Chapter Eleven-Eric

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I rise early and head to breakfast. I'm oddly awake and can't wait to see her but I know yesterday was a difficult and long shift for her. I texted her to let me know when she was up but I'm expecting her to sleep in a bit. I eat and leave walking through the mostly empty Pit hallways of the shopping area. I see that same shop from last night and I grin deciding to go in.
I'm beaming as I leave. I couldn't help it. I got something I thought suited her. I tuck it away in my apartment and pull my phone out of my pocket. She's awake.
We spend the day together around the compound. If the faction hadn't heard the gossip going around, they certainly have seen us together. The whole day has been like a dream. We do active things like bungee jumping off the Chasm and rock climbing. We do a few romantic activities like meals out at restaurants and going for a walk. I take her dancing after dinner but make sure to get her home at a reasonable hour. We've got church in the morning.
Sunday service is fabulous and just confirms what I was thinking. It also makes me feel like everything work related I've planned out is right.
The rest of the day is spent at her apartment in the quiet privacy we have there. I know that I want this to last forever. I've honestly had that ring burning a hole in my pocket since the moment I've bought it. After dinner and the cleanup, we go out to her balcony to look at the stars together. I can't help but set the box in her hands.
"What's this?" she asks curiously.
"Open it," I encourage.
She furrows her brows and opens the black velvet box up. She sees the gorgeous ring I picked out and she blinks in surprise and looks to me.
"How about we get married?" I say almost teasingly.
"What?" she laughs in surprise... and disbelief, I think.
I take her other hand in mine and bend down on one knee.
"I love you and I want you to be my wife," I tell her.
"You're serious?" she questions in awe.
"Yeah, but just this one time," I tease.
She chuckles at that and bites her lip. She meets my eyes. "Alright. But only this once," she counters jokingly. I laugh lightly at that but she surrenders her hand to me and I place the ring on her finger. I rise and kiss her. She responds.
"I love you," I whisper pecking her lips again.
"What about my parents?" she asks.
"I already have their blessing," I tell her grinning.
"My grandparents?" she furrows her brows.
"He insists on doing the ceremony," I nod.
She chuckles in awe at that.
"You've thought of everything," she grins.
"I haven't chosen a date yet," I point out.
She laughs lightly at that. "I'll have to think about it."
I nod in reply grinning smugly... but yeah, she'll be mine soon.


