017: Between gold and silver

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Then he kissed me.

And we exploded.

It felt like hell filled with fireworks. Overwhelming my senses and demolishing that barrier I had in place. My mind was supposed to be clear but instead it became fogged with desire and lust for him— only him. Those soft lips are otherworldly with mystical powers that manage to make me weak in the knees, leaving me drunk on his kisses. The touch of his hard hands and solid body against my owm is driving me into oblivion, I willing submitted to him without a challenge because the delicious taste of whiskey accompanied by the hint of mint gum permanently sent me into an abyss of passion. It's addictive and his feverish touches made me want to be consumed by him.

We went berserk, I was greedy tor more of him as his lips captured my nipples and sucked like I was his favourite taste and when his hand drifted to run through my pussy lips I could have sworn I saw stars When his thick fingers entered me, I wouldn't have even cared if people walked in on us because all I wanted was for them to stay inside of me forever. That euphoric sensation rattled my bones and shattered my sensibility. I felt alive for the first time and I have never been wetter in my entire life.

Azarov knew how to work his skillful fingers inside of me as if he had always been acquainted with my body. Playing my body, bending it into submission. He worked my clit with eagerness and I shattered into a million pleces from that intense orgasm. That wasn't the best part, when he tasted me on his fingers and groaned deeply resembling a growl of a beast, I got wet all over again by the mere sound.

Carter had to ruin the moment and usually my bloodlust isn't as barbaric as Isadora's but in that moment I would have siven anything to slit his voice box to permanently shut him up. Azarov blinked slowly and became calm once again. Straightening out his suit jacket and facing away from me, apologizing for his lack of control and snapped back into business mode. He didn't look at me after that, Diavolo and Isadora had mischievous grins plastered on their faces and I knew they saw what happened. Thankfully they didn't comment since Azarov and I were on opposite ends of the spectrum now.

Which leads us to the two days later and it's quite obvious that we were avoiding each other. I couldn't find myself to ashamed by what happened, only terrified that Azarov could easily own my body and I wouldn't even put up a fight because I desperately wanted him.

My reasons revolved around my past but what about Azarov?

Did he regret It? Did he feel like he was disrespecting his wife? The overflow of questions played around in my brain establishing that my relationship with Azarov is indeed complicated.

The only place that surpresses the anxiety creeping upon me is the library, anything involving books really.

Azarov's personal library is stacked with selections varying from facts to fiction. Apparently, I couldn't quite escape him since I was drawn to a Greek Mythology book that low-and-behold involved Aphrodite, Adonis and Persephone. They describe Adonis as an astonishingly handsome man and that's the second correlation to this life. This caused Aphrodite and Persephone to feud over him, Zeus however declared that he spend one third of the year with Aphrodite, the other third with Persephone and the last third with whomever he chooses. He chose to spend it with Aphrodite and even though this doesn't pertain to my life I silently hoped Azarov would choose me but that would be selfish if his wife is his first love.

Could I share him the way they did? Was I capable of accepting that his love would only be reserved for his wife?

A honeyed voice pulled me out of thoughts, "Greek mythology? Seems fitting since you're also the goddess of beauty."

Even though I have only heard his voice a maximum of three times, I recognised the husky-deep silvery tone and didn't bother to lift my head from the pages.

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