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The Beginning

 My eyes scan the book before me, entranced by the intricate designs covering it. I stare confused on why it's sitting in front of me in the first place. Suddenly my ears pick up on a ticking noise, except I don't just hear it, I can feel it, where is it coming from? I focus my eyes back on the book, ignoring the warning signs my hand reaches forward. The noise getting louder as my hand gets closer. 

The moment my finger tips touch the book it's gone and I wake up in a cold sweat, my hands shake as my body calms down from the shock. Once I get my breathing under control I manage to get a good look around my new bedroom. Out of reflex I smack my alarm clock, realizing it was the ticking sound I was hearing in my dream.

 I groan frustratedly, "Why am I weird" I ask myself, slumping back against my bed, only to be met with the disturbingly cute face of my calico cat. "Heyyy baby" I mumble affectionately, wasting no time in showering her with love as she purrs in response.

 Looking at the time, I suddenly remember I am a human being and that it is in fact the worst day of the week. "Monday... oh shit Monday!!" Shooting out from my bed, scaring Boo in the process, I rush to get the clothes I laid out beforehand. Running out of my room in a panic towards the kitchen, grabbing myself cereal for breakfast.

I live by myself in a small apartment, that so happens to have a great view of the Eiffel Tower, Paris's jewel. My apartment is paid for by the same system that brings me to Paris in the first place. 

Today is the day my school exchange program officially starts, is it dangerous leaving a 15 year old girl by herself in completely new territory? Yeah for sure. Did they still let me go? I wouldn't be here otherwise.

 I smile as I think about the irony of staying here. But my mind clouds as I think about how awkward it will be to meet new people, specifically teenagers. I shudder at the thought. Breathing deeply I ignore this feeling of anxiety and finish my meal, and with one last goodbye kiss to Boo, I walk out to the nearest bus stop. Admiring the beautiful architecture on the way to my new school.

 Taking one last deep breathe, I step off the bus and walk towards the entrance. Stopping just before the stairs, I look up at the beautiful school. Giving a few more encouraging words to myself, I take the first step forward. My new life begins now. 

Reading in between the lines

The book in your dreams is the Miraculous book

Y/N is an awkward teenager

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