Chapter 3

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Here we are at the Leywin's house, it wasn't big or small but a comfortable house if you asked me. Arthur knocked on the door and waited for less than 30 seconds before the door opened and three people came crashing into him.




"Hi guys, I'm home." said Arthur, a heartwarming moment that could be found in epic adventure stories or things like that.

They separated from the group hug and they finally saw us. "Good morning, Tessia, Kathyln and Curtis you can go inside. You two must be Caera and you are princess Sylvie. Am I right?" Asked the presumed mother of Arthur, we walked closer to her and nodded.

"Yes, this is Princess Sylvie and I'm Caera." I said, his mother nodded and showed us the inside. While the place looked normal from the outside the house was actually bigger than I thought and had a huge garden.

Arthur went to change for a swimsuit while with his little sister following him everywhere just to make sure he doesn't go away again.

We were now changing with the other princesses and they were all staring at my chest. "W-What is it?" I asked, hiding my chest with a hand.

"What did you eat to have such a big pair of breasts?" Asked Kathyln while the others nodded.

"Oh...I don't know...I guess I was just lucky because my mother doesn't have much. B-But look, you are all beautiful in your own way. Tessia has a nice curve too, and gorgeous eyes. K-Kathyln has this reserved personality that attracts a lot of people. And Sylvie is just way too cute, plus for an asura you are just a baby." I explained or defended myself and this seemed to cheer them up.

We finished changing and went down stairs only to see Arthur with a shirt and blue swimming trunks with Eleanor on his shoulders,she was wearing a swimming trunks too but had a swimming bra and Curtis (swimming trunks too) was laughing at him with his sister. They're was now 5 other people at the entrance. They all hugged Arthur in a group hug and even though he didn't look like he wanted to show it he looked happy.

We were now beside them and we introduced ourselves. The big one was Theodore, the red haired girl was Claire, the handsome normal looking guy was Elijah and lastly a girl who looked pretty beautiful, her name is Lilia.

"Arthur, you have to stop bringing princesses to your house or just noble women." Joked Elijah, Arthur sent him a death glare while his other friend just laughed.

"You can always go home if you don't like it." Said Arthur with a smirk, Elijah visibly shrink a little making me laugh.

"Anyway, those who just arrived got change if you're not ready otherwise let's go." he said as lead the way to the backyard. I was still confused about what the princesses said so I put a shirt on top of my two piece suite.

Once in the backyard every look at the beautiful garden but something wasn't right. There was a little mountain with lava inside.

"Blaze! I already told you to do that somewhere else! You are ruining my garden!" Yelled Arthur's mother, we all laughed when we saw Blaze coming out of the hot lava and making it disappear as if nothing was there before.

"I'm sorry." She said while looking down, Alice hugged the little drake.

"It's ok but ask next time ok?" She said, the little drake nodded.

"Ok, everyone, let's go to the pool!" Yelled Tessia as she took all of us with plant magic and dragged us to the huge pool. We were all in the pool. Now the temperature was great, not that it mattered but it was relaxing.

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