Joe kept hitting Michael with the belt. Rest of the family was scared to do anything to help Michael because of fear of Joseph's anger. Eddie was enjoying everything from a safe distance. Joseph ask

Joe - Say the truth

Michael scream in pain and say

Michael - Yes, I'm gay

Joe got even more angry and was about to hit Michael but was stopped by Katherine standing in front of Michael and she say

Katherine - No Joe, please don't hit him anymore

Joseph - Katy get out of the way

Kate - No Joe

Joe - Katie, I said get out of the way in between me and Michael

Katherine - No Joseph please don't.

Joseph - KATHERINE (angrily 😡)

Tito - Dad please stop this.... He told you he is gay, more than this what do you want!

Joe see Tito angrily and say

Joseph - I did not raise you boys to be a faggot

Tito - Dad, Michael is not a faggot

Joe - How do you say that?

Tito - A faggot is someone who is coward and not brave enough to accept that he is gay to his own family and that person is Eddie not Michael.... Michael has cleaned Edward's dirt because of Eddie only Taj got kidnapped on that trip

Michael and Eddie see Tito shocked 😲 and they see each other. Joseph ask

Joe - How do you know about that? (🤨)

Tito - Taj told me, he only told me that Michael is gay and he also said that Eddie has tried to do stuffs with him whenever he was alone with Eddie.

Joseph - You know everything and you did not tell me

La Toya - Not only him.... I and Janet also know about it

Joe see Janet and La Toya a bit shocked 😲. Joseph see his wife and ask

Joe - And you also know about it too?

Kate - Just few years ago I came to know that Michael is gay

Joseph - What else do you know about him (seeing Michael) that you did not tell me? (seeing Katherine)

Kate - Promise me that you won't hit Michael

Joseph breaths heavily to calm himself and say

Joe - Fine, (sighs heavily) I won't do anything to him.... Let us go to the kitchen

They all went to the kitchen and sit in their place. Joe say

Joseph - Now tell me everything but I only want to hear the truth (seeing Kate)

Katherine breath heavily and say

Kate - After Michael was born, I came to know that he can get pregnant so I did not tell you about it. I always feared you shouldn't find out about it because I knew you would treat him differently which I didn't want.

Joseph - Why you did not tell me about it before?

Katherine - I did not want you to give Michael away

Joe - It's up to you kids to accept or not accept your brother (seeing rest of the Jackson siblings)

There was silence for a while and Rebbie say

Rebbie - It is hard to believe it but at the end of day he is my little brother so.... I accept him

Jermaine - I don't mind anything as long as, Michael is Michael

Jackie - It is hard to accept that you are gay (seeing Michael) but you and our family is fine with it then I'm cool

Randy - Mike does this mean that you dress like a girl?

Michael - Not much

Marlon - So you do dress up and wear make up like a girl

Michael - Sometimes

Jermaine - This means I got bonus

Janet - What do you mean by that? (🤨)

Jermain - I got different type of clients recently so I could use Mikey for the clothes fitting

Michael - I don't want to do it

Jermaine - I will pay you good and no one will know you are my brother

Michael - No thanks

Randy - Jermaine can I take that job please? (excitedly)

Jermaine - Yes you can, (nodes his head) but you won't get paid

Randy - Why I won't get paid?

Jermaine - I need a gay's point of view not a guy's point of view (teasingly taunts)

La Toya - Mike take the money and do it, I, Janet, Rebbie and Prince will be the judges for you and the clothes

Rebbie - If you want we will drag mom too

Michael - I will think about it

Marlon - I don't mind it

Randy - Me too

Kate see Joseph and Joe say

Joseph - We don't need to tell anyone about this to our relatives and friends

Kate - Okay (nodes her head)

Joe got up and was going to his room. Katherine ask

Katherine - Joseph do you accept Michael?

Joseph stopped at the entrance of the kitchen and see his family and say

Joseph - I understand why you did not tell me (seeing Kate) but I remind you that he is my son too so I think lots of times before I do anything. I may use harsh words but remember that I am preparing them for the hard world outside of the house when they leave us. (seriously)

Joseph went to his room and Randy ask

Randy - What was his answer? (confused 😕)

Michael - I got what he meant. I'm going to my room

In Joseph and Katherine's room, Kate enter the room and see Joe drinking whiskey and she ask

Katherine - Joseph are you mad at me? (hesitate tone)

Joe shakes his head and drinks some whiskey 🥃 and see her and say

Joe - I'm just disappointed that you thought that I would think and give away our son. (drinking the whiskey 🥃) I feel like a failure as husband that you did not trust me to tell me something important like that.... I would only do anything after I know it would help us, our kids and our family.... (breathes and sighs heavily with heavy heart) I understand your place as mother but I remind you that I am his father and I also love and care about Michael. Just make sure no one in the relatives comes to know about it

Kate - Ok.... I'm worrying about Prince (worried tone)

Joe - I'm worried too, (worried tone) John is worster than me. He won't spare that boy until he accepts that he is not gay

Katherine - Can we keep him with us?

Joseph - No. (shakes his head while drinking his whiskey 🥃) John won't let us live in peace. You don't know him like I do.... It will be miracle if that boy survives tonight

They both see the Nelson house.


How Prince will manage his dad? Will John will accept Prince just the way he is or will he change Prince?.... Do you guys have any guesses 🤔!


Sorry for the spelling mistakes, grammar and typing errors

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