Part 2: The New Autobot Army

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Optimus and the other Autobots prepare the other base so the Wreckers can have a safe landing this time. After much preparation the send a light with the Autobot symbol into the clouds. Right on the dot Swoop spots the ship in the far distance. The ship is in far better condition than how it was in Enslavement. There are more lights on and the thrusters are functioning perfectly. The ship lands and out comes Roadbuster to greet Optimus.

Prime: "Welcome back to Earth Roadbuster."

Road: "It's bloody good to be back Optimus."

Prime: "Did you have a safe trip back?"

Road: "Yes we did, but Topspin got us lost."

Topspin: (in the background) "I said I was sorry!"

Prime: "So where are these other Autobots?"

Road: "In the ship, and some these guys were a pain in the ass."

Leadfoot: (coming out) "That's an understatement."

Leadfoot gets stuck in between the doors and needs help getting pushed out.

Leadfoot: "Some help please?"

Topspin: "How do I always get dragged into this?"

With enough force Topspin manages to push Leadfoot out. As he rolls down the stairs Wheeljack greets his fellow Wreckers.

Wheel: "It's great to see you guys again."

Leadfoot: "What's so great about it?"

Wheel: "Nothing."

Topspin: "Now that's the Wheeljack we know!"

Wheel: "So where are the other guys?"

Leadfoot: "No idea why they haven't come out yet. We got ourselves a few loudmouths here."

Topspin: "Get out here you ninnies!"

There is some movement inside and the first new Autobot steps out. He is a red Autobot with some points on his head that act like ears. This is Blaster, Cybertron's most famous DJ/talk show host. The expression on his face is an upbeat and relaxed, and that's they way he likes it. He's also the other surviving member of Soundwave's race.

Jazz: "Well look who it is, the master Blaster is here."

Blaster: (smiles) "Jazz you sure picked a groovy crib to hang in."

Jazz: "It's all in the style am I right?"

Blaster: "Definately."

Prime: "Blaster, it's good to have you back."

Blaster: (shaking hands) "It's a dream come true to finally fight alongside you. I can't wait to get this place funky fresh."

Prime: "I'd certainly hope you're joking."

Blaster: "No way! life is going to be a party every day while I'm here!"

Side: "You're speaking my language. I love it!"

Another Autobot steps out of the ship. He is a black Autobot with a yellow visor that covers his blue eyes. This is Tomahawk, a one man aerial army. He sees Bumblebee and instantly dashes over and gives him a big hug.

Tomahawk: (excited) "Bumblebee!"

Bee: "Tomahawk!"

Tomahawk: "It's so good to see you again! What's been happening?"

Bee: "Lot's of fighting."

Tomahawk: "And I missed it? That's a shame."

Side: "To be fair there hasn't been a single Decepticon sighting for a whole year."

Tomahawk: "huh, and are those ground modes you're using?"

Bee: "Yeah what about it?"

Tomahawk: "You know those are limited. Wouldn't you rather see the sights in the air?"

Prime: "We've had to remain robots in disguise to be seen as little as possible."

Tomahawk: "Nothing blends in better than some flashy sports cars right?"

Side: "No better than those heavily armed helicopter we see you using."

Tomahawk: "Fair point. It's good to see you still witty Sideswipe."

Next comes another black Autobot. The background music changes into a French tune. This Autobot is Tailgate, one of Cybertron's most renowned artists. He has green rectangular eyes and a very thin mustache. On the left side of his head is what looks like a beret. He has a cigar in his mouth, and he straightens his mustache and speaks in a very thick French accent.

Tailgate: (dryly) "This planet is depressing."

Tomahawk: (whispers) "He thinks everything is depressing."

Bee: "Tailgate?"

Tailgate: "Bumblebee? Sideswipe? Is that you?"

Bee: "Yeah. It's so good to see you again."

Tailgate: "Back at you my friend. So where are your brothers?"

Side: "They're dead."

Tailgate: "My condolences to you both."

Tailgate hears some bumping around in the ship, and he gets really prissy.

Tailgate: (harshly) "Careful you fool! That artwork is priceless!"

?: "Whatever you say!"

A blue Autobot walks out of the ship carrying most of Tailgates most famous paintings and sculptures. This is Jolt, the blue ball of energy.

Jolt: "Uh a little help guys?"

Tailgate: "You wanted the higher-up's attention did you not?"

Jolt: "Well yeah."

Tailgate: "Then surely you can impress them with your strength by carrying a few simple pieces of art."

Jolt: "Well I guess I-"

Jolt trips and in slow motion the artwork starts falling out the crates. That's when Blaster steps in. He slides through and saves the sculptures, much to Tailgate's relief.

Jazz: "You just had to show off didn't you?"

Blaster: "As long as it's in style it's worth it."

Jazz: "Couldn't agree more."

Jolt: "Hey look at what I can do!"

Jolt takes out two electric whips and starts cracking them in blinding speed, making an electric light show.

Ironhide: "That's a cute trick you got there sparkles."

Tomahawk: "Don't encourage him."

Jolt: "Gotta go fast! Alright!"

Ratchet: "And like that I hate you."

Leadfoot: "It was a bloody lightshow the whole trip."

Jolt: "Name's Jolt by the way."

Wheel: "That certainly fits."

Another Autobot comes out, and from what we can tell he is definitely a flier. It's Silverbolt, the leader of the Autobots only combiner team the Aerialbots. Everyone is happy to see him, and Optimus is the first to greet him.

Prime: "Silverbolt, I am pleased to see you have survived all this time."

Silver: "It's an honor to fight by your side once again Optimus."

Prime: "Is the rest of your team here?"

Silver: "Yes they are."

Prime: "Have you finally managed to become the leader I knew you would be?"

Silver: (nervous) "Yeah well you see there's a...funny story about that."

?: "What he's trying to say is that he's working on it."

The music in the background takes a jazzy turn as a white, red, and blue Autobot graces the Autobots with his presence. It's Fireflight, the second-in-command of the Aerialbots and the dandiest guy in the galaxy. His headpiece resembles that of a pompadour that belongs to a certain iconic anime character, including the "hair" on the back of his head. On the upper left side of his chest is a small star that it pinned on his armor, and a large star is on his back. He a blue visor that he wears over his eyes and has a toothpick in his mouth. he observes his surroundings and grins. He comes down to greet the others, who seem to be excited to see him.

All: "Fireflight!"

Fire: (cool) "Guys guys it's just me. No need for such a welcoming."

Wheel: "Are you kidding? You're Fireflight, you're the coolest guy in existence."

Topspin: "Even I like him."

Fire: (humbly) "There's somebody much more deserving of that title, but that's still a mighty fine thing to say."

Side: "Well duh!"

Fire: (looking around) "This seems like a great place to crash baby."

Tailgate: (confused) "Baby? I do not see a single infant in this establishment."

Jolt: "Dude that was an expression."

Tailgate: "Oh right.... an expression."

Blaster: "Tailgate takes everything literally. It all goes over his head."

Tailgate: (lamenting) "It is true, everything goes over my head. My reflexes are not fast enough and I can't catch it. Why can't I catch it!?"

Jolt: "Take a chill pill bro."

Tailgate: "Why would I want to freeze to death? It makes no sense."

A blue Autobot with goggles on his head comes yawning out of the ship. This is Jetfire, the laziest Autobot in existence. He's always either tired or unmotivated.

Jetfire: -yawns- "So this is the place huh? Got any places to take a nice snooze?"

Silver: "You were asleep the whole trip Jetfire."

Jetfire: "So? I always wake up just to go to sleep again."

Tyrone: "A man after my own heart."

Ace: "Of course you would like him."

Tyrone: "He loves the simple life, and I can respect that."

Jetfire: "Now if you'll need me I'll be available when I feel like it."

Silver: "It's never easy is it?"

Fire: "Never is baby."

A tan Autobot with a face the resembles a pilot's helmet comes out. It's Breakaway, the teams sniper.

