Chapter 8

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It has been a week since Arthur woke up and was now back at being a lance, he was in a meeting right now. "Arthur, Caera, since you two are together to propose something to the both of you." Said Agrona with a gentle smile, Arthur and Caera blushed a little but listened.

"What might that be, High Sovereign?" Asked Caera as she got her composure back.

"The council thought it would be a good idea to add a class that would explain and prepare students if they want to become either adventurer or ascender." Said Virion, Arthur and Caera had both of their eyes glow wide by the possibility of making people want to go in dives or dungeons.

The council chuckled at their childish behavior except Blaine who now had little to no power. "Unfortunately for you Arthur, you will still be called to clean dungeons." Said Blaine with a grin, Arthur rolled his eyes and nodded. The rest of the council looked down in shame, even the gods did.

"And both of you are still to attend as Lance and Scythe. So what will be your answer?" Said Alduin, both Caera and Arthur looked at each other and nodded.

"We agree." They both said at the same time, the rest of the meeting went without a problem and led to Arthur and Caera departure from the Floating Castle to the Leywin.

Arthur and Caera made a gentle knock on the door which was followed by footsteps and the door opened revealing Alice and her motherly smile. "Arthur? Shouldn't you be resting? And good morning Caera." Said Alice.

"I'm ok mom, we are here just wanted to know if we could crash here before school starts. And if you're ever wandering, yes I'm only a part time Lance now." Said Arthur with a smile. Alice was on the verge of crying from hearing that her boy won't have to be hurt again, or at least for now.

"That's great news Art, and yes you can stay here as long as you wish, I'm sure we have a spare room for you, Caera." Said Alice with a big smile. Caera nodded while Arthur was a little down by the fact that he couldn't sleep with her again they would make too much noise.

Alice showed Caera where she would be sleeping while Arthur changed from his uniform to a more comfortable cloth, they had to go to the academy to see Cynthia and see their class before starting on their programme.

But before that Arthur had to pay a visit to Vincent, the idea of living with his family was great but the academy was a bit far and even if they could fly there he also wanted his own place to do whatever he wanted (to Caera).

He knocked on Caera's door and was surprised that Ellie opened the door, "What do you want, Brother?" Asked Ellie with narrowed eyes. Arthur put his hand on his sister's head and made her move out of the way. Caera laughed at the interaction and stood up from her bed.

"What's the matter Arthur?" Asked Caera with a teasing smile, Arthur melted inside but didn't let it be seen by them.

"I'm going to Uncle Vincent place before going to the Academy. Do you want to come with me?" Asked Arthur, Caera walked toward him and nodded. Ellie looked at the interaction still with narrowed eyes.

"Why do you need to see uncle Vincent? And is it true that you will be one of my teachers?" Asked Ellie almost as if she didn't want that to happen. Her school life was so much easier without Arthur around.

"I'm going to see if he knows someone who can sell me a house because I can't even be near Caera with mom so that's why I wanted to move from this lovely house. And yes, I will be your teacher but there's also Caera so I won't beat you up or make you look bad in front of your classmates" Explained Arthur, Ellie nodded, understanding what her brother truly want.

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