1K READS & SealiaMcC Q&A

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(I check this often for y'all 🙂)

Hello everyone! In honor of my 1K(th) read on Adventures In DuckTales: Season 1, I decided to answer story related questions or my opinion on the DuckTales series in general! Qestions can be about anything DT related: a story I have written so far, or future stories, or my opinion on the DT series.

Just a heads up, some of your very own questions will be on here.


Will there be a crossover or cameo to Amphibia or The Owl House and DuckTales?


No, sorry. This FanFic is all about DuckTales (With the exception of Darkwing Duck and TaleSpin being crossovers/cameos in the series and in this DuckTales)


Crossover Gravity Falls/DuckTales?


Sadly, no. 😅 The reason I'm not interested in adding other Disney/whatever tv shows is because I never watched much of Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Owl House, etc. So when I started writing, I decided not to do any crossovers/cameos except for what is already in DuckTales.


I would like you to do this in the fic for subsequent episodes. Let other Disney characters appear, such as Pete, Horace, Clarabella, Max Goof, Roxanne (In Person) or also other relatives of Donald who were never shown. Let Huey and Violet become a couple. It's weird, but Louie and Lena do it too. (if possible) Don't let Doofus be rude anymore. Too, Scrooge and Goldie stay young. (if they can avoid it)


Thank you for the ideas, I wasn't really planning on adding Mickey Mouse characters other than Goofy and the mention of Max and Roxanne. I'm thinking about bringing more relatives in for the Castle McDuck episode in the S3, and I would love to have Doofus become a good person sooner or later in my DuckTales series.


I actually have a question for y'all: So, I've been thinking about putting out short introductions before I put new stories in(So like, I'd explain how the story I am working on will somewhat play out, then once the story is finished I delete/keep the intro and add the story in) Would that be something y'all are interested in seeing so you know what you're getting yourselves into? Or would you rather be surprised?

(I'd like a few opinions on this)

I know that a 1,000th read might not be something for someone to get overly excited about, but I originally never expected to have so many reads of any of my FanFics before I started posting. So, this really does mean a lot to me. Your reads encourage me to continue to write! 


- Hannah / Sealia

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