Autobot and Human Bios

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Nemesis Prime: The very first successful creation of MECH emulates the look of Optimus Prime. He is not sentient though, their technology has not reached that point yet. This lifeless shell needs a pilot, and James Savoy is perfect for the job. After all I'm sure MECH would realize that making living robots would be a terrible idea right..... right? He is designed in homage to RID Scourge.

Melee: Sword made from Megatron's broken blade from the dam fight in Beginnings.

Guns: Imperfect versions of Optimus's' guns.

Weapons: Shoulder missiles pods.

Harold Attinger: We all remember Mr. Attinger very well from AOE. And as you can expect he shares some similarities with his original counterpart. However the old Attinger was mainly in it for the money. This one is interested only in getting the aliens off of his planet. This Attinger is much more paranoid, occasionally screaming breaking out into mental breakdown and violent outbursts. No amount of medication and stress balls can stop him from going nuttier than squirrel poo. He believes that in order to to stop the aliens we have to build our own, only better. His solace is in Nemesis Prime, who he believes to be their ultimate weapon. This Attinger is far more cold and cruel from the previous incarnation, and that really says something.

James Savoy: Attinger's enforcer strikes fear in all MECH employee's hearts, even in Silas. He hates the Cybertronians with a passion, especially the Autobots. He lost a sister in the battle of San Francisco, so they don't get any sympathy from him. He is an ex special ops soldier, and his combat skills have earned him an appropriate amount of medals. Those skills will be put to the test when facing off against the legendary Optimus Prime.

Emmett Brown: Do you remember that one black guy who led the search for Optimus in the barn in AOE? WeI decided to give this no name individual a name because I thought he looked interesting. Emmett is the new guy on the job, so he isn't quite settled in to the tech-savvy environment that is MECH. But hey, he hates aliens, and apparently that's really all you need to work there. Regardless he believes in the vision, and he will follow orders.

Su-Chang: Su (played on screen by John Cho) is the leading scientist behind MECH's technological advancements. Whenever new Cybertronian tech is revealed, it immediately goes to him. Trying to understand this advanced technology is obviously difficult, but try telling that to the impatient Attinger. The job has gotten much more stressful with Attinger yelling at him 24/7 due to lack of progress and the fact that he's in a loveless marriage. It takes a toll on the poor guy.

Donny: When we last saw Donny he was tied to a chair and a little roughed up. Since then he's joined Giovanni's employment. And he definitely has some shoes to fill after Giovanni lost one of his men the the Pelushi family. Hilariously he finds being threatened with a bullet to the head is much more relaxing than being chopped to pieces like his old boss.

Joe Pelushi: Joe is about as stereotypical of a rival mob boss as you can get. He wants Giovanni's territory so he can import his cocaine. Speaking of cocaine, he's got a nasty addiction to it, and tends to get really angry when there isn't any around. Give him the sugar and he might be slightly more reasonable, and I do mean slightly.

Jum Pelushi: He is the enforcer of Joe's group. There isn't much to be said about jim other than that he will act as a rival to Alfonso.

Jeb Pelushi: Not much to be said about him. He's a random worker for the Pelushi family.

Michael Bay: You can't have an ideal Transformer series without having micheal Bay in some capacity. He's been called the explosion aficionado and knows how to make some awesome action movies. Critics hate him because of the sheer amount of money he makes despite how much they pan his films. He is the director of the Transturner movies. The franchise is close to becoming the first ever trillion dollar movie franchise in the history of the world. Some butthurt fanboys claim that their childhoods have been ruined because him, but we all know that's nonsense. He just shrugs it off and makes money, and that's what movies are about. He's a kid at heart, and so I portrayed him in the way that I believe that he acts. It's as close to the real thing as possible.

Now for the Autobots

Blaster: When you hear that loud music playing then you know Blaster has arrived to the battlefield. This groovy Autobot is the half-breed of the Transmorph race that Reflector had briefly mentioned in Enslavement. Before the genocide he was DJ/radio talk show host that knew how to get the people dancing. He has a heated rivalry with Soundwave. Blaster thinks he's a bitter recluse while Soundwave views him as a disgrace to a divine heritage. He loves the easy life and to party, which of course makes him best buddies with Jazz. Now that he's here on Earth he's ready to party and make the Decepticons look out and shout "Ow!"

Guns: Vibe Cannon. A variant of the Sonic Cannon, but less powerful. Instead it relies on vibrating the air to knock enemies back and disorient them. Think of it like the Spiderman villain Shocker's weapons.

Powers: Access to most of the Transmorph abilities, but being a half-breed he has a smaller portfolio. He can definitely mass shift. He also can use a less powerful version of the ultrasonics. He can also deploy his minions, but we won't meet them just yet. He also has knowledge of sound frequencies. He knows the right amount of decibels it takes to blow out someone's audio receptors. He also has a fine sense of balance.

Voice used: John Stewart Green Lantern from Justice League/Justice League Unlimited

Tomahawk: This daredevil in the skies has come to help the Autobots and have some fun with the Autobots. He's a longtime friend of Bumblebee and Sideswipe. Back on Cybertron the three of them, Hotshot, Sunstreaker, and Tailgate used to be part of a group called "The Stupid Six", a name they wore as a badge of honor. He doesn't quite understand why more Autobots haven't picked a flight alternate mode. To him the ground is just too limited. Regardless he's a great team player and armed to the teeth. The Autobots are sure going to need him when the going gets tough.

Melee: The tail-end of his helicopter mode can be used as a pincer weapon similar to the late Dropkick.

Guns: Shoulder missile launchers and gatling guns.

Voice used: Zhang Bao from Dynasty Warriors 8.

Tailgate: Another member of "The Stupid Six", and a close friend of Bumblebee. Before the war he was an artist dedicated to making a revolutionary masterpiece. Now that all the fighting has interrupted his art time he has grown a little depressed. He has a very thick French accent and has some stereotypical French appearances and habits. He has a very thin, pointed mustache like you would expect in your average Frenchman. The helmet on his head resembles that of a beret leaning on the left side of his head. He constantly smokes and works on his art, and when he isn't he usually just gets confused with Earth customs saying "how do you say (insert word of your choice here)?" His most vulnerable personality trait is his complete inability to understand metaphors, making him take everything literally. Everything goes over his head, and unfortunately his reflexes aren't fast enough, so he can't catch it. Besides having unnecessary diversity that doesn't help the story in any way other than filling a few quotas is just fine right.......right?

Melee: His paintbrush can double as a lightsaber weapon, and his paint board can act as small shield.

Weapons: His paintbrush can also fire lasers.

Voice used: Vincent Cassel voice (French Accent)

Jolt: Talk about a blue ball of energy. This guy just spews out the enthusiasm everywhere. It's quite contagious. Jolt always wants to impress the higher-ups with his flashy moves and lights, but it usually gets overlooked with his narrow-minded lust for attention. He does show great potential though, and he always wants to make everyone around him smile. When Decepticons see him they take him for granted, but when he takes out those whips it becomes a whole different show. His favorite animal is a hedgehog, and he sure wouldn't mind being one. He strangely has an obsession with going fast... and I don't know why.

Melee: Electric whips. They have barbs on the end of them that he can embed into his opponents for a more painful shock. He can also use them as a distraction.

Guns: SMGs.

Abilities: Can send out an EMP that freezes enemies in his tracks.

Voice used: Sonic The Hedgehog from Sonic Heroes through Black Knight.

Rollbar: Rollbar is a very trusting individual. If his trust is ever broken, he tends to lash out. He doesn't quite understand some of humanity's malice toward the Autobots. After all, they're here to help. Regardless he's a fighter, and if he's going to go down, it will be be fighting. His face and head design is based off of his one step changer artwork.

Guns: Laser rifles

Voice used: Spiderman from The Amazing Spiderman game.

Evac: Evac is the most linear-thinking individual you could ever meet. It's always point A to point B with him. He is always craving adventure, and that's not a bad thing to want right? Instead he is forced to do cargo loading duty, spending his time venting his frustrations as he carries the cargo to point B. Somebody just let this guy drive into the fray before we're all doomed.

Guns: Laser pistols.

Voice used: Come on we all know what Channing Tatum sounds like.

