Part 7: The Director

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Megatron is listening closely to Shockwave's words. He is interested but not 100% invested in it yet.

Megatron: "This plan that Knockout came up with is a gambit indeed, but I'm not quite sure if will work under these circumstances."

Shockwave: "What would you suggest?"

Megatron: "Optimus needs to have his confidence broken first, and I know what we need."

Scream: (taunting) "Is it something like calling names Lord Megatron? How trivial."

Megatron: "Your lip is not needed Starscream. I will begin working on my side of the plan while you do yours."

Shockwave: "Soundwave should handle the audio when the time comes."

Soundwave: "Affirmative, and when it is ready it will be planted."

Scream: "Another wasted plan."

Megatron: "You underestimate love Starscream. It is one of the most powerful emotions for anyone to use. It can compel you to do the unimaginable."

Scream: (quietly) "You have no idea."

Meanwhile Thundercracker sees Oil Slick working on some chemicals with Skywarp, and approaches him.

Oil Slick: "Yes?"

Thunder: "I just wanted you to know your head is in a pickle jar."

Beastbox: (in the background) "Did somebody say pickles?"

Squawk: "I heard it too!"

Oil Slick: "How pleasant of you to say."

Thunder: "You're welcome."

Skywarp: "Ignore him it often works."

Oil: "Easier said than done."

Thunder: "Has anyone seen the Constructicons or Splicer? They just disappeared."

Wasp: "Waspinator isn't even relevant anymore."

Skywarp: "I haven't seen them."

Thunder: "I'm not complaining or anything it's much roomier now."

Skywarp: "This place is easily ten times larger than the last base."

Thunder: "I know, I just feel weird when I'm near a large group of people."

Meanwhile the Coneheads are watching Megatron have his conversation with Shockwave.

Dirge: (in disdain) "Look at how he flaunts his ego at all of us. That fool."

Ramjet: "Dude you have issues."

Dirge: (hissing) "He left us to die do you not remember that?!"

Thrust: "How could we forget?"

Dirge: "Both of your attitudes have me concerned about your willingness for revenge."

Thrust: (sarcastically) "Yeah because the three of us can take Megatron down."

Ramjet: "If there was a headbutting contest then he'd be sorry!"

Dirge: "I'm not saying right now. I mean when there becomes a moment, we will act upon it."

Sideways comes in to interrupt their conversation.

Sideways: "Now that's a big dream you have there."

Dirge: "Sideways! How good to see... (sees Astrotrain) I mean meet you."

Sideways: "I get that a lot. Planning on getting rid of the big M, eh? I don't blame you."

Dirge: "Nice to see someone outside myself who understands."

Ramjet: "I understand but I just don't care."

Sideways: "Opportunities have a peculiar way of showing themselves, so all you can do is wait."

Thrust: "Waiting to die sounds so great you know that?"

Dirge: "We will never die, but he is another story."

Meanwhile in a pure white room the Dreads are training themselves. Hatchet spectates Crankcase, who is on his knees and has his eyes closed. Crowbar motions to him for a practice duel.

Crowbar: "Are you sure you want me to attack you while you're like that?"

Crankcase: (dismissive) "If you don't think you're up to such a simple task then the door is to your left."

Crowbar: "Well you asked for it."

Crowbar throws a punch at Crankcase, and he slightly leans to the left to dodge it. Crowbar tries with a flurry of punches but misses each time. Crowbar ties a swift kick, but Crankcase humps up and knees him in the face from a backflip. Now opening his eyes, Crankcase gestures to Crowbar to come at him with everything he has. Crowbar charges at him, but Crankcase simply blocks or dodges each attack with zero difficult. Crankcase switches to offensive and punches Crowbar straight in face. He claps both of his hands on the sides of Crowbar's head, disorienting him, and kicks him back, and then using his elbow to bash him down.

Crankcase: (disgusted) "Is that all you have to offer?"

Crowbar: -spits- "I was about to ask you the same thing."

Crowbar gets back up and starts slashing at Crankcase, and in slow motion one of his fingers does manage to graze Crankcase's face. Crowbar jumps at Crankcase, but he grabs him by the arm and starts swinging him around. He throws him up into the ceiling. When he comes down Crankcase tries to do a dropping smash with his elbow. Crowbar rolls out of the way, and the way Crankcase falls it breaks his arm. He gets up and uses his other arm to slam down on the broken one, fixing it back into place. He lets out a slight grunt in pain. Crowbar jumps over him and grabs him from behind. Crankcase bashes him in the face with his elbow and counter-grabs him, throwing him into the wall.

Crank: "I expected more from you."

Crowbar: "Try this on for size!"

Crowbar's "hair" launches out at Crankcase like whips. They wrap around Crankcase, crushing him. But Crankcase is far from done. Using all his strength he breaks free. Crowbar continues his hair assault, and eventually manages to hit Crankcase in the face. Crankcase gets up and decides to end the fight. He dashes forward with some left jabs to Crowbars face, launches him in the air with a jumping uppercut, and finishes with a spinning kick in the air.

Crank: "Impressive, you finally managed to hit me. Your skills have improved 20% since last time."

Crowbar: "Be honest how hard were you going from one to ten?"

Crank: "Four"

Crowbar: "Oh, why not go harder."

Crank: "A hunter must use all of his senses on the right opponent. I'm saving my full power for the Autobots."

Crowbar: "What's the deal anyway?"

