Chapter 1

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Erudite has predicted a winter storm to rival any other in the recorded history of our city. They're calling it some sort of weather phenomenon known as a polar vortex that should consume our area in hazardous temperatures too dangerous to survive outside. They're expecting it to be -50*F at least during the day and are unsure of how low the temperatures should reach at night. There will be blizzard-like conditions and high winds forecasted. I'm honestly dreading the whole experience and hoping for it to be a false alarm. But only time will tell.
All over the city, changes are being made. Every faction is doing their part to help everyone in the city hunker down for the duration of the expected week-long deep freeze.
Amity is wrapping plants and trees in layer upon layer of burlap and hay to insulate the perennials and orchards from extreme exposure. Then they're wrapping the orchards together. They're building larger insulated facilities to house every animal inside. We're hoping they're fine with all of the body heat they produce.
The factions are closing off parts of buildings that should go unused. On the other hand, people are coming together within the factions—leaving their separate, private residences for communal living for the week or so. The Dauntless cafeteria is filled with members and families along with the Pit. All outside apartments are to be closed off and insulated. Water has been drained from those outlying areas so the pipes don't freeze and burst.
Most factions are doing similar things to that of Dauntless. Abnegation is opening their headquarters for their faction members to reside for the time being. The library in Erudite, the schools, and Candor headquarters are where we're attempting to temporarily house the Factionless. Jeanine thinks it's a waste of resources but they're human and Abnegation voted on saving them. I agree. They may not fit into a faction... but that's not a death sentence in my opinion.
I agreed to help wrangle the Factionless. Some insisted on staying in a factory but we don't think the facility is adequate for heating without proper insulation so we're forcing them out. We entered and I made the announcement. They're complying—grudgingly, but I could care less. We're trying to save them. Once I mentioned meals, that got their attention and they agreed willingly. 
We hit each building in the surrounding streets of their district evacuating everyone in Factionless.  It takes the full three days and several teams before the onslaught begins with a snowstorm.  Thankfully the temperature drop hasn't occurred yet.  It should start tomorrow but when are the weather forecasts ever that accurate?  I'm currently evacuating an actual Factionless neighborhood that I never knew existed until recently.  These are the ones who work and actually own homes.  They're alright considering but they're still not adequate for this situation in my opinion.  We're fortunate the temperature drop hasn't started yet as we clear the last street insisting that they each quickly grab a bag—clothes, food, and essentials.  We're met with some resistance, others are surprised that we actually care about them.
As the last few homes get evacuated, I can actually feel the temperature plummeting.  It chills me to my core. 
"We need to move!" I shout.  "Everyone!  Finish up this street and we're done.  Get them to the school and return to Dauntless quickly."
"Sir, yes sir!" my team echoes in reply all around me. 
I see the squads going from home to home grabbing them.  There are several armored trucks taking people with their belongings.  Most of them are filled and are currently leaving the area for their drop off site. The second to last packs up and gets ready to drive off with Jax—our Dauntless Army General. I insisted this morning the moment his vehicle was full, that he leave. He's got a wife and three kids waiting. The majority of us are all single. I don't want to be responsible if anything unexpected were to occur. One armored vehicle is remaining filling in the last few Factionless families and individuals along with my personal truck.  The second from last truck drives off down the street—Jax's team. I sigh in relief but I see a soldier running toward me as they pass by. They approach me jogging in the blizzard.
"Sir," Officer Prior salutes me.  I can tell by those striking light blue eyes and sweet, angelic voice of hers.  Everything else is covered in her uniform and winter gear. 
"Why are you not with your team?" I demand.
"The radio just went out, sir," she informs me.
"Why did they leave you to inform me of this?" I question.
"I gave up my seat for a child," she whispers in the roaring wind. My heart clenches at that. The Stiff is a bleeding heart but it's difficult not to be moved by her compassion. "Jax said I could ride with you."
"Fine," I reply gruffly.
I walk toward the final remaining house on the street. A pair of soldiers are at the door attempting to coax the last Factionless man to leave. The rest are in the truck loading up people and baggage.
"What's the holdup?" I insist of Officer Briggs.
"The man doesn't want to leave, sir. He has a convincing story," he winces.
"We don't have time for this," I demand.
"I know but... he says he has a bunker built in underneath the house with a wood burner and supplies," he explains.
I raise my eyebrow in surprise. We can't leave him behind, though.
"I'll talk to him," I insist.
I step up to the door and knock.
"I can't keep letting the heat out," he complains.
He allows me to enter and Officer Prior follows me in.
"Tris," he nods to her as she removes her mask.
"Mr Edwards," she nods back.
I furrow my brows in confusion that she's acquainted with a Factionless but dismiss the thought and get to business. Time is ticking.
"We're responsible for you and we're evacuating everyone to safer locations," I inform him.
"I already told the other soldiers, I'm not going. My shelter is adequate," he persists.
"I'm responsible for you," I tell him firmly. "We've got women and children along with my squad who are waiting out in the plummeting temperatures during a blizzard for you to evacuate. We've already given notice. You should be packed. If you're not, you're going as is," I state.
He appears angry but if he protested, he should have done it days ago. Not in the last minute, the last house to evacuate and he's holding up progress.
"I don't like this. My shelter is more than sufficient," he disagrees.
"Then you'll be forced," I tell him matter-of-factly.
"Eustace, please," the Stiff says softly. "The children are scared. So are their parents. You can offer them comfort and reassurance."
His expression softens at that.
"Where are we going?" he sighs.
"The high school. Everyone on your block will be there," she informs him.
"Fine," he grumbles. "Give me two minutes."
