Chapter 5

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   I don't know how long we sat there like that, but all of a sudden we heard a gentle knock on the door and as it opened my mom's head peeped through.

   "You're both awake early," she said, we both let go of each other.

   "Yeah," we both answered in unison. "So what are you two up to this fine morning?"

   "Just woke up," I said, rubbing the remaining sleep out of my eyes. Damn! I'd just given myself away; my mom was going to kill me for sure. Maybe she didn't notice the truth behind what I had said. I saw the snap of realisation in her eyes.

   "You slept in here?" she asked, looking rather confused.

   "Urm...well you see we wer-"

   My rambling was cut off by Aiden, "Well last night we were playing Uno and Cassie fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her, so I let her sleep on my bed." he explained.

   "But where did you sleep? Surely you didn't sleep on the floor?"

   "Yeah, I don't mind." he said, smiling a bit.

   "Oh you poor boy. Is your back okay?" she fretted over him. "You should have just woke her up, poked her or something. Goodness are you sure your back is alright?" I was actually quite offended that my mother would suggest someone poking me in order to wake me up.

   "I'm fine," he reassured her. As she left the room he turned to me and smiled. "Haha, I should have thought of that at the time. Next time I'll know just how to wake you." I picked up a pillow and hit him over the head.

   "You're such an idiot! Did you know that?" I asked, annoyed at him.

   "Haha but you love me for it."

   "Yeah...right!" I said sarcastically. "Where'd you get that twisted idea?"

   "Idea? I'm pretty sure it's a fact." He was smiling now.

   "Yeah, in your dreams," I muttered.

   "Well dreams must be coming true."

   "Really? In your dream did you ever see the part where I kick you?"

   "," he was confused by now.

   "Somewhere where it's gonna really hurt." he caught on and backed away from me.

   "Thought not," I said simply, got up and walked out of his room. Haha I wish I caught his face on camera as he backed away.

   I was sitting in my room, in fact I had been all day. I was extremely bored, my best friend had gone to England for the holidays and everyone else was busy with their family etc. I only lived with my mom and the rest of our family lived out of the state, and we only really went to see them at times such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, so we probably wouldn't be going to visit them this summer. Aiden’s mom was out of town at least till the end of the summer holidays, so I was stuck with him.

   I saw the door open slightly and through the crack I could see Aiden peeking in. "You know I can see you Aiden," I stated. He opened the door wider to reveal himself.

   "Damn! All those years of secret ninja training for nothing," he joked. I couldn't help but laugh. He came and sat down on my bed. "So...I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe do something?"

   "Urm Okay then. Where do you want to go?"

   "Uh, how about the cinema? Do you know what's on?"

   "Kewl, I'm not sure. We can decide when we get there. He agreed and we made our way to the cinema. We had another small argument when he wouldn't let me pay for anything. Finally I gave in, mainly because of the weird looks we were receiving from strangers. We ended up seeing New Moon. We had both seen it before, so we talked through half of it.

   Halfway through the movie I felt Aiden rest his arm across the back of my seat. I looked up at him and gave him a questioning look.

   “What?” he asked; a smile on his face. “My arms ache.”

   “You touch me and I’ll chop your arms off and throw them in the sea for all of the lobsters to snip away at your raw flesh.” He was smirking by now.

   “Is that a threat?”


   “Well when you put it like that...” he moved his arm around me, hugging me. He pulled me in towards him.

   “Get off me,” I whisper shouted, trying to unclasp myself from his grip. It was no use; he just tightened his arms around me.

   “You really want me to let go?” he asked me, his breath tickling my ear. Shivers were sent shooting down my spine. I have to admit, his arms did feel quite comfortable around me. What am I saying? I could never let him know that! I would literally die!

   “Yes please,” I begged.

   “If I let go of you, what do I get out of it?”

   “Well how about, if you let go of me, I won’t throw all of your stuff out the window when we get back.”

   “Awh, you’re so harsh,” he whined. “What if I wanted to hug you? I have feelings too you know.”

   “Oh, I’m sorry; I never considered that,” I stated, sarcastically. “I never thought that you could have feelings if you didn’t have a heart.”

   He instantly let go of me. “I have a heart!” he stated.

   “Then how comes you never seem to use it? I mean, you’ve been mean to me my entire life and you don’t seem to warm to people very easily.”

   “That’s not true; I can and do use it. And I do warm to people!” He seemed to look a little hurt.

   “Fine then, prove it. I bet you that all day tomorrow you couldn’t be extremely kind and caring. I don’t believe that you can do it, but if you want me to believe you then I’ll suppose you’ll have to.”

   “What if I win?” he asked.

   “If you win...Which you won’t, then...I will give you a hug whenever you want. If I win, which I will, then...You have to...” I couldn’t think of anything and then I remembered. “Tell me the name of the girl who you’re crushing on.”

   A look of horror took over his face as the last few words came from my mouth. He thought it over for a while. “Deal!” he finally agreed. Now just to wait until tomorrow and I will find out who he likes. There’s no way I’m gonna lose this bet.


I just wanted to say that if you're reading this then thank you, I am uploading it as I have previously written it on quizilla and mibba. I do hope that you like it (:

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