Chapter Seven-Eric

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Throughout the week I make several discoveries.  I find out that there's someone removing stock from the armory. It's the only place we have sniper rifles available for use and it's an easy way to track those checked out. I wasn't aware previously that none of the stores carry them.  Our counts don't line up with the inventory.  I personally checked our stock of sniper rifles by hand on Monday and three are still missing—all of which were checked out with different soldiers' passcodes and throughout the last year.  The one that was retrieved from the firefight was wiped clean of any fingerprints other than the Factionless who was shot during the attack.  It has the proper serial number on the one in question from a rifle that was missing.  I called for Jax to run an inventory on everything within the armory but to do it overnight in one evening so we could be absolutely certain what the count is.  His figures determined that we're missing over twenty firearms ranging through eight various styles and sizes.  Not many are missing of each so it's obvious whoever is taking them is being contemplative of how they go about the theft.  Jax offered to change the code on the armory entrance but I'm kind of curious to see who would be so bold to steal from us. 
Chris and I go through some of the footage he's found around the armory.  We watch and he shows me that in the late evenings during a shift change there is a skip in the feed.  He's discovered that recordings have been deleted but it's frequently at about the same time every few weeks.  We'll have to wait another week or two to test out our theory.  I suggest to him that we add an additional camera that only the two of us are aware about and have access to.  He grins and nods. 
"What about the feed deletion?" I inquire.  Usually each individual has to login to have access to delete footage. 
"The logins vary," he admits remorsefully.  "It honestly could be anyone on my staff.  They must've found out their coworkers' passwords and used them.  I don't believe it's all of them."
"That's a shame," I mumble. 
That doesn't help us at all. 
"What about the situation with Four?" I question changing topics. 
"Here's the report from over the last week," he says handing me the files. 
I look through it and see he hasn't bothered Tris but he does watch her on the monitors when he's on and off the clock.  That's off-putting.  I also see that he jogs often in the late evenings and early mornings right on the boarders of Factionless.  That's a bad idea—dangerous with what's been happening lately. 
"Should I approach him today about his misuse of authority?  He shouldn't be following members and using his position for personal reasons.  He should be monitoring the preselected order on the screens," Chris comments. 
"Under normal circumstances I'd definitely have you speak to him immediately... but in this instance, we have several problems going on at once.  I think we can hold off and gather information.  I don't want to alarm anyone in the department that we're watching them.  We say one thing to someone and it'll alert whoever is deleting footage to stop.  I would like to catch them in the act," I explain.  "Actually, can you add two cameras here as well so we can watch the surveillance staff?  Do the same as the armory—hidden and only directed for our viewing," I suggest so we can see what staff on both sides of the room are doing. 
He nods.  "That's a good idea."
"Alright.  Get to it and keep me posted," I tell him taking the file with me and heading back up to my office. 
I see Four working on the surveillance console and he seems a bit jumpy at my entrance into the main room.  He wasn't here when I arrived.  He slaps Zeke's arm and motions to me. 
"Hey, Eric," Zeke greets me. 
I grin and approach him. 
"Hey, how's it going?" I ask. 
"Good.  You?" he inquires. 
"I can't complain," I shrug. 
"What you got there?" he asks me. 
"Just a report from Chris," I shrug it off.  "So, how's the family?" I question. 
"Shauna and the kids are good," he smiles. 
"Man, when are you going to make Shauna an honest woman and marry her?" I tease. 
"You think she wants to get married?" he asks shocked. 
"I think she's wanted to marry you since our initiation," I laugh lightly. 
"Really?" he questions surprised. 
"I bet if you propose, I'll be performing the ceremony within the week... maybe even the day," I tease. 
"I hadn't thought about it," he admits. 
"That's the difference between transfers and Dauntless-born.  We generally get married before the family.  Am I right, Four?" I question. 
"I don't know what you're talking about," he says dismissively pretending like he's been working diligently on the screens and not listening in. 
"You and Tris, right?" I point out. 
His shoulders slump guiltily. 
"What are you talking about, man?" Zeke laughs.  "He and Tris haven't been together since just after she became a member."
"Oh?  Four would've had me believe otherwise," I reply with mock surprise. 
"Maybe hopeful thinking," Zeke shrugs. 
"I guess so," I reply easily.  "See you around."
Zeke nods and waves to me.  I notice everyone else in the room gives me their attention and it could honestly be any of them.  I definitely don't think Zeke is the type, though.  Plus, he's too much of a gossip.  He couldn't keep anything to himself.  I bet I hear about him talking to all of his friends regarding what I just said. 
I continue through the week examining the locations where the feed has been deleted or tampered with. Much of it appears to be at random and I'm trying to see a pattern in it. It's footage from the main Pit area, exits to the street, and leading to Factionless. Besides these, there's the control room feed and the armory feed. All others lead to this person's movements. It's obvious they've hid their tracks well. It's impossible to find who it is... other than it's either a control room worker or someone with surveillance access. There really are only so many of us—Dauntless leadership, Jax, Chris, and the twelve people who work the control room. I'm almost positive that I can remove Zeke from that list, although his login has been used. But his is one of ten used to delete footage so I can't rule him out. I also can't rule out the two unused. So, I wait for the approximate time frame to elapse so we can catch the traitor in the act.


