The Great Dime Chase (a Sea/Fenton story)

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It had been a week or so since I last went on an adventure with the Ducks, so I knew that any day now would be another one. I didn't really have anything planned for today, just that I might go back over to Sean's Do's and Donuts and get something for myself for a snack. Shayla had no work today, so she slept in most of the morning. She told me I could go to Sean's. But who was I to walk into while I was there? Fenton!

Fenton: Good Morning, Sealia! How have you been? Any new recent adventures?

Me: I've been good, no. No signs of adventures, but I know one will come sooner than you can say--

I suddenly got a text from Dewey. "Oh, my, word! What is with you people and somehow getting my number without asking for it!" I didn't even look at the text.

Fenton: What keeps happening?

I looked around at the people around us, paying no attention. I motioned for Fenton to sit at a table with me.

Me: When I first met the Duck boys a couple of weeks ago, I gave Huey my number. He said this way he could tell me when there was an adventure if I wanted to join them. But since then, he's been giving people my number, or they are finding it another way, and it's annoying to see a text from a person I never gave it to!

Fenton: Hmm, that sounds annoying. But for you, I'd think of it this way: At least you'll know when an episode comes along so that you can help. (Sea nods) Well, I'd better get back to the Lab, Dr. Gearloose is working some more on his Bulb Tech. He's going to go talk to Mr. McDuck and his board around 11:00 today.

I perked up and finally looked at the text Dewey sent me.

Dewey's phone: Sea, it's Louie! Please come save me! Uncle Scrooge is taking me to work today!

I gapped happily then looked at Fenton, he looked confused. "What is it?" Fenton asked.

Me: Can I come to McDuck Enterprises with you today? I'd love to look around the rest of the building.

Fenton: Sure! Just make sure your sister knows.

I texted Shayla:

My phone: Hey, I have a friend of Scrooges who is taking me to McDuck Enterprises today, okay?

Shayla's phone: Why can't I come with you?

Me: I mean you can if you want to, and you can drive.

Shayla: I'm just messing with you. You can go, just promise me you'll introduce me to Mr. McDuck or his nephews real soon!

I sighed. "Deal, I should be home sooner today with them than when we saw the movie."

Shayla's phone: I hope so, I had a fun idea for tonight! DoN't bE lAtE!.!.!

Me: I'm all set!

Fenton: Cool, let's go!

Fenton drove me to the Bin and got a special guest lanyard for me to wear.

Fenton: I'll be in the lab if you need anything.

On the drive here I tried to think of a way to get to Fenton near the secret library. The only way I could think of was asking him to show it to me. Suddenly, Louie texted me again.

Dewey's phone: We're almost here! We park in the garage, please get me out of this! SDVKSODDVOS-- Sorry 'bout that, Sea! Louie took my phone while his phone was charging. You don't have to come.

My phone: Don't worry about it, I'm already here so tell Louie I'm coming! Where will you be?

Dewey's phone: Apparently, Uncle Scrooge has a secret library here in the Bin, and Webby wants to show it to me.

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