Origin Story (A Hannah/Sea Story)

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It all started back when I was in the human universe...

Mom: Hannah, you really need to stop your whole obsession with that DuckTales TV show. You're almost 20 years old.

Me: Please, Mom! You know how much I love writing stories and drawing them. You can't take my artistic side away from me.

Mom: You need to stop watching that show before it consumes you. One more episode and that is the end of everything! No more comics, drawings, or episodes for you after tonight!

Me: ... yes, ma'am. Can I watch a two-part episode, please...

Mom: One more episode, Hannah! You'll survive.

Mom left the room, closing the door behind her. She can't do this to me! I LOVE DuckTales! I want to do either videography or animation when I'm old enough. She knows that, too!

I stared at my sketchbooks with my DuckTales drawings and Original Characters. Flipping through the pages of my FanTales Comics, I wished I could be like the Duck and McDuck family. Even though they were fictional characters like Mom said, I would LOVE to live in their universe and experience their episodes/adventures firsthand!

Me: If I had to choose my favorite episode of Ducktales, it would be part one of "The Last Adventure," but if this is really my last episode "ever," I would choose "Woo Woo." The first episode of the 2017 DuckTales TV show.

I locked my bedroom doors - which I often did - I opened my computer, plugged it in to charge, attached the HDMI cable, turned on my projector, and aimed it at my bedroom wall. I happily watched the theme song video and tried my best not to sing along. I suddenly felt drained - which was rare for me - and FELL ASLEEP! I cannot believe I did that! I was only allowed to watch one more episode of my favorite TV show, and now I'm asleep and I don't even want to wake up!

I woke up the next morning, really upset that I missed my chance to watch DuckTales again, that is until I get married or move out. But something was off... I wasn't in my bed at home. I was somewhere else entirely! The room I was sleeping in was smaller than my real room, and it was fully decorated with a beachy theme! Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the door. I nervously pretended I was asleep still and tried to wake myself up at the same time.

???: Sea? What are you still doing in bed? I woke you up ten minutes ago!

A DUCK GIRL!!! What was happening?

???: Hurry! We need to be at the museum at 6 pm tonight and we still need to buy our dresses!

The girl ran out as quickly as she came in, almost slamming the door behind her. I got out of bed, ran to the nearest bathroom, and looked in the mirror.

Me: NO.WAY. This isn't real!

As I looked in the mirror, I was no longer human! I was a duck. A DuckTales Duck! My hair poofs a little like Della Duck's hair, my skin... er.... feathers were white, and I was as tall as Webby. The only thing that had stayed the same from my human form was that my eyes were still a greenish-brown color, but now with the green overlapping the brown. I was going to pinch myself to make sure this wasn't just an amazing dream, but I decided that if this was a dream, I wanted to stay in it as long as I could.

I took a closer look at my beachy room, it was much more decorated than my human room, but with a lot of similarities. My crocheting and knitting were here and so were all my books I had been reading. Except for the fact that the author's names were different to match the DuckTales universe. My picture wall no longer had pictures of my closest friends. Instead, the girl who had woken me up was in most of the pictures, and the pictures seemed like they were all taken in the same three places: a café, a park, and the beach/bay.

Adventures In DuckTales: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now