Chapter Three-Eric

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I grin in that she's joining me for lunch.  God, she's gorgeous... and talented and smart.  I saw no ring so I should be good.  If Four was going to commit, he should have already.  She comes back in and pulls up a chair using my end table for her tray. 
"So, you're bored, huh?" she asks taking a bite of her sandwich. 
"Yeah, I'm not used to having nothing to do.  I'm always working... or exercising," I admit taking the lid off of my tray.  We have the same meal, just more for me. 
"Me, too," she grins. 
"Workaholic?" I ask. 
"Absolutely," she laughs lightly.  "You?"
"The same.  Ask anyone," I smirk. 
She smiles at that.  She chats with me and I know I'm actually feeling better about being here.  She jokes with me and I tease her right back.  I've honestly never enjoyed someone's company quite like this before.  By the time we're finished with lunch, she calls a member from her staff in—a younger girl—who assists her.  She washes her hands thoroughly before she puts on a pair of gloves and injects me with a local anesthetic.  I actually watch as she replaces one stitch at a time.  They do look better—not as overly tight.  When she finishes, she cleans up and proceeds to check my other bandages. 
"These look good," she tells me. 
She rises and fills out a couple forms.  She looks like she's about to leave but faces me again. 
"You said you're bored.  Is there anything I can get for you to help with that?" she offers. 
"Like what?" I inquire. 
"I don't know," she shrugs.  "I can have someone retrieve some personal items from your home if you'd like... well, leadership said no computers.  They want you to rest and heal.  The good news is that it looks like you're already making some progress, though."
I actually smile at her.  She is incredible.  I rack my brain trying to focus on what I could do. 
"I've got a few books in my apartment that I was reading.  I could finish those," I mention. 
She nods and tells me she'll take care of it. 
I sit around twiddling my thumbs for a while.  I do notice that my leg feels leagues better than before.  Everything is feeling better oddly even though she's lowered my dose of meds. 
Mid afternoon there's a light knock on my door.  I call my visitor in.  It's Tris.  I smile at seeing her again.  She enters the room and sets down a couple of my books on the nightstand.  She checks my bandages again and says my leg looks much better.  She runs a few more tests on me and pours me a glass of water before leaving me once again.  I look over to my books and carefully reach for one.  I open it up and begin to read. 


As time passes, Tris is the one to help me with my physical therapy. She has equipment brought into my room and at one point, she has her arm around me—supporting me to walk. Those are genuinely the best parts of my day.  It's not easy but the closeness is something I look forward to every time she's here.
I'm honestly in shock with how short the healing time is. She tells me I'm in good health, getting proper rest and nutrition... and also that she initially gave me a healing injection to aid with repair and recovery before I was released from the hospital. I smirk at that. I thought I'd be here forever or what felt like it anyway. But a thought occurs to me—I'll be leaving her company soon. That revelation is kind of devastating. I've come to depend on her, look forward to her aid, her companionship, and just being around her is sort of intoxicating.
When she finally signs my release, I'm honestly not too happy about leaving. She handles the paperwork herself and walks me out to the exit wishing me luck. I take one more look at my gorgeous doctor who I know I've absolutely fallen for.  She waves to me and it's time that I part from her. 
Since it's early on a work day, I decide to head up to the office.  I take the elevators due to my leg still being a bit too sore to handle all of those stairs.  I arrive and everyone stops what they're doing and cheers for me.  I'm not used to that.  I nod to the staff and proceed to my office. The rest of leadership greets me warmly and I'm given all of the information they have from the attack. They haven't been able to discover anything. I bring Jax in and we discuss everything he's learned which is not much. I request copies of all of his files and the surveillance footage. I get a strange call from Chris—the supervisor in surveillance. He tells me some of the recordings are missing in the database.
"That's odd," I comment.
I confirm what was told to me with Jax over the phone and he personally makes duplicates for me of what he has in his locked files—previously recorded copies of the incident from two angles. I go over all of the material thoroughly. I see where I was shot at—where the Sergeant was actually hit—and then the angle from which I was hit. It's the same building but it's difficult to make out the perpetrator. They obviously have had training because of the accuracy—probably ex-Dauntless. The one who shot my leg was aiming wildly but had I not turned slightly, the shot that hit my chest would've likely hit my heart. 'You're lucky to be alive...' Tris's words repeat in my mind. I nod. I am. If that careless Factionless hadn't hit me first, I would be dead. I sigh at that kind of logic. This is unbelievable.
I shake these thoughts out of my mind and get to work on studying the material I do have. I notice large gaps and deleted footage. Only certain people in Dauntless have the ability to do that. There are maybe twenty of us that I can narrow it down to—most of whom I trust but this is showing me that there's someone in this faction that is in on this attack... so I keep my opinions and discoveries to myself.
I notice the time and realize it's getting late. I should probably head down to dinner before they pack it up for the night. I enter the cafeteria to see a familiar face among the sparse late night crowd. I grab an already prepared plate since they have begun the cleanup and decide since nobody is really here to join her for dinner...

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