The Other Bin (A Lena/Wade/Sea Story)

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FAIR WARNING: The story gets a little dark in the end!

This story starts with Lena's POV 

As much as I wanted absolutely no part of Magica's plot to get Scrooge's number one dime, and despite Sea's advice to stay positive and remember that she, Webby, the boys and Wade are my friends and they believe in me, Magica found that she could somewhat force my body to move however she wanted to! But it's mostly when I'm alone or someone isn't behind me. She's getting more powerful with the lunar eclipse coming that she keeps talking about. Webby invited Sealia and I to a sleepover. They were brushing their teeth now, Aunt Magica pressured me to make the excuse of grabbing a quick snack before we went to bed so that I could grab Scrooge's number one dime while he was asleep. I looked down the hall before I opened the door to Scrooge's room and went in. Scrooge was sleeping so peacefully, I hoped I wouldn't wake him up. One, because he'd be mad that I was in his room, but two, that I was there to take his dime and risk him finding out about Aunt Magica. I carefully climbed up onto Scrooge's bed and pulled out my diamond dagger that Aunt Magica got from someone. Aunt Magica's shadow couldn't stop cackling as I slowly started to cut Scrooge's chain the dime was attached to.

Lena: "Could you stop that? That's really annoying!"

Magica: You're really annoying! I gave you one simple task!

I looked at her shadow with an irritated expression.

Lena: "Simple?" What about this is simple?!"

Magica went on the wall and explained her "simple task" once again to me. I barely listened.

Magica: All you had to do is pose as the pink one's friend, gain her trust, get invited to a series of sleepovers, get a Vesuvian diamond dagger that can cut through anything, sneak into Scrooge's roo while he sleeps to enact my grim revenge, and--

Lena: "Cut Scrooge's number one dime without waking him up while you yell at me the whole time!"

Scrooge shifted in his sleep. I held her breath, carefully moved with him, and resumed cutting the chain that held the dime's pendant.

Magica: "I'm not yelling, I'm whispering harshly! If you want your freedom, you'll do what I say!"

With Sea's words in mind, I pointed the dagger at Magica's shadow and stayed strong. Magica's shadow looked at me in surprise and cowered back a little.

Lena: "I am not your puppet! And if you want to hurt Scrooge so bad, be my guest!"

Magica's shadow went closer to Scrooge and huffed at me.

Magica: "I would love to but..."

The shadow swiped viciously at Scrooge, doing no harm to him at all. He stayed in his sleeping position, unaware of my and Aunt Magica's presence. She groaned.

Magica: "Ugh... I miss carnage."

She looked outside of Scrooge's bedroom window at the moon.

Magica: "Quickly! The lunar eclipse is coming! With it, my power grows! But it's futile without the dime."

She came back over to me and hovered on the wall above Scrooge.

Magica: "So do it now!"

Lena: "Would you quiet down? We don't want to get caught!"

???: "Lena? What are you doing in here?"

I quickly sheathed the dagger and looked at who opened the door, it was Webby and Sea!

I couldn't find words to explain what I was doing in Scrooge's room besides the truth. I just made a sound and inched my way carefully off of Scrooge's bed. Suddenly Scrooge started talking in his sleep. The three of us gasped and I ran, grabbed Webby and Sea's hands and we escaped from Scrooge's room! The three of us ran back to Webby's bedroom, in the attic area. Webby hopped onto her bed, turned on her lamp and shone it in my eyes. Sea jumped and lied on Webby's bed.

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