Break: "Huh, this is nothing like the brochure."

Tailgate: "There was a brochure?"

Break: "Nope, but even if there was it still wouldn't like this place."

As Breakaway goes down the stairs a "kick me" sign is seen plastered on his back. A small white and red Autobot comes out of the ship and kicks him. It's Slingshot, the youngest and most immature of the team. He laughs it up as all the other Autobots exchange looks with one another. Breakaway is understandably upset.

Break: "I'm not in the mood Slingshot."

Sling: "Oh lighten up man it was a joke!"

Jetfire: "A stupid one."

Sling: "You're stupid!"

Silver: "Slingshot apologize to Breakaway this instant."

Sling: (defiant) "No!"

Silver: "Now!"

Sling: "No you're not my mommy! I'm a man!"

Break: "A man? Yeah right."

Sling: "I am so a man! I'm more manly than you are!"

Jetfire: "Why do I doubt that?"

While all the other Aerialbots bar Fireflight argue a green and black Aerialbot comes out. This is Airraid, the biggest jerk in the universe. Trying to find any redeeming qualities in him is a fool's errand.

Airraid: "Hey guys it's me Airraid. You know me, I'm everyone's favorite guy am I right?"

Nobody says anything until someone coughs in the background to break the silence. Airraid looks around and sees the Dinobots, which understandably surprises him.

Airraid: "Who the heck are these guys?"

Prime: "These are the Dinobots, creations of Wheeljack and Perceptor."

Fire: "They sure look strong."

Grimlock: (proudly) "We sure are!"

Airraid: "Then what are we doing here?"

Silver: "We're here to help."

Airraid: "With what? We're clearly not needed with those guys around."

Slag: "Me Slag not round!"

Silver: "We're here now, so deal with it."

Airraid: (harshly) "I don't want to! We're on some stupid planet on a vacation that nobody asked for!"

Jolt: "Well actually I-"

Before Jolt can finish his sentence there is a ton of banging going on inside the ship. Everyone falls silent as they look to the ship's mysterious noises.

Road: (dreading) "Oh no."

Break: "I'm surprised it took them this long to start fighting again."

The banging gets louder and closer until two figures in an arm lock jump out and rolls around on the ground. One is a slender black, red, and grey Aerialbot with an orange face and the other is a larger white Autobot. They are Skydive and Stratosphere respectively. They are slapping each other viciously in a ninja style battle. Skydive has Stratosphere pinned to the ground and slaps him in a blinding flurry. Stratosphere's strength knocks Skydive's hands away, and slaps Skydive so hard he has drool coming out from his mouth. The two are now standing up and slapping one another. Stratosphere overpowers his friend with devastating backhands and pimp slaps. Skydive tackles Stratosphere, and they keep rolling back and forth. Silverbolt gets fed up with this.

Silver: (frustrated) "You guys Optimus Prime is here so show some respect!"

The two stop and slowly look up to see Optimus Prime gazing at them. They immediately salute their leader and stand firmly at attention.

Silver: -sigh- "If only they were like that more often."

Fire: (reassuring) "Don't worry baby you'll get it down to a fine art in no time."

Perce: "If this concludes introductions I would like to show all the new arrivals something we had invented for you."

Airraid: "For me? You shouldn't have!"

Break: "Well it beats the alternative. What do you have in store?"

Jetfire: "Is is a new resting place? I really need one of those."

Perce: "Oh no it's much more standard than that."

Wheel: "We made some scanners to help find all of you the ideal alternate mode based off of your personalities."

Fowler: "Plus we got plenty of helicopters and jets for you to choose from in the base."

Tailgate, Jolt, Tomahawk, Blaster, and the Aerialbots bar Silverbolt and Jetfire use the new invention to scan their new vehicle modes. When Blaster transforms a ton of speakers and other sound related equipment covers his vehicle form.

Blaster: "Now that's more like it!"

Jolt: "Alright let's party!"

Prime: "No just yet, we need to do another scan for the Decepticons."

