chapter 4

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It's been 4 day since the pool day, the council had meeting after announcing to Dicathen about Alacrya, Arthur was sent to the beast glades for many dungeons inspection, the human king ordered that and he couldn't do anything about it, he hadn't sleep in 3 days since it's too dangerous to sleep in this part of the beast glade where anomaly beast are.

Those anomalies are beasts that have mutated by eating too many S or SS class beasts that even Blaze had difficulties with so it's better to just run away. He was finally coming back to the castle where he collapsed to the ground. They may have used the term inspection but in reality it was wiping out the dungeons all by themselves.

He even injured himself while doing so, anomalies are no joke. Blaze wasn't as worn out as him though she changed into a medium size of her true form and picked her papa from the ground and was walking toward the medical office.

Once inside, doctors took Arthur in while Blaze was waiting close to the door. After 2 hours Arthur woke up and had many fractured and broken bones. He had bandages on the left arm, ribs, legs, left shoulder and head.

Blaze helped him walk to his destination which was the council meeting room. He opened the door with great difficulty and looked up to see all the Queen and Kings who had been shocked to see him in this state.

Only one scythe but all 6 Lances, his legs finally gave out but Caera was here to help him up.

"Are you ok?" She asked with worry, he gave her a small smile before trying one more time to stand up on his own.

"I-I can't, mind giving me a hand on this?" Asked Arthur, Caera nodded and helped him on Blaze's back. Caera returned to her position and excused herself for her behavior but the king and queen said it was ok and that she did the good thing.

"I apologized for my state, I'll make this report quickly since I don't know how much more I can stay conscious with all this pain." he said, the council obviously looked worried for him and nodded, pressing him to finish.

"We investigated all the dungeons that we were tasked to clean up. But as you can see, it wasn't an easy task, the last one was the strongest anomaly we ever faced. Blaze wasn't in her best element so she couldn't do much without destroying the ecosystem inside the dungeon, which we try to avoid at all cost if you ever asked King and Queen Vritra. We managed to take all the beast cores but I used the S and SS class core to heal my wound or Blaze's wound. But my mission is accomplished." explained Arthur, his expression was getting worse by the second.

"You did great Arthur, Blaze please take care of him. You guys deserve a rest." Said Virion, Arthur and Blaze nodded before leaving for his room in the medical office where he could let darkness take over him.

"Everyone, I think we have to stop relaying everything on Arthur and Blaze. The boy is not even 18 and he already has too much on his back." Said Virion, the other council members nodded but not the Dwarves and Blaine.

"What? He is not even an adult?" Exclaimed Caera before she placed a hand on her mouth and bowed in an apologetic way.

"But he does everything we ask him, it would be a waste." Said Dawsid, Caera's blood was starting to boil.

"I agree, we need him for those missions, the beast glades are becoming more and more dangerous, and the cores he brings us are way too valuable to just let it." Said Glaudera. This time it was the Eralith blood that started to boil.

"And his bond will become stronger in the future and so will he. The more he goes into those dungeons the stronger he will get." Said Blaine, he wasn't wrong in a sense but it was still too much to ask him.

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