Chapter Thirty-Two : Halloween I

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Ominis had been pacing up and down in front of the green fireplace he had charmed green, for over half an hour. The alcohol was starting to wear off and my head felt like it had its own heartbeat. He had been saying the same few phrases over and over again.

"I knew it."

"I'm going to kill Rossi."

"We have to get that ring off his finger"

"Ruby is such a bitch."

"I'm going to kill Rossi."

"I knew it."


I had tried to calm him down, there was nothing we could do tonight. It was nearly one o'clock in the morning. I had to concentrate on what horrors tomorrow would inevitably have in store. I had to get through the party first. Telling Ominis now that I knew Ruby and Luka were plotting for something to happen during the celebration was only going to make things worse. He was becoming too animated, too determined to get revenge. He looked like his brother.

"Ominis. We cannot do anything tonight. I'm drunk, you're drunk, let's go to bed and we can discuss it again tomorrow ahead of the party." I pleaded, searching the drawer of a black bureau in the corner of the room, hoping to find a bottle of Wiggenweld.

"Party? You think I'm going to be at this stupid party when we've just found out my cousin and your ex have been using our best friend as a slave for the best part of two months?! No Kitty I won't be there. I'll be in the library, figuring out a way to help Sebastian. The same as you should be doing."

I felt a pang in my chest. Why was he guilt tripping me? It was me who had been trying to work this out for weeks. Me who had actually realised that Luka and Sebastian's matching rings were more than a cute symbol of their "friendship". It was me who had been isolating myself for nearly a month in order to catch Ruby off guard, letting her think her plan was working by staying away from my best fiends. I took a deep breath. I couldn't say any of this to Ominis. Once the party was over I'd be able to tell him. Not before.

"Ominis. I promise we will help Sebastian. However, I have foreseen this party and I am there. It's happening whether you like it or not, so you can either go to the library, alone and without help. Or you can be at the party, because otherwise I will be left alone with Ruby, Luka and Sebastian. The very people you've been protecting me from for the last week. Now you're ready to just leave me vulnerable?"

In reality I knew I'd manage the party with or without Ominis, however the more eyes that were on me the safer I would be, and hopefully the more intimidated Luka and Ruby would feel. Ominis sighed deeply, his opal eyes softening as he looked to the ground.

"I'll see you there, go to bed." He said firmly, waving his wand to allow a glass of Firewhiskey to appear in his hand.

The dormitory was silent, everyone's Halloween Costumes hanging over their wardrobes in anticipation for the following night. Ruby's drapes weren't drawn, she had fallen asleep on top of her duvet once again Emerald curled up at her feet.
I undressed in silence, slipping into my covers, Emerald blinked her eyes open, stretching her claws out in front of her before taking a wild leap between Ruby's bed and my own, landing with a light thud on top of my covers. She began purring, rubbing her fluffy body and tail across my face, before curling up under my chin. It wasn't the most comfortable position but I dared not move in order to allow Emerald a peaceful sleep. Slowly but surely the kittens deep purring drew me into slumber, a dreamless sleep.

"Ominis, you scared me, what time is it?" the words crept through my ears awakening me from my sleep. I didn't open my eyes.

"It's early, it doesn't matter, come with me." Ominis hissed back to Ruby. I risked peeking out between my eye lashes, seeing Ruby grab her wand and follow Ominis silently from the room. I threw my blanket off of me, much to Emerald's dismay, she protested with a loud screech.

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