This was some deep stuff, and I felt out of place. It was their chance to discuss and resolve their differences. Just hear him out, I whispered as I put my palm on Lynn's other hand and leaned in close. She nodded. I stood up and went back to the bedroom to check on Rome. Through the door, I could overhear him speaking. Any new information, he enquired. The room was silent for a second before he resumed speaking. I pay you too much fucking money for you not to be making any progress. Whoever he was talking to was talking since the room was quiet again. Well, if that's the case, we will be home later. Make sure everything is put back in place when we get there. After a few seconds, I felt secure enough to enter. Rome was already packing our things. We had only been there for three days, and there were so many local restaurants I wanted to try and activities I wanted to do, so I was upset.

You made breakfast, he questioned. Since we've been getting closer, he's been acting as though he can't eat takeout, I swear. I shook my head no and began explaining to him why. Lynn and Dre are talking and I didn't want the sound of banging pots to disturb them because the kitchen was closest to the front room. He started expressing his unfiltered opinion on the subject. Dre needs to drop Lynn's ass. That bitch don't know her place, he said. I won't lie; I was annoyed by the statement. "So I guess I'm a bitch who knows my place, I said." What about Brittany? That bitch rarely listened to you, so tell me, is she a bitch who knows her place. Mani, don't start with that shit, you know what I mean. What exactly do you mean cause I want you to explain it to me. "What I look like explaining myself to you, though," he said and then laughed like shit was funny. Just go pack yo stuff cause I have some shit I gotta handle back home.

Whatever Rome, I said. I would have fought to stay longer but was missing Prince. There were many things I would need to consider when I got home. If I wanted to continue whatever this is me and B had going on or would I give it a break. I finished packing everything and started dragging my baggage down the stairs. Lynn and Dre were no longer there, which was good. I have always thought she could do better than Dre, but people will love who they love. I'm just going to be there for her as much as I can. I would love for my heart to beat for B as it does for Rome, but unfortunately, love is something we can't force. Who would I be to judge her for it? When I went back up the stairs to get my tote bag, Rome was in the bathroom blowing it up. I was putting the last of my belongings in my bag when Rome's phone flashed. I didn't give it much thought until the light flashed again.

I gave in to my curiosity. I gently snuck to his side of the bed and grabbed his phone. My heart was beating a mile a minute, but I continued being nosy. I could not believe what I read as I clicked the side button that disclosed his notifications. Lil Preach: Boss, that nigga B back on my radar. The second text he sent was an image. I tried to click on it, but Rome's phone security appeared. Rome's birthday was my first attempt, but it didn't work. I tried Prince's birthday after that, but it didn't work. My final resort was to attempt my birthday. As if it would be my birthday, I thought. Surprisingly, it worked when I pressed the six digits that would make up my birthdate.

I had goosebumps when I saw B at one of the Airbnb homes he took me to in the image that appeared. He only cooked me dinner when we went, nothing more. What was Rome doing, and why did he have this came to mind. I start to scroll up, and from what I read through the text, he has been watching B. A chill ran through my body as I wondered whether he knew about B and me. He couldn't possibly know, I told myself. I continued to scroll until I came across another picture of two sets of legs. I was close to their pelvis in the photograph when I heard the water going off and the doorknob twisting. I hurriedly exited the messaging app, shut off the phone's screen, and scurried to the edge of my bed. Rome was out the door and I continued packing.

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