I sigh shakily Monday morning as I meet a large staff of soldiers in the training room.  All of Dauntless leadership is in attendance for this but only Ryan, Lydia, and I will be participating in this mission. 
"Attention!" Jax announces.  The soldiers stand properly, saluting.  "At ease."  He nods to us and I step forward. 
"This is not a drill," I begin.  "We are wearing our new riot gear for a reason.  I'm sure you all are aware of the recent incident in Factionless where I was injured.  The very reason we had a shootout was because one of our own is a traitor.  A member of our faction chose a different side and slowly stole weapons from the armory out from under our noses.  This has been ongoing for approximately a year and was so slight that it went undetected.  This member covered their tracks well... but your leadership and security unearthed that trail and now has the betrayer in our holding facility.  We have thoroughly interrogated said traitor and found the whereabouts of our stash of weapons due to the surveillance department doing an unbelievable job searching through Factionless.  There will likely be another shootout.  Keep in mind that your gear should be bulletproof.  It has been tested but you must wear your helmets.  Your shields are as well but they don't cover full bodies.  I say that the material should be bulletproof but I expect you all to be careful and don't take unnecessary risks.  Expect the unexpected and don't get cocky.  I encourage you all to use your training and do your faction proud.  These Factionless appear to be untrained but they may be able to aim.  I expect you all to work together to protect each other.  We are Dauntless and we are the protectors here.  We stop those that threaten our city and its citizens.  Do us proud as warriors of Dauntless!"
"Oorah!" the soldiers reply in tandem. 
Jax steps forward listing out the weapons and ammunition in question.  He explains that they are to retrieve said weapons and attempt to shoot to injure if necessary but if attacked, do what's required to save lives. 
They give their battle cry once more.  Ryan, Lydia, Jax, and I lead them out toward the parking garage.  I see Tris there with a med team.  A few Erudite are present as well.  I grin when I see my old friend.  I shake his hand and he says he's glad to see I'm awake and alive.  I chuckle at that and slap his arm jokingly. 
"What's going on, Eric?" the sweet angelic voice of my fiancée inquires. 
I turn to her and take her in my arms kissing her in front of everyone.  I hear the soldiers cheering as they load up into their vehicles. 
She sighs shakily as we part. 
"I love you.  You know that, right?" I say pressing my forehead against hers.
"I know," she whispers smiling. 
"We're going back to Factionless," I admit to her as I separate slightly but still hold her in my arms. I explain what's been stolen and that we're taking a battalion to get it back. 
She frowns at that and looks concerned. 
"There will most likely be another firefight.  Stay back and wait for the soldiers to bring any possible injured to you.  Do you understand me?" I question.  She looks fearful.  "That's an order, soldier."
"I understand," she nods frowning. 
"Okay," I say softly.  I peck her lips again. 
"We didn't set a date," she points out. 
"When we get back, we'll plan it," I smirk. 
"Do you promise?" she asks me. 
"I promise.  You can have anything you want," I say pecking her lips another time. 
"We're ready, sir," Jax informs me. 
"Alright," I nod to him.  "I'll see you soon, sweetheart.  Stay safe.  We've got a wedding to plan."
"I'll hold you to that," she beams. 
I kiss her once more slowly letting her go.  I stride to my vehicle leading the pack.  The meds will be taking the rear.  I get in my vehicle and tell my driver we're ready.  He navigates us through the planned route to the center of Factionless.  My one concern is that they may have explosives set up around the perimeter.  That thought just occurred to me.  I call it in and Jax agrees we'll all have to be on the lookout.  We pull up to the massive abandoned factory building and rush in.  I see Factionless lying around on mats.  Some are eating shared canned food with spoons again. 
"Everyone freeze," I announce. 
Several put their hands up as more Dauntless soldiers pour in the building from all exits.  They're completely surrounded—inside and out. 
"There are twenty-three Dauntless weapons stolen.  We expect them all to be returned.  If they're handed over, there will be no problems," I explain. 
"Evelyn Johnson has them," an older woman says. 
"Shh!" a man whispers harshly and backhands her across her face.
She holds her cheek. 
"They're up in her office," the woman continues and points up some metal stairs. 
"Anyone not looking to be involved in this, raise your hands and stand up.  You will be frisked.  If you're unarmed and nonviolent, you may leave," I say. 
That woman does as commanded.  Several others as well.  The man who slapped her stares me down. 
"Not looking to leave?" I ask him. 
He holds his hand out like a gun and pretends to shoot me. 
"Cuff him," I tell my team gruffly. 
"With pleasure, sir," a soldier says.  They grab him, cuff him, frisk him, and haul him out but stick him in the back of a locked armored truck. 
Now that the area is clear of people, I lead a team up the stairs to her office.  I already hear gunshots.  We proceed up in a rush.  There's a door on this level that's barred shut.  I kick it open and peer in.  Several people are firing out of the windows wildly at the Dauntless outside with sniper rifles, shotguns, and handguns.  I take out one in the shoulder.  Then another.  My team assists to shoot the rest as we enter in.  I hear a loud crash but keep my focus in front of me.  I feel a hit to my head and my helmet is knocked off.  I perceive the familiar click of a handgun being cocked right beside my ear. 
"I suggest you tell them to put their weapons down," a woman says forcefully to me. 
"Not gonna happen Mrs Eaton," I say mockingly. 
"I don't go by that name anymore," she snaps. 
I turn to face her. 
"Don't move again or I'll shoot you," she says.  "Drop your weapon."
"Alright," I reply tossing the rifle in my hands that's fully cocked.  It goes off in her general direction as it hits the ground but I take that moment of her looking away in fear to grab her gun and point it away from me.  She fires it wildly into the air hitting the ceiling.  I get her down on the ground easily and cuff her. 
"Let go of her," another man says putting the barrel of his gun to the back of my head.  I sigh and release her but she's still bound. 
I stand up and everything starts moving in slow motion.  I see my men all around me fighting and shooting those who are armed up here.  I notice that some sort of metal structure—ductwork , it would appear—was knocked down over the doorway blocking the entrance of any more soldiers.  That must've been the crash I heard earlier.  I can see that my team is shoving the construction in attempt to get it to move out of their path to no avail—it's wedged between two support beams and they can't enter.  I observe Edward—my former initiate who left for Factionless—fall to the ground.  He was one of the rebels. 
"What do you want from me?" I ask him—the man holding a gun to my head. 
"A bargaining chip to get out of here," he says cockily. 
"Not gonna happen, you little pansy," I reply mockingly. 
"Did you just call me a flower?" he laughs. 
I see him for the first time and he's what I'd call a manlet but not very muscular.  He's still pointing his mid-sized revolver at my head but his gun control is terrible.  He absolutely doesn't know what he's doing. 
I hear glass breaking overhead and I see a team rappelling down from the roof—Ryan, the little show off. 
This guy's attention is redirected to the roof.  The Factionless ask him what to do—Edgar, second in command according to Four.  He actually points at my team coming down with his gun giving orders to his men.  I take the moment that his firearm is off of me to rush him and knock him down aiming his gun away from us.  I hear various shots nearby at close proximity as I try to get his revolver out of his hands from on top of him—several from his revolver, some in the distance.  I feel a shot to my chest and it knocks the wind out of me throwing me backwards.  My head hits the ground hard and my hearing is gone, replaced by a deafening ringing.  The manlet the others called Edgar stands over me smirking and cocking his gun.  The noise in my ears grows louder and louder.  He points it at my face and pulls the trigger.  I feel dizzy and I see nothing after that.  The only thought in my head is of Tris... God, let me say goodbye to her.

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