Chapter Five-Eric

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I return to work early on Saturday morning.  I've got nothing else going on and I've had plenty of time off.  I examine the footage again and I decide to take a look at the login information. Something is missing and I'm going to find out what... and who's responsible. I begin scrutinizing the logins—who's working, what, if anything, is getting deleted.
A knock on my door breaks my out of my thoughts. "Come in," I call out when I see Jax there out of uniform which is highly unusual for him. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused.
"Please forgive my attire. Emi and I were just taking the kids to our cottage for the weekend when I got a call from the office asking approval on something that needed my immediate attention," he explains handing me a form.
I take it from his hands and I'm shocked at what I'm seeing. I look back up to him. "I've got it," I tell him firmly trying to reign in my temper. "Go ahead with your family. I'll make sure it's handled immediately."
"Can you keep calm about this? I was hoping to find Max up here but according to security, he's nursing a hangover," he replies seriously.
I furrow my brows at that. Max never really drinks too much... but then I remember what time of the year it is. It's the anniversary of his wife's death.
"I can be calm about it," I nod.
"Alright," he replies. "Just know that... I'm having trouble holding my temper as well."
"Yeah," I sigh harshly and dismiss him.
I reread the form thinking I didn't see everything right on first glance but I frown in that she's always felt threatened by him. I thought they were together but according to this, he's been behaving like this since a few weeks after her initiation. No wonder she left the compound for years. I stop what I'm doing and go up to surveillance. Only three guys I'm fairly familiar with are working. They notice my presence and I nod to them. I head over toward Chris's office. He's usually working one out of two days on the weekend. I'm in luck that he's here. I keep this just between the two of us for now and he nods that he'll stay the weekend to handle it. We're going to monitor his activity and make sure he's not causing problems with her. He helps me to look through the system and find the confrontation that led to this report. I see her talking with Four right after I left. He's snapping at her about me. I know he hates me but he's exceedingly territorial over someone who isn't his girl.  There are occasions where he's whispering to her and I can tell it's really affecting her emotionally by her expressions. He is being harsh and rude.  Chris hands me a copy of that.  I ask him to look further into this for me.  He nods and I rise heading down to the security office on the main floor.  I speak with the weekend crew letting them know that if he's seen approaching her to intervene.  They nod their consent.  They also know this means that if he's seen approaching her, he will be taken into custody.  She told him as much and he scared her with his temper tantrum.  He should know by now that she's not messing around.  I leave security and consider going up to my office but I make a stop at the infirmary first.  I see Dana seated at the desk smacking her lips chewing gum.  She blows a bubble with it as I approach. 
"Very mature," I mock. 
"Good to see you, too.  We're so glad you're paying us another visit," she replies in a sickeningly sweet manner. 
"Where's Tris?" I ask sighing. 
She raises her eyebrows at me in surprise. 
"Working," she responds confused. 
"I need to speak with her," I reply. 
I hear a curtain open and Tris walks out a little boy with a cast on his arm.  He's running around hazardously like he earned that badge.  His mom chases after him scolding him to be careful.  She grabs him by the collar and speaks with Dana at the desk.  Tris hands her a clipboard and mentions quietly not to give him any candy. 
"How about a sticker for the energetic boy?" Dana suggests. 
"What do you have?" he asks excitedly jumping up and down. 
"Eric?  What are you doing here?" Tris inquires surprised when she notices me. 
"I want the Dauntless flames and the train!" the little boy says excitedly. 
"Why don't we go somewhere to talk?" I suggest. 
"Alright," she nods but she looks confused. 
I lead her back to the staff break room.  Luckily it's empty. 
"Are you not feeling well?" she asks concerned. 
I show her the form and she blushes looking away.  "I kind of regretted submitting that," she says softly. 
"Why?  If he's been like this he should've been monitored years ago," I tell her. 
Her gorgeous light blue eyes meet mine in surprise. 
"I don't want you feeling threatened.  I have his supervisor watching him this weekend and the guards are aware.  If he approaches you, call security immediately.  Chris won't be working all night but we'll try to see who we can trust with this," I explain softly. 
She nods and thanks me. 
"I was... under the impression you two were together," I mention. 
"No," she shakes her head.  "This type of behavior appeared early on.  I didn't have it in me to continue with that."
"You shouldn't have to," I reply seriously. 
She nods in response. 
"What else has he done?" I ask so I know what to look for. 
She lists off things like arguing with her and being confrontational, seeing her with people he doesn't approve of and following her around the faction.  He might be abusing his authority in surveillance so I'll look into that.  I ask her questions about the relationship.  She says that he disappeared a lot at night and wouldn't tell her where he'd been.  It would start an argument that she couldn't handle.  I nod at that.  We'll see what he's been up to.  Maybe it was just another girl that he was trying to hide from her.  We talk a bit more and I realize how late it is.  I offer to take her to lunch but she says hers has already been ordered.  She thanks me for the offer, though. 
"Maybe next time," I grin. 
She smiles at me and thanks me for everything. I head off to the cafeteria for lunch. I enter to see Four there talking with Zeke. He notices me and attempts to stare me down. I don't bother with his petty, childish behavior. I already know I've got him. He mentioned years ago during initiation—the year after Tris's membership if I recall properly—that they were together and things were going well. I hadn't seen her much then but she must've left for her studies so that explains it. I grab my lunch and head over to the leaders' table thinking over my next step with the Factionless issue until more information is gathered about Four. Maybe I'll check the records in the armory since several Dauntless weapons were recovered after the firefight. I sit down besides my best friend.
"It's seriously nice to have you back with us again," Ryan tells me.
"It's nice to be back," I smirk. "I actually feel like I can be of use now," I admit. And I will be of use and do something about all of this. I will do everything in my power to take care of Tris... and this situation with Factionless.

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