I rise early Sunday morning to see Tris at breakfast with Christina and her family. They're all dressed nicely and I'm tempted to ask what their plans are. But Tris has told me repeatedly that it's personal... and she hasn't included me. But I recall Will works on our aide staff. I can't keep the smile off of my face. I know my in...


Monday afternoon in the office, I need an errand run and Will is at his desk.
"Hey, Will?" I call out to him.
"Yes, sir?" he rises from his desk.
"I have a favor to ask of you. Are you busy?" I question.
"No, sir. I mean... nothing that can't wait," he corrects.
"Perfect. Could you take this form down to Jax's office for me?" I request.
"Yes, of course," he nods.
"Thanks," I grin. "By the way, I saw you with your family yesterday morning. You all looked nice."
He smiles at that. "Thank you, sir."
"Where were you going so finely dressed?" I inquire.
"Oh, there was a special ceremony at our church," he elaborates. "Our family participated."
"Oh, that's nice," I reply but I'm kind of surprised. Not many people in our city participate in religious activities. "Which church do you attend?" I inquire since I know nothing about it.
"Well, we go to the Christian church in Candor," he explains. His wife is a former Candor so I nod.
"I saw Tris and some others with you," I mention.
"Yeah, well my wife coaxed several people to come with us—friends of hers—but she talked Tris into attending our service this time. It was nice having her join us since we don't see her too often and her service is usually earlier... and a further train ride," he explains.
I nod. "That's nice that she could join you. I hope you enjoyed your ceremony," I reply.
"Oh, we did. Thanks," he says grinning. "I'll get this to security right away."
"Thanks," I reply.
"Anytime," he smiles heading for the elevators.
I stride back to my office and I'm surprised Tris goes to religious gatherings. I sit down at my desk and drum my fingers on the surface wondering how to handle this new information. It's personal... that's what she always said. She didn't think I'd understand. It's not that I do. It's just... unexpected. I decide to open up my computer and look into the Candor church. There's only one so that narrows it down. I open the site and view some photos from the last service—a baby dedication. I see Will and Christina holding their youngest. Tris is in the picture. God, she's gorgeous. She does participate in church gatherings. I look up information on the other religions stopping at Erudite. Ethan Prior is the reverend at that church. That's where she's going. The service time is earlier than the other and it's an hour to Erudite by the train. I drum my fingers on my desk once more. She's very private about this.  I read a bit about the church and spend the week debating on what to do.  I rarely see her and I'm honestly missing her.  I decide to go on my own but I figure I'll read up a bit more on it.  I don't want to go in and she asks me why I'm there.  I missed you isn't a good enough reason so I review the church page again and then get on the library site and read up about the religion.  It actually sounds different from everything I've heard about it and I find that surprising.  I'm kind of curious about it actually.  So, I dress in a suit since it appeared that most of the men in the photos wore their best clothing and drive out in advance to make it on time.  I arrive a bit early and shockingly see a man seated in the front of the main gathering area in a grey suit.  I walk up toward the front and join him, grinning when I realize it's Tris's father. 
"Eric?  What made you decide to join us?" Andrew Prior asks me smiling, almost in surprise. 
"Curiosity," I admit. 
He grins and nods at me encouraging me to join him.  I sit beside him and we talk a bit while the room fills in.  Tris arrives and she looks completely shocked that I'm here... so I explain again what I've already spoken to her father about as she sits beside me.  I notice her Dauntless friend and she looks incredibly familiar but I just can't place how I know her. 
The religious service starts and it's not at all what I expected.  It's rather interesting, beautiful, and moving.  I find the lesson intriguing as well.  I'm invited to stay for lunch.  I do so and truly enjoy spending the extra time with Tris, her family, and friends.  I offer to drive her home afterward and she looks to her friend who shrugs. 
"Alright," she accepts. 
We spend the ride home talking and I'm seriously glad I joined her.  I ask how long she's been going and she tells me she's been attending as often as she can since she became a member in Dauntless.  I nod at that.  She's very committed to this.  I honestly don't mind coming.  This was actually nice.  She asks me what I thought of the service and I tell her that I enjoyed it.
"Would you like to join us next week?" she offers.
"I think I would," I nod grinning and glancing at her. She looks ecstatic. I definitely said the right thing.

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