Chapter Fifty-Five : Family Tree

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"Okay , so , my mother is?"

"Belladonna, maiden name Gaunt. Your father is Theseus Sloan."

"And my brothers?"

"Killian and Zephyr."

Ruby nodded , scribbling something in her journal. We were sat cross legged in my old dorm which she still occupied. It was late morning after our bottle of champagne and in the haze of a hangover we were secretly planning the visit to Gaunt manor.

"Okay so there are four main branches of the family. The Gaunt's, obviously. Then there's us the Sloans, then the Blacks and The Malfoys."

She explained as she began sketching something in her journal.

"The Blacks? As in Professor Black?" I asked, it was ringing a dull bell in the back of my mind. I was wracking through my mammy's penseive memories, as I was sure there was mention of a Black at some point. Ruby nodded slowly, finishing her sketch and holding it up to show me. It was in intricately drawn family tree.

"I only started as far back as our grandparents, it's a bit too complicated before that...what with the know..pure blood traditions. Gets a bit muddy between who's married and who's related."

I scoffed as I ran my eyes over the drawing.

"So, Hazelle and Hades? That's our grandparents on the Gaunt side? Malachi's mother and father? The couple my mother visited at the house in Ireland?"

Ruby nodded. Ominis had filled her in on the pensive memories after the fire. Confirming everything she knew to be true.

"Hades is dead so we don't need to worry about him. Hazelle, our grandmother, her maiden name is Malfoy. Her brother Septumus had two children. One was a daughter Ara Malfoy, Ominis mother, this is the side that the Veela blood comes from, giving most of us our blonde hair and good looks." She winked, pointing at another name on the opposite side of the page. I nodded trying to keep up. Going from only having a mother to now a whole new gaggle of relations was overwhelming, and the inbreeding wasn't helping the confusion.

"Okay, and he had another child?" I asked pointing to the branch on the far left of the page.

"Yes, Malachi's other cousin, our second cousin , Alaric. He has three children, Silas, Apollo and Pandora. All of them are fairly harmless. They're known to make a biting comment now and again but the Malfoy's are infamously cowardly, especially Alaric. So they're not going to be too much hassle. At least not in a physical sense." Shrugged Ruby.

"So remind me how the Blacks come into this again?" I shook my head scanning the page for the Black family branch.

"They're not a major player in the tree, not as close as the Malfoys. Our uncle, Obsidian, married a girl from the house of Black, and they had one child you can see here, our cousin. Ophelia. She's a little older than us. She can be viscous so I wouldn't underestimate her. We will just stay out of her way. She won't do anything stupid unless she's provoked. Her mother , our aunt , is Professor Blacks sister. He will most likely be in attendance." She sighed, handing me the journal to take a closer look at the family tree.

I had forgotten about Obsidian. He was who I was most afraid of, even above my father or Marvolo. He had shouted at my Mammy, threatened and tortured his brother to keep him from my mother. What would he do when he realised his brother had gone against his word and had an illegitimate child with a mudblood?

"It will make more sense once you put faces to names." Assured Ruby , flopping back onto her bed.

The light was casting a strip across Ruby on the bed, her white blonde hair fanned out around her head, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose. I flicked trough the journal pages , seeing the scribbling and sketches that I remembered when Natty and I had found it under my mattress on Halloween night.

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