Birds Of A Feather

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Piltover was a town filled with brilliant minds. People from all across the world came here to study and learn and embrace the future. Dreamers of every kind.

People who wanted to make the world a better place and shape history itself. These are the pioneers who would go and invent many things that will surely be used for great things.

Then, there was you and Ezreal.

Y/N: To the left!

Ezreal: I am going to the left!

Y/N: My left, you cunt!

Ezreal: Why didn't you say that?!

Y/N: It was implied!

You and Ezreal carried the large crate through the warehouse carefully. It was filled with valuable and delicate findings from your last expedition after all.

A massive payload for sure.

Y/N: Okay. Set it down nice and easy.

Ezreal: Okay. Okay. Easy does it.

You both slowly set the crate down until it was touching the floor. You pulled your arms away and took a step back. The whole thing was probably about as tall as you were. Ezreal walked around to your side and dusted his hands off by slapping them together. You just rubbed your hands against the sides if your pants.

Ezreal: Look at that. Teamwork does make the dream work.

You side-eyed him while he crossed his arms with that goofy smile of his. You did most of the work since he was off trying to score a date with that Lux girl who worked at the same coffee shop as Sera. He only came in for the last crate.

Also the biggest.

You hit his shoulder, earning a complaint, and then walked back towards the entrance.

The university had people to move this stuff around, but after one of the vases you brought back from an expedition in Ixtal ended up breaking, you decided to handle things yourself.

Especially for this set of findings. They came from Shurima and you would tussle with whoever managed to fuck that one up.

But your job here was officially done. Well, until the next trip came up. Whenever that would be.

Heimerdinger: Oh, you boys are already done.

You looked left, then down to see the Dean of the university appoching the two of you. Your patron, if you will.

Y/N: Good morning, Heimerdinger. Good to see none of your students stepped on you yet.

Heimerdinger: Good morning, Y/N. Good to see your smoking hasn't killed you yet.

Y/N: Ahh. You know it'll more than that to bring me down.

You pointed at him with a massive smile. You and the Dean had a good relationship. Mostly because he stepped back and let you and Ezreal work the way you wanted to. Within safety regulations, that is.

Plus, you used to be a student here not too long ago.

Heimerdinger: Thank you for coming in yourself. It's always nice to see how my former students are doing.

Ezreal: Well, we're still alive.

Heimerdinger: I can see that. Your payment should already have been wired to your accounts. Thank you once again for your hard work, gentlemen.

You pulled out your phone to look at your bank app. You smiled when you saw that great green number.

Y/N: It's a pleasure, sir.

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