" Renzo knitted his brows.

-" Well I am.. But at the same time we are here to represent our own company and as an individual we are competing fairly. " Jessica explained. She already knew this question was coming so she prepared herself beforehand.

-" Lair.. " Lucifer mumbled. Even though Jessica heard him she acted deaf.

-" Then you can discuss the meeting after some tea. It's so cold outside. " Mrs. Renzo

When Renzo and his wife walked away Lucifer pushed Jessica away from him and wiped his hand where she touched..

-" Don't you dare, you crazy girl.. I feel disgusted.. " Lucifer was trying to keep his yell low so that others won't hear him.

-" I don't have any disease.. I will touch you again.. What will you do..? " Saying Jessica grabbed his hands in a sudden move.

Lucifer retrieved his hands hastily and washed it with sanitizer. Jessica looked at him amusingly. He is calling her crazy when actually he is the one crazy between them..

-" Are you Germaphobic..? " Jessica asked in concern.

-" Yes.. With a germ like you.. Carlo, keep her away from me.. If she gets close to me then you will get punished." Lucifer commanded and walked away.

-" Why is it always me..? When a devil like him can't control her then how will a pathetic man like me can handle her craziness..? " Carlo felt he had been wronged by his boss.

Jessica understood his misery and patted on his shoulder.

-" Don't worry brother. I will keep a distance from him but you also have to promise me that you will take me with you and drop me near the police station. " Jessica

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