Chapter Four-Tris

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"It's funny running into you here," Eric says at close proximity.
I look up from the book I was reading to see he's standing over me. I smile. "How are you feeling?" I ask curiously setting the book aside.
"A bit sore but pretty good actually," he smirks.
I grin at that and notice that the cafeteria is primarily empty.
"Care to join me?" I offer.
"Sure," he shrugs nonchalantly taking the seat beside me.
"So... getting back to your normal routine?" I question.
"The office work, yeah," he nods. "How are you getting along without me?" he teases.
I chuckle at that. "There's been few complaints now that you're gone," I joke.
He laughs at that.
"I barely complained," he defends.
"Oh, I was talking about Dana," I respond seriously and he cracks up laughing so hard that he has to hold his shoulder. I grin in reply.
"So, how's the office work coming along?" I ask making small talk.
"Odd," he mentions.
I nod.
"Did everything fall apart because you've been gone taking an extended leave of absence?" I taunt.
"Not exactly," he shakes his head.
"Oh," I reply. "Did you find out that everything ran smoothly in your prolonged absenteeism?"
He chuckles lightly at that. "Well, things have been fine but I think a problem has been glazed over," he mentions softly.
I frown at that. I know leadership and Jax's office are dedicated and hardworking but Eric does have those types of Erudite tendencies that notice everything—every little detail.
"It'll be alright. I just need to take a different approach than the usual," he tells me soothingly.
I grin at that.
"So... any plans for the weekend?" he asks.
"I work tomorrow," I shrug.
"Yeah, you all put in the six days a week with ridiculous hours. I never realized how hard our infirmary staff works—harder than leadership in my opinion," he says softly.
I blush, flattered at the compliment.
"What about Sunday?" he inquires.
"The same thing as always," I shrug dismissively.
"Which is?" he presses. He's been trying to get it out of me where I go on Sundays for a while.
"It's personal," I reply softly.
He nods. We chat a bit more about lighthearted, friendly kinds of things. It really is nice to have someone to talk to. I genuinely enjoy his company. Most of my other friends have gotten married or started families. I'm the only one truly career driven and it's been difficult adjusting since we don't have much in common anymore. Having someone outside of work with similar interests to converse with is like a breath of fresh air. I've been missing this for a long time. Eric finishes his meal quicker than me and stays a bit longer while I pick at my dessert.
"Well, maybe I'll see you around, Stiff," he says teasingly.
I smile in response and wave to him as he leaves. I put a small bite of the vanilla Dauntless cake in my mouth as someone joins my side. I grin thinking maybe Eric changed his mind about leaving but I see who it is and I frown.
"What are you doing here, Four?" I inquire of him softly.
"Why are you talking with Eric?" he asks me harshly.
I flinch at his tone.
"That's none of your business," I respond evenly.
"It is my business. I care about you," he replies firmly.
"Look, Four," I sigh. "We're not together. We haven't really been in years. I'd say we're more of acquaintances at this point than friends... so who I speak to and who I'm friends with is none of your concern."
"You were flirting with him throughout his entire stay in the infirmary," he whispers accusingly. "You're still being chummy now that he's released. It's really stupid on your part to keep talking to him. I suggest you wise up."
"I was not flirting with him," I insist flushing heavily at the accusation.
"You were so," he demands.
"You saw what you wanted to see," I reply flatly.
He sighs harshly at that. I know he's still interested. He has been ever since I ended things between us and we weren't even together very long. But this is the very reason why we're not together. His behavior is terrible and I can't live like this—the threats, the worry, the fear. I chose a life of peace, service, and kindness—the life I was meant to lead.
"Look, it was never my intention to flirt with Eric. I was his doctor and I was taking care of a patient, giving him the kindness, attention, and understanding that I would want to be treated with. I kept him company when he was lonely. That's all," I try to explain so he backs off.
"He's clearly interested in you," he demands.
"I guess I don't see what you see," I reply.
He sighs and looks to me.
"Being friends with Eric is a very dangerous place for someone like you. You need to keep your distance from him," he insists. "He's not a good person."
I turn away from him. I don't think Eric is who he thinks he is.
"Tris?" he asks me softly.
"What?" I respond.