Crank: (snarling) "The Autobots have Optimus Prime, the Wreckers, Mirage, and these Dinobots that I've heard stories about! That alone should make you understand why we must be ready. And he will be there."

Crowbar: "Why do you obsess over him so much?"

Crank: (screaming) "He took something from me! And I will never be able to have it back until I tear him apart!"

Crowbar: "Forget I asked."

At a bar in California, Silas is drinking up a storm. At this point he is half drunk at the table. Savoy comes in to set him straight.

(surprised) "What the hell are you doing here?"

"To keep you in line. I see you're doing exactly what i thought you would do."

"What? Having a drink?"

"More like drowning your sorrows in booze."

"That's not what it is."

"You still feel guilty after killing Alan. I get it. But you know why it had to be done. He knew too much."

"There had to be another way."

"Sometimes there isn't. You made the right call."

"How do you handle trauma like this Savoy?"

"I accept it and see the bigger picture, which is what you need to do."

-sigh- "If you say so."

"I can't babysit you for much longer. Mr. Attinger says he needs me to test out a new product. So good luck."

As the two leave it's goes back to The Ark, where the Dinobots, Jazz, and Ratchet are watching T.V. They're watching a soap opera on Cybertron named All My Spare Parts. Despite having a war go on this is the only place on Cybertron where both Autobots and Decepticons get along. Even the more serious Decepticons like Megatron and Shockwave are fans of the show. The two characters on the screen are about confess their feeling for one another, but an experiment from Wheeljack disrupts the signal.

Grimlock: "NOOOOO!"

Jazz: "Aw it was just getting good."

Snarl: "We missed Nautica and Windcharger confessing their love!"

Slag: "Me Slag hate you Wheeljack!"

Ratchet: "Is this really what we've come to? Worrying about a stupid show?"

Swoop: "It's literally all we got."

Grimlock: "Is Uncle Husbands on yet?"

Snarl: "That's at three."

Grimlock: "Darn."

Ratchet: "I still can't believe The Decepticons let that garbage run."

Jazz: "Well to be fair Megatron is much nicer compared to the previous two Decepticon leaders."

Snarl: "There were more?"

Jazz: "You didn't know that?"

Swoop: "Dude we've only been alive for like a year now. We only know the basics."

Jazz: "Well I can't remember the name of the first guy. It was something saurus."

Grimlock: "He sounds lame."

Jazz: "I wasn't alive for this guy either, but I do remember his name. He was-"

Ratchet: (sternly) "We made a vow to never speak his name Jazz."

Snarl: "Why?"

Ratchet: "What he did was so abhorrent that we don't even want to remember."

Grimlock: "What did he do?"

Ratchet: "Long story short he is the founder of the term one man army."

Swoop: "Oh yeah? How so?"

Ratchet: "He waged a war on the entire planet, and he killed half of Cybertron's population.... by himself. It took the other half to finally stop him."

Grimlock: "Damn."

Snarl: "What happened after that?"

Ratchet: "We moved on, but nobody wanted to touch a pickax for a very long time."

Grimlock: "That's rough buddy."

Wheeljack beckons Chip over to test out a very special concoction.

Chip: "What is it?"

Wheel: "Well Perceptor and I having been working diligently on a repairing serum."

Chip: "What does it repair."

Wheel: "Your paralysis."

Chip: "You really think so?"

Wheel: "Only one way to find out. Would you be willing to try it out?"

Chip: "Absolutely."

Wheeljack takes out a needle with green liquid inside. He injects it into Chip's spine and waits a moment.

Wheel: "Feel any different?"

Chip: "No."

Wheel: "Try walking."

Chip tries to get up but falls instantly. He keeps struggling until it sets in that Wheeljack has failed.

Wheel: (wracked with guilt) "Chip... I could have sworn I got it right. We crunched the numbers. I must have missed something."

Chip: "Look it's not your fault on what happened. I tempted fate and paid the price."

Wheel: "It's not that, it's about keeping a promise. I failed you."

Chip: " Sometimes there are promises you can't keep. You just have to move on."

Wheel: "I'll figure it out one day. I owe you that much."

Meanwhile Tailgate is trying to paint a new masterpiece, which is spectated by Bumblebee and Tomahawk.

Tailgate: "How do you think I'm doing?"

Bee: "You'll definitely outshine Vincent Van Gobot with that."

Tomahawk: "Yeah what he said."

Sideswipe comes barging in showing them the trailer for the new Transturner movie, titled Transturners: China Edition. There is tons of explosions and robot action, the perfect cinematic combination. Though Bumblebee has one concern.

Bee: "I hate that boyfriend character. Get rid of him and the movie will be perfect."

Side: "Well tell that to the director."

Bee: "What's his name."

Side: (checking) "Let me see here. Hmm, Michael Bay."

Bee: "We should tell him then."

Tomahawk: "Slow your roll stripes. You can't just go over and tell a director how to do a movie.... can you?"

Bee: "I think it's worth the trip, what do you think?"

Side: "Sure,"

Tomahawk: "I'm in."

Bee: "You coming Tailgate?"

Tailgate: "Alas I can not. I must finish my piece."

Bee: "Alright then. But i feel like we still need one more guy to go with us."

Jolt comes out of one of the compartments from the lab and rushes over to them.

Jolt: (excited) "Can I go with you?"

Side: "Gee I don't know, we got a pretty exclusive club thing going on."

Jolt: "Oh come on I'm loads of fun!"

Bee: "I do like fun."

Side: "Fine we'll do a demo with you."

Jolt: "Oh yeah!"

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