Who Is Gizmoduck? (A Sea/Huey/Fenton Story)

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I slept in most of the morning and read in my bed, despite the fact that it was Tuesday. It was a good sleep since I had been at McDuck Manor last week for Scrooge's party. I couldn't believe how long I had been here in Duckburg, I had been here three months now, although it hadn't felt like it. And to think we were so close to the Shadow War and end of the first season! I was so excited to know that I was getting closer to introducing Fenton to Della! And I had somewhat come up with my plan for them to meet (which I'll get to once we get closer to the second season). The only thing that had felt weird when I first showed up here in Duckburg was that the episodes were all out of order from my universe's DuckTales series, I'm hoping the second season would be in order. Who knows... Once I was dressed for the day, I went downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast, or in this case, brunch. Shayla was sitting on the couch and was trying to find a channel to watch.

Me: Morning Shay!

Shayla: Hey, do you remember what channel number Disney is?

I froze in shock! Disney was a thing in the DuckTales Universe?! I contemplated whether I should tell Fenton and that maybe it would make more sense to him that this universe was a tv show but decided against it. It had been years since I had used cable to watch Disney, but I did remember what channel it was on my tv director.

Shayla: Sea?

Me: Uh... try channel 280?

It worked! And although the tv shows were the same as my universe's Disney Channel, all the shows were animated, and the characters were animals just like in DuckTales. Shayla picked up her phone and then stared confused at it. She quickly switched the channel again and put it on the Duckburg News with Roxanne Featherly. Huey was beside her looking stunned.

Roxanne: I am reporting live from the Duckburg National Bank, where moments ago, a robo menace tore up the building, leaving patrons traumatized!

Shayla: Isn't that your friend, Huey?

Me: Yeah...

Roxanne: You were there, young man. Could you see the pure evil in his cold, robot eyes?

Huey: What? He was wearing a visor.

Roxanne: I see, so what is he trying to hide?

Huey: Probably his identity, but no! He saved me!

The camera man panned to just view Huey. Huey took Roxanne's mic and looked into the camera.

Huey: He was smart and noble and made of metal! Everything I've always wanted to be almost! Where did he come from? Will I see him again? Will he sign this commemorative dollar bill?

Suddenly Donald came into the frame, grabbed Huey's dollar – that was currently on fire – and threw it on the ground and aimed a fire extinguisher at it to take out the flames. Huey gave Roxanne her mic back.

Roxanne: Be sure to vote in our online poll; Robo-crook: Incompetently dangerous, or dangerously incompetent?

Huey: Neither he's a hero!

Roxanne: I'm Roxanne Featherly and that's all for the Duckburg News. Back to you in the--

Shayla turned off the tv and looked at me. I was stunned. I knew it was Fenton, but she didn't.

Shayla: Do you know what this means?

Me/Shayla: Duckburg has a superhero!

Shala's phone dinged. She looked at it and got up and headed upstairs.

Me: Where are you going?

Shayla: I just to offered to do a gig at the Fransisco restaurant for most of the day today and tomorrow. I'll be there if you need me.

Adventures In DuckTales: Season 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora