Chapter One : Summer Scars

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Note from the Author

This story is complete as of November 2023. It has not been beta'd and any errors are fixed manually. I will now be re reading this story to work through spelling and grammar.

This is a long , plot heavy story, with emotions , major character deaths and trigger warnings that can be found in the summary.

The romance in this story is secondary to the plot, I urge you to stick with it, the twists are worth it.

My writing has come leaps and bounds over the last 8 months , and there is a lot I have learned. I think you can see this in the first few chapters versus later in the story.

All characters have been aged up to allow for certain story lines , depictions of clothing and culture may not be accurate for the time period.

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Snow gathered at my bare feet, stinging red in the cold. I was staring at the black owl perched on the branch of a long skinny tree at the edge of the cottage path. And it was staring back.


The voice from behind me was like a ripple of warmth on the freezing January morning. Forcing me to tear my eyes away from the large bird.

"Mammy?" I replied , turning to look at the frail being huddled inside her shammy on the old armchair.

"Please leave it alone." She pleaded, eyebrows furrowing in the middle as if she was telling off a petulant child. Her swamp green eyes mirrored my own, although hers were constantly tearful those days as if she was on the brink of sobbing constantly. I wouldn't blame her if she did.

I closed the cottage door on the snow and on the owl , I felt as though it was still staring at me through the solid wood somehow.

"It's just a bird , Mammy."

"Curiosity killed the cat." She sighed back.

Closing the door had made no difference to the temperature in the old stone cottage, the fire was dwindling and there was scarce any firwood. January was a cruel month in Galway , hardly any signs of life and it was cruel to my mother and her bad chest. I thought to the skinny tree that the owl was using as a perch outside. Could I evict the beast in order to retrieve some much needed warmth to Mammy? No axe I thought.

The wand felt heavy in my shawl pocket , as my fingers twitched toward it Mammy said ;

"Don't, Kitty...please just don't."

It was as if she could read my mind. She always was good at that.

* * *

Suddenly I was staring at the ceiling. Feet still frozen. Where was I ? I looked down to see my feet touching the cold wood of the bed frame. The room was filled with a soft warm glow, September was a month that suited me much better than January. It meant deep sunsets, orange trees , cosy sweaters. It also meant Hogwarts. I sat up and assessed the room I'd soon be leaving, hopefully forever but maybe just until the school year ended and I was stranded again. After my success with Professor Fig last year in the Map Chamber Professor Weasley tried her best to find me the best accommodation she could for an orphaned eighteen year old with no income. That meant a dinky Bed and Breakfast on the outskirts of London ran by Mr Brooke, an overbearing father like man determined to make sure I was wrapped in cotton wool all summer.

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