Chapter Forty-Nine : A Catholic Moment

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The stairs creaked under the thunder of my footfall, tripping on the last step, my breath was heaving in my chest.

Natty was screaming at Sebastian and he was screaming back, Poppy was crying softly but all of them still had their wands pointed at each other. Sebastian still shirtless , chest tight as he shouted his venom at the girls, ring shining happily on his finger as it powered the rage through him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, my mind was louder than their voices.

They turned to look at me , my own wand raised and before anyone could speak to me I disarmed the girls, wands flying simultaneously into my left hand.

"What the fuck are you doing Kitty?!" Natty screeched, Poppy looked shocked but Sebastian didn't flinch.

"It's Enough! It comes off tonight and I don't want you two trying to stop me!" I yelled, gripping their wands hard.

"Why would we stop you?!" Poppy asked throwing her hands up in the air. I couldn't tell them. It made sense now. My vision of me using the unforgivable curse in Sebastian, it was the same reason I'd never told them about the one specific vision. They'd try to stop me, even if it meant Sebastian being free from the curse. I didn't answer Poppy and turned to Sebastian, still standing in the kitchen.

"I need you to trust me, please put your wand away, I need you to sit down." I asked in a shaky breath. It was as if the ring had a mind of its own, sensing its spell would soon be near its end. It made Sebastian look almost unrecognisable, face twisting with anger and disgust.

"I'm not putting my wand away you fucking bitch, you put yours away." He spat across the room , Poppy gasped but I shook my head at her.

I tried closing in on Sebastian but he threw a hex at me, smashing a picture frame just above my ear.
" Kitty give us our wands back , we will help you!" Natty screeched desperately.
"You won't though, once you see what I need to do , and I can't risk Poppy stunning me again!" I yelled not taking my eyes from Sallow.



Sebastians curse hit me before my attempt to disarm him hit, my dress catching fire. I threw another attempt to disarm him, my dress extinguishing itself from a wandless cast from Poppy. Sebastian flew to the other side of the room in a burst of white light, forcing me to spin round. My dress had all but burned off , leaving me stood in charred wool, I ripped the remainder from my body , now just standing my underwear. In all honesty I preferred it this way, the dress was only making it harder to move.

"Get the fuck away from me , Gaunt, I swear I'll disapparate!" He threatened from the other side of the room.

"It's O'Hara!" I screamed, throwing a spell at Sebastian his wand now in my left hand along with the other two I had stolen. I knew he couldn't disapparate without his wand, now I just had to make him sit still. I ran toward him and he shoved me with force onto the couch as he made a sprint for the door.

"STUPIFY!" I yelled, knocking him on his arse.

"Kitty! For fuck sake what are you going to do to him?!" Poppy screeched, running toward me.

"Poppy, stay back I mean it, if either of you try and interfere with this I'll never speak to you ever again. I'll never forgive you, do you understand?"

"Kitty, just answer us , what are you doing to him?!" Natty demanded, the fire in the mantle flickering wildly as her rage increased. She was clenching and unclenching the fist her wand would normally be in. I rolled Sallow on to his back, straddling his torso, sitting on his legs so he couldn't run away. His bare chest glistened with sweat like mine and he panted looking into my eyes with a mixture of anger and fear.

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