24. Looking For Charming

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"Have you seen a black bunny hopping through here?" asked Amethyst as she stood in front of a street food vendor.

She didn't know how long she had been looking. All she knew was that it had been for a while. The sun had just been starting to set when she had left, but now it had fully disappeared. The air had also taken on a bit of a chill without the sun. She wished that she had grabbed a coat on her way out of the apartment, but she hadn't been expecting to leave. She hadn't been expecting to do anything too strenuous today. This was supposed to be her sick day and now here she was looking all about for her bunny. Now she more than likely would get sick. How ironic.

"I'm sorry, miss," said the vendor as he looked at her. "I haven't seen a bunny anywhere."

"Well, thank you anyway," said Amethyst as she moved to step away.

As she turned around, she almost collided with the person that was standing behind her. The person behind her was dressed up in a way that completely disguised themselves. She had no way of identifying them unless she reached out and ripped off their hood, beanie, sunglasses and face mask.

"Sorry," she said as she started to try and move around him.

"Are you looking for a bunny?" he suddenly asked, making her come to a stand still.

She turned to look at him as her face filled with hope. Perhaps he had found her lost Charming.

"Yes. Do you know where he is?"

"No, but I can help you look for him."

"And you are?"

"Your new neighbor," Junho said simply. "At least one of them. I saw you tear past us after the bunny so I came to help."

"So you've been following me?"

"Yes. I..."

"Creep," she said as he brushed past him.

'So this is one of the people that Ruby had invited to dinner. Lovely company,' thought Amethyst as she started the search for Charming again. 'For all Ruby knows they could be killers. They certainly know how to stalk.'

Junho sighed as he turned his head to see Amethyst walking off. This was a wonderful first impression. This was starting off spectacularly. He moved to follow after her.

"You are not my shadow so you better not be following me like one or I'm calling the police," said Amethyst without turning around.

"The police?"

"Or I'll beat you up myself," threatened Amethyst.

She really wasn't in the mood to deal with some creepy neighbor. After all - if he wanted to help - he would have come up to her sooner instead of trailing along behind her.

"Why am I a creep?" Junho asked.

"Because you've been following me this entire time instead of announcing to me that you're there and you're there to help!"

"Well, I was going to. You were just so fast it took me some time to find you let alone catch up with you," explained Junho as he continued to follow after her.


"It's the truth!"

"Ha!" said Amethyst again as she stopped on the sidewalk, turning to see that Junho was just a few steps behind her. "Stop following me!"

Amethyst hated that - as she stood there - she started to shiver. She didn't want to appear weak in front of him. However, the night had gotten colder - and on top of that - the tears of despair at losing Charming were finally beginning to overwhelm her. Cold, crystal like tears slid down her cheeks as she wrapped her arms about herself. She turned her head aside as if hoping that Charming would hop back into her arms out of the darkness.

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