Tomahawk: "A scan?"

Side: "We haven't seen the Decepticons for a year. I think it's time we relax."

Prime: "Megatron is not one to just give up. He's waiting for something I just know it."

Ironhide: "Or you scared him off."

Prime: "Not likely."

Fire: "So where is the nearest booty?"

Break: "Not this again."

Sling: -giggles- "He said booty!"

Fire: "You gotta believe in the backside Breakaway. It's a gift like no other."

Break: "Riiiiight."

Silver: "So why didn't you use the scanner Jetfire?"

Jetfire: "I'm not going to be going anywhere so what's the point? What about you?"

Silver: "I was kinda going to say the same thing."

Airraid: (mocking) "What's wrong Silverbolt? Is it because you're afraid of heights?"

Sling: "Haha you're afraid!"

Ace: "A flier afraid of heights? I've never heard of such a thing."

Break: "You do now."

Fire: "Go easy on the poor guy, he's just as good a flier as yours truly."

Airraid: "Pfft, yeah right."

Sling: "I'll see it when I believe it."

Topspin: "Will you just shut your trap already mace hand? You're annoying as hell."

Airraid: (in denial) "I'm not annoying! Right guys?"

Jetfire: -cough- "Yes you are." -cough-

Silver: "Jetfire that was rude."

Jetfire: "What? I'm just saying what you and everyone else is thinking."

Airraid: "Ok who thinks I'm annoying? Raise your hands."

Ratchet's hand immediately shoots up following by the Wreckers, Dinobots, Slingshot, Fireflight, Jetfire, Tailgate, Stratosphere, Skydive, and Jolt.

Airraid: "You guys suck! You're going to need me just you wait and see!"

Break: (sarcastic) "Just like I need rust."

Silver: "Look the point is we're all here and we might as well get used to it."

Fire: "Sounds good to me baby."

So all of the Autobots break off into their own groups for conversation. Jolt and Tomahawk help set up Tailgate's artwork all around. Meanwhile Ace approaches Silverbolt, who is expressing his concerns with Fireflight.

Silver: (melancholy) "Nothing I do seems to work with them. Nobody respects me."

Fire: "I respect you."

Silver: "I know, but nobody else seems to, especially not Airraid or Slingshot."

Fire: "Jetfire does but he's too lazy. Breakaway is a stiff, Skydive and Stratosphere are too focused on their own agendas, Slingshot is just a kid, and then there is the airhead. You need to find a way to appeal to all of them."

Silver: "I don't know if I can do that."

Fire: "Of course you can! It'll come to you eventually I just know it."

Silver: "I hope you're right."

Ace: "Hey you there, Silverbolt right?"

Silver: "Yeah?"

Ace: "I'm a pilot and I think I can help you out with your fear of heights."

Silver: "Gee I don't know if you can."

Fire: "Come on it'll be fun! I'll be there too to give you the best encouragement there is."

Silver: -sigh "Fine, but it won't be pretty."

Optimus on the other hand is talking with Mirage, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Blaster.

Prime: "Soundwave is also on Earth Blaster. Do you know how you will be able to react to him?"

Blaster: "Well it's no secret we never saw eye to eye, but I'll do whatever is necessary. You know i will."

Mirage: "What would our next course of action be Optimus?"

Prime: "We have to keep watching for Megatron. Something isn't right."

Ironhide: "Is there ever a time when there isn't something right?"

Ratchet: "Not really."

Ironhide: "Exactly."

Prime: "Whatever he's planning we'll be ready, but something tells me it will be our most difficult battle to date."

After Optimus says this two familiar voices are heard off in the distance.

?: "Oh no did hear what he said? Bad stuff is gonna happen!"

?: (sarcastic) "Oh dear whatever will be do?"

?: 'We burn it that's what!"

?: "We're ghosts we can't do that anymore!"

?: "Pft, says you!"

The source of the voices comes from the end of the hangar, it's the ghosts of Fearswoop and Terradive ready to make a mockery of the Autobots.

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