Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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You laid in your bed and stared at your roof. A lot has transpired recently. More than you'd like. You preferred things to be more simple and easy going, but things have shaken up a bit with K/DA. It was still weird being in contact with your ex again after so long. It felt almost nostalgic yet sickening. You had no idea why you were playing along.


You were playing along for her, though she didn't ask you to. You just felt it to be your responsibility. You didn't want her to get screwed over because if some personal history you had with the band. Group? Whatever. It didn't matter. What mattered was you were now pulled into this vortex that was the entertainment industry.

But, uh, Evelynn was pretty hot.

You couldn't deny that K/DA was a group of beautiful women. It was crazy to think that you had once dated someone who was now a household name. Still not as cool as Santa, but people knew her. And you dated her. And you slept with her. And you loved her.

It kinda hurt. But it also didn't.

You had fond memories but that time was over. Your future was here now and you needed to focus on it. And said future was knocking on your door.

You sat up and looked at your door, spotting a shadow under it.

Y/N: Come in.

The door opened a bit and Seraphine peeked in. She was wearing her pajamas and her fuzzy slippers that you and Ezreal always gave her so much shit for. You really hated seeing her like a woman sometimes. It made it a bit harder to just treat her like a roommate.

It was clear that the attraction was there for the both of you. You didn't know what to do with it, however. She was younger than you by a few years, and you felt awkward at the prospect. Shouldn't you just see her as a kind of younger sister?

Seraphine: Hey.

Y/N: Hey.

She entered your room and closed the door behind her. You sat up even more, choosing not to look too relaxed as to not make things weird. She approached the bed and took a seat.

Seraphine: I'm sorry I never really asked before, but are you okay?

You raised a brow in confusion. She then gestured to her shirt, which you noticed was K/DA themed. You just let out a chuckle.

Y/N: If it's about Eve...Evelynn, then yeah. I'm okay.

Seraphine: Are you sure? Because I know you two have history and...

You placed a hand on hers, which just so happened to be on her lap, and smiled.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry about me.

You pulled your hand away.

Y/N: Focus on your path forward. That's what me and Ezreal always told you and we meant it.

Seraphine smiled. She always cared for you and Ezreal. The two of you really were like family to her, but she wasn't a fool. You were a handsome guy, and you were kind. You really cared deeply for your loved ones. It was easy to be a bit attracted to you. Maybe more than a bit.

Having lived with you for a while, she found herself holding most men against you. You were the golden standard. Respectful, kind, caring, selfless,

She looked at you for a second, but a second was all she needed. Your hair was just the perfect length. Not long enough to touch your shoulders but reaching the nape of your neck. Your eyes were just the right shade of E/C. Your smile was enough to make her legs weak. She hated it, but mostly because she felt things she shouldn't feel when she saw you.

The attraction was there.

Y/N: Besides, you worked hard for this. You should just be enjoying this.

Seraphine: Yeah, but I just don't want things to be weird. She might come around more if I do work with them.

You were aware of this. You already prepared mentally for it. Besides, you would be going to the charity event anyway.

Y/N: Hey, speaking of which, have you found an outfit for that party? Do we wanna match?

Seraphine suddenly lit up.

Seraphine: Absolutely! We have to look like the best couple there.

She immediately dropped into planning for your outfit, though you knew she didn't mean it, you couldn't help but linger on the couple comment. It felt a bit weird having her compare your relationship to that of a romantic one. Still, you couldn't help but want to push her against your blankets and kiss her. To feel her soft lips on yours and finally embrace those bubbling emotions.

But that was what got you into trouble before. You and Evelynn were just friends too. Then you made that first move and it wasn't even a year until you were both whispering each other's names as skin met skin. Her "claws" dug into your back while your teeth sank into her shoulder. Nights spent moving and days spent sleeping.

Dates were the two of you spending time together and exploring each other interests and learning more about each other. You remembered driving her around and showing her the sights of the city you called home. She would take you to experience the "finer things" that you both could afford. Usually window shopping. You began to wonder if she ever went back and bought some of the dresses you both expressed interest in. She had the money to, but you didn't know if they were now beneath her.

Seraphine's words were almost muted to you now. You just watched her. Your stomach was turning slowly and you felt the sad sense of nostalgia. Almost like you were back in the day where you and Evelynn sat on your bed. Barely clothed, in your small apartment, the smell of summer in the air and the comfort of each other as you talked about your futures.

Did you really miss those days? Or was it that you missed what they stood for? Was it the company or the emotion? All those times you told Evelynn you loved her, did you really mean it? You couldn't remember what future you saw with her, if you even saw one. Did you? You hated thinking about it.

Seraphine: Y/N?

You looked up and realized a tear was running down your cheek. You quickly wiped it, realizing you didn't want her to see it. But it was too late. She always saw the sorrow that you had let build for far too long. If you had any faults, it was your suppression of emotion. You never let anyone in.

She knew better than to push. So, she gave you a sudden hug and stood up.

Seraphine: We can talk about it later. You look tired.

You were.

Seraphine: Night.

You returned the gesture and watched as she left. Once the door was closed again, you were alone. Always alone.

You let out a sigh and laid back down.

God, this sucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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