Chapter 7

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Arthur pov:

It's been 5 days since we went to the Beast glades, the monster that killed all those s class adventurers was pretty damn toff, a black horned snake that had this rotten aura around him. The snake could be mistaken as an Hadees Serpent but no, this one had one head, spikes coming out of his body, and black blood coming out of each spike. turned out the blood was poisonous, Blaze was hurt pretty badly by it but we managed to get rid of it.

I wasn't able to take the corpse since it dissolved itself, he had a protective layer when it was alive but once that day it doesn't maintain it so he dissolved itself, I named it the 'Acidic Titanoboa' even Blaze thought it was an actual good name. I let Blaze have it's core, hope she gets an immunity to those acid beasts. I classed the snake at S+ class, upon seeing it run as far away as possible and contact the guild.

We managed to clean 3 dungeons, today we got rid of the last one. We had a nice sleep before since we were already exhausted by the three dungeons. My body ached from everywhere.

Blaze wasn't in any better shape, sure she was able to heal really fast but she was tired and it was obvious by her lack of concentration. We were now in front of the dungeon, the air coming out of it was hot which is usually a good sign for us. Blaze power goes high when in a fire environment she can create one anywhere like the lava pool at my house but she doesn't do it since she could destroy a huge landscape.

I started to sprint inside with Blaze following me. The first few beasts were A class and were scared of Blaze so we passed by them without worry. After an hour or so we made it to the third floor. The dungeon usually had 6 floors which meant we were in the middle of the dive.

"Let's take 15 minutes of rest, gather mana because we are starting to see some S classes, we are not that deep yet and the level is already high." I sent it to Blaze, she nodded and curled around me so I could rest too.

After 15 minutes I stood up and looked around, I sensed no beast near us. "Come on Blaze, let's get moving." I said.

"Ok papa." She walked ahead of me this time, her senses are better than mine so it's logical that she goes first.

"S classes in front of us, get ready." She said, I nodded mentally and took out my blade, I coated it in ice and walked alongside Blaze. We killed everything in our passage, I took every corpse and beast cores in each ring that I had. It took us four hours to get to the bottom of the dungeon, but now that we know the road Blaze will simply dig a hole straight to the exit.

"Let's take a break, no need to rush plus we are already pretty worn out." I said as I sat down, my clothes were bloodied, I took a lot of hits today, the monsters are really strong here. Even if I hit the integration stages I don't think I'll be able to go in those dungeons without injuries.

The dungeon is pretty much whipped out by us, only the boss is left. We slept for an hour before standing up again. I felt the terrifying aura coming from the inside of the room, "Blaze, I have a bad feeling about this one. If you think it's too dangerous you get us out of here ok?" I asked my bond, she nodded.

"Let's go." I pushed the doors open revealing a huge chamber with lava on the edges. I looked around scanning the zone but in the corner of my eyes I saw something.

I saw a humanoid beast that looked quite literally like a demon, red horns and flames coming out of his head, a skinny frame and an overwhelming presence, I gulped down and ready myself for the fight. I launched a condensed Ice spear and helped with wind to make it go faster.

I watched the spear coming closer and closer to the beast but it broke on impact. My spear, capable of making almost every beast in the lands of the gods, can't do anything to this thing.

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