Chapter 5

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3 Days passed since Arthur returned and he was healed up nicely since Sylvie knew Vivum aether art, she was able to heal Arthur at breakneck speed even if the soreness was still present. She felt super happy to have helped him and he thanked her a lot.

The royal families, Lances and Scythes were present at the teleportation gate. Today they will announce to Alacrya of Dicathen royal, trade, school and culture etc. Arthur was running late since he was picking Ellie so he had to go back to his parents house and was now almost at the gates.

"We should invest in the sister too, she would make another incredible Lance." Said Blaine, The Dwarves nodded while the rest of the council was looking at them weirdly.

"Why do you suggest that Blaine?" Asked Merial. Blaine looked in her direction before pointing to Ellie and Arthur who were coming.

"She has the same potential as her brother, if not more. She could be useful to our continents." Explained Blaine, he was trying to get Agrona and Sylvia on his side but of course it didn't work, plus Arthur was already beside them and heard that.

"No. She will do what she wants to do. I think we already talked about that, Blaine." Said Arthur in a cold manner. He didn't show it but he was still in pain from his mission and was supporting himself with mana, this didn't go unnoticed by Sylvia and Agrona.

Blaine and the Dwarves all clicked their tongues while Ellie was hiding behind her brother, she didn't like how these old people were looking at her. She also didn't want to be a Lance, an adventurer if possible or try a relictomb with Arthur and see which she wants to do.

"Ok, let's get going." Said Agrona as he passed through the portal.

On the other side they were welcomed by many cheers from the huge crowd present at Cardigan (central academy), the royal families walked to be in front of every Alacryan there. They were pretty happy and relieved to see that they were not monsters or something like that.

Agrona made a speech for Dicathen, and Virion followed the movement by giving his own speech saying that Dicathen will be more than happy to trade, and or exchange students. He also explained how they did not call themselves by blood but just with their family names, he explained the magic system and how they had dungeons instead of relictombs and so on. They presented the Lances, many recognised Arthur from the Victoriad and apologized for that once again.

The royal children were also shown like that people would know not to mess with them. Once it was finished they all went to Taegrin Caelum where they could all settle down. Ellie was super excited to discover the new continent, since she was on vacation from school.

Ellie asked Arthur and Blaze if they could explore the castle and he agreed. They started to look around when they ended up in a garden, while they were pretty high up like the Floating Castle it was rather cold here between the mountains.

"Come on brother, are you old or what?" Asked Ellie as she and Blaze laugh at his slow space.

"You little...You know that I'm still injured, right?" He asked with a vein on his forehead. Ellie and Blaze stick out their tongues which made Arthur even angrier. Caera was watching the garden since her room was posted in front of it.

She saw Arthur running after Ellie but it was clear that he was still in pain and had difficulties catching his breath. She opened the window and felt the cold air brush against her skin and smiled, she does love the cold but not too cold.

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