"I care about you whether you like it or not. I don't want to see you hurt. If you keep associating with him, I can't protect you," he says gently.
"And who do I need protection from, Tobias?" I ask him confused.
"We live in a dangerous world. Don't get caught up in the mess that's about to unfold. Keep your distance. Dauntless leadership is the worst company to keep," he tells me earnestly.
"I would think being near leadership would be the safest and most influential," I counter his logic.
"Not for someone in your position," he says almost teasingly.
I flush at that. Besides Tori, he's the only person in this faction who knows what I am.
"Getting close to someone like him is death sentence," he whispers harshly.
I meet his eyes seriously having a strong conviction to explain what I believe.
"You may question our leadership here but I don't," I respond evenly. "I believe in submission to authority and praying for those who persecute. That's what I'm doing. You have the words Fear God Alone written on your wall but you don't fear only God. You fear everything, Tobias. You live in constant fear of the unknown. That's the difference between us. I don't want to live in fear and I choose not to. I want to continue to live my life free from you and your constant negativity and worry. You need to back off. My life is none of your business anymore. We were together officially for what? Two weeks? Maybe less. I don't enjoy your company and I honestly don't want to be friends with you anymore because you do nothing but try to bring me down."
"It's your funeral," he mumbles angrily at me before rising and walking away.
"Tobias?" I call out to him.
He stops in his tracks turning around and looking at me like he's changed my mind.
"If you ever approach me like this again to hold something so meaningless over my head, I will report you to security and get a restraining order put out on you," I tell him firmly.
I don't even look to see a reaction and eat my cake with contentment at finally dismissing him for good. I hear his retreating footsteps stomping away angrily before the double doors slam into the wall roughly. I jump at the harsh clatter echoing through the empty cafeteria.  I try to breathe even though he startled me. I close my eyes. I'm still shaking.  There's a continuing reverberation from the impact bouncing along the walls. I saw this type of behavior from him just before we broke up. I didn't want to stay with him and find out if he'll turn into Marcus.  I honestly couldn't handle it—the anger and aggression. I just know that I can't be with someone like that. He's not gentle. He's not kind. He's a vengeful, hateful person that I no longer want to associate with.
I gather my strength and rise with my tray.  I dispose of what's left and carry my bag with my book in it toward the security office on this level—Jax's office and my former employer.  I enter in and see Mary at the desk.  She's a forty-something year old lady who's been working night shifts since before my membership.  She greets me warmly telling me that she misses me in the office.  I'd occasionally be stationed here but I mostly handled the medical needs on missions throughout the factions.  That's how I found out about the possibility of getting the medical education to lead the faction infirmary.  Few have taken the opportunity but I chose a life of kindness and service.  I felt like Dauntless needed it. 
I explain to Mary my problem and she nods understandingly.  She's familiar that he'd been known to annoy me from time to time but it hasn't been like this in a long time—perhaps because I've been mostly out of sight for him.  This wasn't the first time he's approached me since I've been back, just the most severe.  I know he's probably watching me.  He always had before and hopefully he will stop but I'll leave that up to his commanding officers—Chris... and Jax.  I knew filing this complaint would get him in trouble which is why I haven't done it until now.  I sigh shakily as I sign the form to have security look into the situation and possibly monitor us both but I know it's the right thing to do. 
I thank Mary for her help and she insists she'll place it on Jax's desk immediately.  I know it's a Friday night but hopefully there won't be any further incidents this weekend.  I head home through the Pit to my apartment in the Delta Quadrant.  I love my new home.  I just moved in this month and it's fantastic.  I treasure my view of the city.  It's a penthouse apartment—a single, but I don't need any more space.  It's nice to finally be able to afford to move out of my old basement level.  My favorite things are the windows.  I love being able to open them and enjoy the fresh air.  The sunlight in the morning is like a game changer.  I adore waking up to the sunrise.  It's like my life is a dream at times. 
I take the stairs up and open my door.  I set my bag and keys aside on my console and approach my massive window in the living room.  The lights of the city are so prominent already.  If I would've left when Eric did, it's possible I could've watched the sunset.  But this view is still magnificent and I'll take it after the day I've had.  I sigh shakily and try not to cry.  Tomorrow will be a better day.

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