I nod my approval and signal to the staff outside of the already freezing window. They nod and ready everyone inside the vehicle. I turn around to watch this Factionless man put on some serious snow boots that look handmade—better than even mine—and bundle up in a coat with a scarf and gloves. He grabs a large pack already situated in his closet and he's ready to go.
"Wait," he says at the door. "The fire's already going in the bunker."
"Is it in a secure fireplace?" Officer Prior asks.
"You're right. I just swept the chimney, the door is closed, and the guard is up. It should go out on its own," he nods in agreement.
"Alright," she smiles and puts her face covering back on. All that's visible now are those gorgeous crystal blue eyes of hers.
She looks to me and I pull my covering back over my face before we head outside. As we step past the door onto the porch, the cold feels like ice stabbing what little skin is exposed. We assist him to the armored truck. He takes the very last seat holding his pack on his lap.
"We better get going sir," a soldier informs me. "Your engine is running, right?" he confirms.
"I haven't turned it off," I nod. When we pulled up on this street, I just left the keys in the ignition with the engine running, the heater on full blast. We'd heard that the possibility of the deep freeze would stop engines from turning on so all vehicles are kept on.
"Alright," he nods.
"Get them to the school. We'll meet you at Dauntless," I tell him.
"Sir, yes sir," he nods saluting me as the other closes the door on the last man for transport.  I shake his hand and tell him to drive safely. 
"You, too," he says with a light laugh as the snow whirls around us. 
They climb in and drive off while the Stiff and I head down the street toward my truck.  We arrive and I climb in.  She gets into the passenger's seat.  It's still a little warm in here but it's not on.  I keep my cool.  The keys are still there and it must've turned off on its own.  I attempt to start the ignition having to actually turn it off then on.  It's doesn't work.  My engine isn't as big and strong as theirs so that might be the problem. 
"Go see if they're within sight," I tell her while I attempt to turn the key again. 
"What?" she asks surprised. 
"Just do it, Stiff," I tell her tiredly. 
She agrees and climbs out while I repeatedly attempt to start up the engine.  I curse under my breath that it seriously just shut off on me. 
"They're already out of sight," she tells me as she opens up the door again and sits beside me.
I curse again.  I can actually feel the temperature dropping further.  The Stiff is even shivering. 
"The engine turned off from the cold," I admit.  "It looks like we're stuck here."
"You can't be serious," she says lowering her mask.  She is shivering.  Her teeth are chattering. 
"My engine isn't as strong as theirs apparently.  We'll have to find shelter and wait this out here," I tell her.
"What?" she questions panicked.
"It's not that bad, Stiff," I insist rolling my eyes and trying to rein in my own alarm. "You pick."
"Uh," she says putting her hand to her head. "What about the phones?" she asks knowing that it's proper protocol for me to have one on my person at all times. 
"The tower went out from the high winds early this morning," I reply.
"Probably Mr Edward's place, then," she chooses sounding more confident when she knows there's no hope. "He's a prepper. He's always getting ready for catastrophes. His will be the most suitable for anything—especially this." As she says this she nods completely sure of her choice.
"Alright. Let's go," I say climbing out of my truck.  She does so as well and we quickly stride down the street to the last house we vacated moments ago.  I don't dwell on the situation as we approach the door.  The Factionless man—Mr Edwards according to the Stiff—left the door unlocked.  I was the last one to exit.  I open the door and let her enter first.  I follow her in and shut the door. 
"He said there's a fireplace below ground," she mentions as she removes her mask and hat. 
I see her white-golden hair pulled back into a French braid and tucked into her coat. 
"Alright," I nod removing mine as well. 
It's definitely warmer in here than outside... but it's honestly not that warm.  I can feel the heat getting sucked out from around the door and windows.  I begin pulling the drapes closed and covering them with furniture. 
"What are you doing?" the Stiff asks me. 
"Blocking the draft," I tell her. 
"Here.  Let me help you," she offers. 
We lift furniture and pretty much barricade ourselves within. 
"Don't you think they'll come looking for us?" she wonders. 
"No," I reply. 
"But you're a Dauntless leader," she responds confused. 
"I'm also easily replaceable," I admit. 
I go to lift the sofa but she doesn't get the far end. 
"Stiff," I say motioning to the other end. 
I look up to her but she's frowning at me. 
I sigh.  "By the time that team returns to Dauntless, it'll be too late to come out and search for us.  I was well aware that once the temperature dropped, we were expected to return back.  Anyone who doesn't make it is on their own," I explain. 
She nods but she's still frowning.  She helps me to stand the sofa on end blocking the front door.  It covers both sides of the doorjamb where any breeze could blow in.  We continue to stack the furniture around the room anywhere where the wind could possibly enter.  We move onto the next room, then the kitchen and so on. 
"For a Factionless, this place is pretty nice," I muse. 
"Mr Edwards is the manager at one of the food processing facilities," she tells me. 
"Oh?  Is that how you know him?" I quip.  "From your Stiff days as a dependent?"
"No," she shakes her head as we cover the large window in the kitchen with a dining room table and a bookcase. 
"So?  How do you know him?" I inquire. 
"From church," she says softly. 
I stop and set down the bookcase in confusion. 
"Are you religious, Stiff?" I question surprised. 
"I guess you could say so," she shrugs and motions for me to grab my end. 
I continue to ponder on this thought briefly as we finish up.  There's a staircase upstairs but we simply close off the door there and barricade it as well for now.  Beside it is a staircase to a basement.  We head down there. I close the door at the entrance to see there's an additional metal door and a lock. I shut both. There's a heavy drapery attached and I pull it across to block any draft. 
We begin our decent into the unknown depths... hoping it will be our salvation.

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