Aerialbots: The only combiner team on the Autobots has come to help turn the tide of the never ending war. They are also the largest combiner team to date with 8 members. There's just one problem, the majority of this sub faction's members with a few exceptions are all a bunch of selfish, irresponsible jerks. They're uncoordinated and have their own agendas to fill out. If only there designated leader wasn't such a ham then they might do better. On the few occasions that they do manage to work together they become a danger to all Decepticons.

Superion: This combined form of the Aerialbots is probably the most successful combiner to date. Where Devastator required all Constructicons had to agree on every single action, Superion does not. All of the Aerialbots minds become one giant hive-mind. That way Superion can freely do whatever it pleases. Being the largest combiner certainly helps too. Even Megatron gets wary whenever he sees Superion.

Weapons: He has rockets, missiles, and lasers galore.

Voice used: Combination of all Aerialbot voices.

Silverbolt: Silverbolt is the designated leader of the Aerialbots and a really nice guy. When he tells you to have a nice day you end up having one. Now all of these traits would make him seem like a good leader right? Wrong. Silverbolt suffers from two major problems. The first is his lack of self confidence in himself and his team. He is a complete pushover, a trait that all the others bar Fireflight exploit. He just can't seem to be able to put his foot down on these guys. But when you're dealing with such immature teammates you could understand why he has such a problem controlling them. His biggest problem however is his extreme fear of heights. It's pretty ironic that a guy who transforms into a jet has a such a reaction to flying and heights. He can't even get 10 feet off the ground without screaming and panicking like a madman. maybe Fireflight and Ace can help him cope with his fears before it's too late. He forms Superion's head.

Guns: Orbital pistol. While it isn't the strongest or the fastest weapon, the side effects are what is so appealing about it. If a shot is landed on any target, then they are marked on everyone's radar. Not only that, but the target's armor becomes weakened. The more shots, the more damage the target takes and the longer they stay on radar. He also has some laser pistols.

Voice used: Wil Wheaton's voice.

Fireflight: Fireflight is a dandy guy in space. He combs the galaxy like his pompadour and... say this sounds quite a bit like Space Dandy doesn't it? Well that's why I made Fireflight's appearance, voice, and personality very similar to said character. But of course there are plenty of differences. The top of his head is shaped to resemble Dandy's iconic pompadour, even the back of his head has the "hair" too. On his back is the star on Dandy's jacket, and on the top left corner of his chest has Dandy's smaller star on his jacket. And like Dandy he is a fan of the booty, but that's a quality that will be shelved.He even addresses everyone by calling them "baby". But all similarities aside he is his own man. Fireflight is the second-in-command of the Aerialbots, a decision everyone agrees was a wise choice. He is their best flier and most competent fighter. If you talked to him for the first time you would think him arrogant and vain, only caring about his looks. While partially true, that's more of an illusion to cloud his real intent. In truth he's a really altruistic guy. The man you think cares the least actually cares the most, and he's always there to help no matter what. He is the only member of the team to fully respect Silverbolt. He acts as a mentor and advisor to him, always trying to help him with his fears, but that's much easier said than done. He even has a very witty sense of humor when the going gets tough. Even when things go to hell Fireflight always manages to keep his cool, now that's a gift I would like to have. After all there's no flights like a Fireflight baby. He forms Superion's left arm. He's so cool he gets his own theme song.

Weapons: His flame discs, which are fiery bladed disks that he can shoot out and they return to him like boomerangs. He also has some flamethrowers and a raygun.

Melee: The disk launchers that he uses can also be used as clamps. A hidden feature can have them transform into makeshift swords, similar to how the metalbenders in Legend of Korra do it.

Abilities: Good singer, and an even better dancer. He knows how to look good and dandy no matter how bad the situation. He seems to have an unlimited supply of toothpicks to flick at people.

Voice used: Dandy from Space Dandy.

Slingshot: The youngest and smallest member of the team is also the most immature. He openly defies all authority be it Silverbolt or Optimus. He doesn't care, he just wants to do what he wants when he wants it. He constantly pranks and makes fun of anyone he can, making him the king jerk. He wants everyone to know he is a man and isn't afraid to show it. Yeah that's right he's a man.... men don't get insecure..... they don't. I mean what would people say if they found out he was just acting out because of his insecurities about his size? They would probably think he's less than a man for that, and he doesn't want that to happen. But the one redeeming factor about Slingshot is when it comes to fighting Decepticons, he will actually listen. He forms Superion's crotch. Bummer.

Guns: Slingshock cannon. This weapon sends out a electrical bola looking weapon that grabs opponents and electrocutes them. The longer they're stuck, the tighter the hold until they explode.

Voice used: Flash from Justice League/ Justice League Unlimited.

Jetfire: We all know people like Jetfire, the lazy guy who barely pulls his eight. However he is is their king, and is quite shameless about it. Half-assery is his specialty, and he flaunts it like a trophy. It's just hard for him to find some initiative, and Silverbolt's lack of leadership certainly doesn't help. He doesn't see his teammates as something he would stick his neck out for. Why would he? It's all about numero uno. But to his his credit he is the only other member to have some respect for Silverbolt, but he isn't going to help unless he hears a pretty darn good speech. His design is based off his animated design, except all the yellow is replaced with blue. He also has some goggles that he wears in combat. He forms Superion's chest and part of the back.

Weapons: Blue flamethrowers and ray guns.

Voice used: Will Arnett's voice.

Airaid: Talk about a showoff, nobody in their right mind likes Air-raid. He thinks he's Primus's gift to the universe. I'm sure we've all seen that guy. He puts himself before anyone else. To make matters worse, he usually leaves them to do all the dirty work while he laughs his head off in his hiding spot. What a jerk! And on the few occasions that he decides to fight he always goes it alone to prove himself the best. But who cares about the team, it's the Air Raid show!
Maybe he's a jerk because one of his hands is a weapon, not an actual hand. That can be pretty frustrating. His design is based off of his DOTM toy. He forms Superion's right arm.

Melee: His hand is a flail/mace thing. He also has a shield.

Guns: He has a laser blaster built into his shield.

Voice used: Zac Efron's voice. (god I hate that tool)

Breakaway: Breakaway is the fastest jet ever, as long as he flies in a straight line. That's a trait that is also shared by his twin, who we will go over later. Another egomaniac with a predilection for pulling all the risky moves. He's the team's best marksman, and he sure won't let you forget it. He sees all ground forms inferior to flight, but that's a disdain that he usually keeps to himself. When the battle starts going their way he starts getting a little too high on his horse. He better keep his cool, because the Decepticons sure aren't playing around. He helps form the back of Superion.

Guns: Fusion beam sniper rifle. A high powered rifle that additionally has a high firing rate, the tradeoff is that it overheats faster. He also has a burst mini gun, which fires out in a triangular pattern across a short distance.

Abilities: He can overheat an enemy's weapons in a small radius.

Voice used: Breakaway from the ROTF game.

Skydive and Stratosphere: These two are our comic relief for this evening. They constantly slap each other all day everyday. But would you believe that they're best friends? It's like a Tom and Jerry routine with them 24/7. They choose not to speak because they keep getting interrupted by everyone else, and it's much easier on me. Whenever they are interrupted they either facepalm, open their mouths with their fists shaking in the air, or thumping their heads on a wall in frustration. Stratosphere is the muscle of the team, and he likes to hit hard, real hard. Which is why when he slaps Skydive it's going to leave big marks. Skydive is more about speed and overwhelming his opponents. When he slaps Stratosphere he wants him to feel the unstoppable flurry of his fists. The only thing they love more than slapping each other and their teammates are the Decepticons, and boy that will be a show when it happens. They don't accept Silverbolt as their leader. The only authority they listen to is Optimus. Stratosphere's design is based off the Aerialbot from ROTF, which is ironically based off of Skydive. Skydive is based off of his Generations figure.

Stratosphere's guns: An upgraded version of Breakaway's gun. Instead of going out in a triangular pattern it's straightened, and it has superior range and does more damage. He also as thermo grenades that he can spam out the wazoo. If you played ROTF you know what kind of nightmare I'm referring to.

Abilities: Stratosphere's weapons can overheat his opponents. He also has a cooling vent to cool down his weapons and anyone else who is in close proximity to him.

Skydive's gun: A freeze ray. It can uses to send to freeze enemies or shoot out shards of ice.

Abilities: Able to escape any and every deathtrap. Nobody quite know how it is possible, but no matter what he always gets out. A spike trap could crush him, and when you turn around he is there completely unscathed. Even he doesn't know how it happens. It scares him, but it really comes in handy.

Elita-1: The leader of the Resistance on Cybertron is also the lover of Optimus Prime, and it's pretty obvious why. She shares his views on a free universe, and she definitely can hold her own in a battle. She has a kind spark and a warrior's honor. She is a master at shadow warfare, which is why her team hasn't been captured. (with the exception of that one) Being separated from Optimus has had her hope go down. But now seeing him again reminds her why she keeps fighting. She won't let Shockwave have Cybertron without a fight.

Melee: Energy sword.

Guns: Dual ray guns.

Voice used: Sarah Palmer from Halo 4.

Chromia: Chromia takes nobody's crap. She's tough as nails and would rather smash heads than worry about her nails. These traits are exactly why her and Ironhide are the perfect pair. Together they made the most Decepticon destruction when they take out their guns. Boy do they love their guns. Lately she feels like all she is doing is is babysitting. Everyone is either as girly girl, or Smokescreen, who is a different story altogether. The only one who understands her frustrations is Elita-1, who is her best friend. She is the reason Chromia puts up with all the nonsense. When it's time to throw down, she is always the first into the action. Her design is based off her generations figure.

Guns: Heavy guns.

Voice used: G1 voice.

Firestar: Firestar wants to just help people. She has such a strong compassion for everyone that it seems to be highly contagious. She is quite girly, and that of course gets on Chromia's nerves. She can't help it though, she's young. She can combine with her sisters Beta and Moonracer to become Lancer. Her design is the red Arcee bike.

Melee: Blue Energon hidden blade in her gun.

Guns: A double blaster.

Voice used: Sarah from Ninja Gaiden

Flare-up: Flare-up as her name suggests has a fiery temper. She hates always having to move so the team won't get caught. She constantly complains about the living conditions and about all the other members of the team. But the reason she does that is out of jealousy. It seems that all the other girls here have boyfriends except her. Why is that? She has a great personality and is way better than all the rest. It's one of life's greatest mysteries. But an even bigger question is how far would she go to achieve love?

Guns: Flamethrowers and dual blasters.

Voice used: Frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

Beta: Beta maybe once had a personality and her own motivations to help aid in the war, but who knows? Her vocal processors were damaged in battle. I did this to save me time and effort like I did with Stratosphere and Skydive. She combines with her sisters Firestar and Moonracer into Lancer. She is the blue Arcee bike.

Melee: Her cannon arm.

Guns: Her cannon arm.

Moonracer: Moonracer is the greatest shot in the universe, or so she says. She has a very relaxed lease on life. These traits made her and Jazz a power couple. When it becomes battle time she likes to confuse her opponents with her speed. She is based off the purple Arcee bike. She can combine with her sisters Firestar and Beta into Lancer.

Melee: Electric arm blade.

Guns: Blaster.

Lancer: Lancer is the combined form of firestar, Beta, and Moonracer. She is a powerful asset to the team, but of course she suffers from similar problems like Devastator. The three sisters need to agree on what action to take. When they do agree, she can turn the tide of any normal battle.

Melee: Electric arm blade and throwing wheel blades.

Guns: Lots of mini cannons.

Smokescreen: Smokescreen is the only male member of Elita-1's team and the youngest to boot. But those traits are never put into question. He maintains a positive attitude throughout every situation. He is the morale booster for the team, the light in dark. He always puts everyone else's needs before his own, and sometimes that can blind him from his problems. Recently he found a mysterious Iacon relic called the phase shifter, something that can get him into or out of trouble. He is a huge fan of Optimus Prime, and getting the chance to meet his idol would be a dream come true. You just want to hug the kid, he's just that great. Truth be told he would make a perfect Prime one day.

Melee: Staff.

Guns: His blaster from Prime.

Abilities: He can use a "smokescreen" of his own in his car form to provide an escape or a cover during a firefight. It can also daze and confuse enemies if they inhale the fumes. He also has his phase shifter from Prime. It has all the same abilities as before. Knockout better be careful.

Voice used: Prime voice.

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