Chapter Sixty-Five : Heaven

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"Guess you were right. As usual." Grumbled Sebastian as I sat the funeral invite on the table.
Today was the twentieth of February, the day from my vision. Both my cousin and brother had shrugged at the news with Ruby's mumble of "good." And she continued happily with her porridge.

"Will you go?" I asked keeping my gaze on Ominis for any hint of relief. Now grandmother was dead surely his feeling of impending doom had left him? I couldn't tell from his measured expression.

"I won't be, no. No one will mind. Not as if my father will be allowed to attend anyway, besides I'll just say I've got to study. I suggest you do the same Ruby."

She nodded into her breakfast, while everyone else has some sort of text book open, she was flicking through Witch Weekly.

"Do you think you should be revising, instead of reading ...what even is it?" Sebastain frowned snatching the magazine from her pale hands.

"'What a Wizard wants : how to bewitch your man.' Really?" He smirked tossing it back at her.

"Not all of us have an active sex life." She spat returning to her magazine. Ominis held a pale hand up dramatically.

"Please, I don't want to hear of my sister and my best mates sex lives, I'd quite like to keep my breakfast down, thank you." Ominis grumbled, but there was a smirk on his lips. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Ruby was right of course. After the waterfall Sebastian had found many a way to distract me from my studies. In the library, my bed, his bed, his bathroom...

"Kitty! It's Poppy!" Hissed Ruby budging me in my side to point across to Poppy who was finally making her way to breakfast after two weeks. Her face was pale , tired looking. Ominis wouldn't give up very much about what had been said between them, it had shocked me however, how deeply it had been felt by my, usually, sunny friend. I had asked Natty, who would only tell me that Poppy had been asked to be left alone with her feelings, until she was ready.

"Let her come to you, Kitty." Ominis said into his coffee. I scowled at him and sat back down. Sebastian threw me a sympathetic look and then turned round to look at Poppy who was staring woefully into the back of Ominis' head.

"Merlin, she looks rough."

Ruby kicked Sebastian hard under the table. He whipped his head back and glared at Ruby who was still engrossed in her article.

"Have you spoke much to her ....since you broke up." I asked Ominis who was refusing to look up from his coffee cup.

"We weren't together in order to break up. I don't know how many times I've told you that. And, yes I have. It's not awkward. She just needs some time." He mumbled the last part, almost to himself.

I caught Poppy's eyes and she gave me a forced smile and a wave. I smiled back, as brightly as I could manage. My gut twisted, something was off.

"Kitty." I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Natty who wasn't looking at me , but instead was staring at the Hufflepuff table.

"I've asked Poppy if she'd like to take a walk round the grounds after breakfast, you coming?" She asked gravely. I nodded and patted Natty's hand on my shoulder. She turned to Ruby. "You're welcome to come too, Sloan," she said.

Ruby looked at Natty and then at Poppy. Who was now wiping an escaped tear with her sleeve.

"No...I think it's best I sit this one out. I'm not the most empathetic and that poor darling looks like she's had a time of it." She smiled at Natty who nodded and then proceeded to glare at Ominis. She stared for what felt like ages until Ominis said.

Hogwarts Legacy : A Sixth Year ContinuationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz