Part 3: Ghosts and Wrath of MECH

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The two dimwits are making fun of the Autobots, but because of their ghost status they are unable to communicate with them.

Fear: "Gee Optimus you really let yourself go!"

Terra: "I SEA that haha!"

Fear: "Ironhide you can't kill Fearswoop! Fearswoop kills you!"

Terra: "I would have finished that coward had it not been for Optimus."

Fear: "It really is a downer isn't it?"

Terra: "Very much so."

Fear: "Let's listen in and see what's going on."

The two watch Bumblebee, Jazz, Sideswipe, and Mirage watch Skydive endlessly slap Stratosphere. He does it back and forth and then eventually stop, shrugging in disappointment due to not getting a reaction out of Stratosphere. That is until Stratosphere does one slap so hard that it knocks Skydive out cold. Stratosphere then gives a thumbs up to the others.

Mirage: -facepalm- "Idiots."

Meanwhile Optimus discusses the new arrivals with some of the other Autobots.

Road: "Well what we tell you Optimus? I told you they were a bunch of headaches."

Prime: "They all have potential."

Road: "Even Airraid?"

Prime: "Yes even Airraid."

Leadfoot: "Well you're certainly more patient than we are."

Terra: "Patience? They have no understanding of the word. I've had to deal with you for millions of years."

Fear: "You make it sound like a bad thing."

Terra: "Well you tortured me mentally this past year with your antics. Let's not forget the fact that we had to walk all the way here to mock them."

Fear: "Walk? Bro we could have just teleported."

Terra: "Teleported? What do you mean?"

Fear: "We could have teleported. Watch."

Fearswoop teleports right in front of Terradive, and instead of getting surprised he gets angry.

Terra: (snaps) "You mean to tell me that we had the ability this whole time and you never bothered to mention it?!"

Fear: "Well you never asked."

Terra: (yelling) "Nobody would ever ask that in a normal conversation Fearswoop!"

Fear: "Sure they do. People can say 'hey man how's the ghost life? Can we teleport?' See?"

Terra: "No."

Fear: "You're so transparent."

Terra: "Is that supposed to be a ghost pun?"

Fear: "Maybe."

Teraa: "Well I SEA right through you!"

Fear: "A double pun huh? You're lucky I can only count to two."

Terra: "Really?"

Fear: "Yeah. Who needs literacy when you can burn shit for a living?"

Terra: "Whatever, I need to let off some steam." (leaves)

Fear: -sigh- "Looks like I'm all a-ghost-lone."

An hour later in Ohio something incredible happens. There is a rally car race going on, and in first place is a twenty year old Irishman. In the crowd is his girlfriend and her father, who is less than thrilled.

Girl: "Go Shane go!"

Shane is about to finish the race in first as he is finishing the last lap, but something in the sky stops all of the drivers. They all get out and look to see a light up above. It gets brighter and closer, scanning Shane's car. Whatever it is crashes right where Shane is, killing him.

Girl: (screaming) "Shane no!"

Dad: (quietly) "Thank god!"

Upon further inspection the object turns out to be an Autobot escape pod. There is some banging from inside and the doors burst open. Out comes a purple and white Autobot. This is Rollbar, a strapping young lad who is still learning the ways of the world. He looks around and notices the damage he has caused.

Rollbar: (eyes wide) "Oh..... whoops... sorry about that!"

Rollbar transforms into his new Sonic RS car form and drives off. Unfortunately for the young Autobot he has had his tracking and communications damaged in the crash. Nobody knows he's here.

It's about an hour after Rollbar's arrival and he is just cruising along the dirt road. he's in a forest area, and little does he know that he isn't alone. As he is driving time slows down when it shows a rocket being fired at him. It hits him on his left side, and he transforms and rolls across the road. Now flat on his stomach he struggles to get up. A black van approaches him and stops. Out comes a man in his late 50's with glasses, a very sharp suit, and a cold, soulless expression on his face. He approaches the downed Rollbar to ask him some questions.

?: "State your name and business here alien."

Rollbar: "My name is Rollbar, I'm an Autobot looking for my leader Optimus Prime. It's not safe to be here some Decepticons just fired at me."

?: "I can assure you that there are no Decepticons here."

Rollbar: "Who are you?"

?: "My name is Attinger, Harold Attinger. You are an unwanted plague on our planet."

Rollbar: "A plague?"

Attinger: "Yes a plague."

Rollbar: "I don't understand."

Attinger "You will in time. But on behalf of MECH I welcome you to Earth."

Attinger takes out a modified weapon and shoots Rollbar in the chest, and he staggers back.

Rollbar: (surprised) "Why did you shoot me?"

Attinger: "Bring him in boys!"

Several other large vans appear with heavily armed men. They all shoot their weapons at Rollbar, damaging his chest.

Rollbar: (pleading) "No stop please!"

Rollbar acts fast and transforms to get away. The vans are in hot pursuit and the MECH soldiers keep firing at him. Rollbar sees that they are trying to box him in, so desperate times call for desperate measures. One of the vans is coming up on his side, so he shoots at the the engine, but the force of the shot makes the car flip upside down. Rollbar continues his escape through the forest, but that's when Savoy comes out waiting for him. He focusses one shot and aims at Rollbar's back right tire. It's a perfect shot, and Rollbar rolls around and slams into some trees. The MECH soldiers continue pelting Rollbar with their fire, shooting him in the kneecaps to prevent him from any future escapes. Now he is close to being killed, but that's when Savoy steps in.

Savoy: "Hold your fire!"

Attinger arrives on the scene on to meet with Savoy and the gravely injured Rollbar.

Rollbar: "Why didn't you kill me?"

Attinger: (sadistic) "Oh don't worry, you'll have your chance soon enough. But for now we need you alive."

Attinger fires something into Rollbar's head that seems to taze him, knocking him out. When Rollbar begins to gain consciousness he hears many sounds and voices around him. When he comes to he sees himself trapped in a giant translucent container that is being guarded with laser grids. He is in the middle of a wide open area inside a building's underground facility. He seems so many people walking around and working on various mechanical parts. Some of them are working on some very familiar pieces. Among them are Dropkick's body, Fearswoop's arm, and Skystalker's wings. The seem to have finally made a small cut down the center of Fearswoop's arm. It appears that they are looking for something inside. Some people are observing Rollbar. It;'s Silas, Savoy, Attinger, and their newcomer Emmett Brown.

Rollbar: "Where am I?"

Attinger: "You're in MECH headquarters. Here the future begins for humanity, but for you you will know it by another name."

Rollbar: "What?"

Attinger: "Hell, where all of you belong."

Rollbar: "Why are you doing this to me? To all of us?"

Attinger: (sharply) "Your species has been responsible for the loss of thousands of lives. The only way to beat you is to make you, but better and stronger."

Rollbar: "I'm an Autobot, we're here to help you not hurt you!"

Attinger: (coldly) "Tell that to all the lives lost because of your leader Optimus Prime. He and Megatron are our primary targets. When that's over we'll hunt down the rest of you to make our planet safe again."

Rollbar: "I can't believe this."

Savoy: "Then you better get believing."

Emmett: "You did some great shooting out there Savoy, and Mr. Attinger sure knows how to make an entrance."

Attinger: "Brown nosing gets you nowhere Mr. Brown, but compliments do."

Emmett: "I guess you're right. So what do you think Silas?"

Silas: "I don't know."

Emmett: "You don't know?"

Silas: "It doesn't feel right to me."

Attinger makes a gesture to Savoy, and he helps him take off his coat. Attinger goes up to Silas and punches him hard in the face.

Attinger: (harshly) "So you're getting soft now boy? Did those Autobots make you forget about what's at stake?!?

Silas: "I know the Autobots better than you Mr. Attinger. They're nothing like the Decepticons. They're good people."

Attinger: (exploding) You spineless child! There are no good or bad aliens, it's just us or them! I see you're too weak to do a simple inside job!"

Emmett: (concerned) "Mr. Attinger your blood pressure!"

Savoy hands Attinger somes medication, and he just chugs it all down, trembling as he does it. Another MECH employee joins the discussion. This is MECH's leading scientist Su-Chang.

Su: "Mr. Attinger you really need to calm down."

Attinger: "Ah Su, I must thank you for the weapons you developed. They came quite in handy in bringing in that guy."

Su: "It was nothing really. The future doesn't rest right?"

Attinger: "Just the right words I wanted to hear."

Some other workers are bringing in a mysterious container, but they seem to be struggling with keeping it leveled.

Su: (panicking) "Be careful with that!"

One of the employees slips, and dumps out the crate. Out comes a very familiar red crystal that lands a little too close to Emmett. He reaches down to pick it up but Savoy pulls him back.

Emmett: (confused) "What did you do that for?"

Savoy: "Bad things happen when people touch that."

Emmett: "Bad things?"

Savoy: "Silas, Su, show him the footage."

Silas and Su bring Emmett into the security room to inform him of the crystal, but before we cut to that Harold has some last words for Rollbar, who tries to break out, but gets hurt by the barriers.

Attinger: "You're not going anywhere. We know enough about you to contain you."

Rollbar: "You won't get away with this!"

Attinger: "Oh yes we will. And you're going to help us."

Rollbar: "I will never help you."

Attinger: 'You don't have to help us willingly. That's why we'll take take what we need from you."

Rollbar sees something covered in a giant sheet that some of the engineers are working on.

Rollbar: "What is that?"

Attinger: "Our contingency plan. Our first prototype made from your species. We're just missing some key ingredients."

Rollbar: "What ingredients?"

Attinger: "We're going to find out what makes you tick, that's why needed you alive. We've had all these dead Cybertronians, but in order to really progress we needed a live sample. We're going to keep it that way as long and as painfully as possible."

Some machines that have drills and pliers go into the cage and attack Rollbar, a brutal torture for him as he screams in pain.

Attinger: (cruel) "Now think about everything you've done."

Now while Mr. Attinger believes that the weapons that Su invented attributed to their successful, that isn't the case. There is a major discrepancy that must be addressed. You see when a Cybertronian scans a brand new form it takes time to adjust. While on the outside it looks like they've successfully created a new body, it's what's inside that still needs time to adjust. All the inner circuitry needs about a full 24 hours Earth time to adapt to the new alternate, and this makes a Cybertronian very vulnerable. MECH just got extremely lucky. Meanwhile Emmett is preparing to watch some of the footage that Savoy had mentioned earlier.

Emmett: "So what exactly has been going on here?"

Silas: "Remember when you heard those stories of those employees that went missing throughout the year?"

Emmett: "Yeah what about it?"

Su: "Well you're about to find out what really happened."

Su puts up the first video up. It has one of the scientists deciding to touch the crystal, and it appears that nothing happens as he leaves.

Emmett: "Doesn't look like anything is going wrong."

Su: "That's we thought, but three months later this happened."

Another segment shows the scientist approaching a random employee... and then grabbing her, snapping her neck with so much force her neck goes a complete 360 degrees around. Then the man seems to act like his normal self again, but shoots himself in the head, almost as if he wants to end some mysterious suffering,

Emmett: "Damn. The crystal did that?"

Silas: "At the time we thought it was an isolated incident, but that's when another incident happened with Mr. Furman."

Emmett: "Mr. Furman? I really liked that guy."

The next video shows Mr. Furman attacking another worker in a violent rage, punching him so hard that he goes straight through his head. After taking his bloody hand out he looks at the camera with a sick, twisted smile. Another video shows him on the roof of the building, and several armed guards have their guns aimed at him.

Furman: "I'm sorry guys it wasn't me, it's the monster in the crystal. He wants out, and I need to make sure he doesn't."

Silas: "Don't do it!"

The man jumps off the building and falls to his death, but unfortunately for MECH there was one last incident, the worst one of them all.

Silas: "There is still one left."

Emmett: "You mean you didn't put any warnings?"

Su: "We did, but an accident happened and it made contact with another man. We didn't know at the time, and we subdued him after he stabbed someone at least one hundred times with a spoon."

The next video is that of the worker now handcuffed while talking to a psychiatrist. When the man speaks to him, his voice has changed......and it sounds very familiar.

Dr: "Now tell me why you killed him. What is the point?"

Brim: "Point? There is no point. I do things for the purpose of having no purpose. I just want to free you from your existence. Death is my gift to you all. You should be thankful."

Dr: "It appears that you are suffering from major delusions."

Brim: "Delusions? I have no delusions."

Dr: "I beg to differ, we're done here."

Brim: (eerie) "Oh doctor you talk too much. Would you like me to acquaint your head with your colon? I must say you organics are now my preferred species to kill. I just love tearing out your organs. You're lucky I haven't wiped out half of your specie's population yet."

Dr: "Not happening."

The psychiatrist tries to leave, but to his horror he finds out that the door is locked from the other side.

Brim: "You do realize they left you here to die right? And they all also know that cuffs can't (breaks) contain me. They did this to you. They left you to die. (smiles) Your time is up. "

Dr: (mortified) "Oh god no!"

Brim: (nightmare fuel) "Oh don't worry, I'll make sure your death has some extra flare!"

The human possessed Brimstone throws a chair at the camera, cutting the feed. Some last shots show bodies everywhere, and blood and guts splattered around. There are two armed guards storming the halls, but that's when the possessed man comes and does a slashing motion across the guy's neck, and blood splatters across the wall. The other guard shoots at him, but he dodges the gunfire and disarms him. He punches a hole through his chest, puts his hands inside, and to everyone's horror he pushes his hands through with so much forces it splits the human in half down the middle. The last shot shows Silas with a shotgun and blows the man's head off, finally stopping Brimstone's rampage.

Su: "As for the doctor we found him in the room. His lower jaw was ripped out and was used to stab his eyes out with his teeth.

Silas: "Whatever is inside that crystal wants out, so we can't let that happen."

Emmett: "You don't have to tell me twice."

Su: "Good."

Everyone leaves and Silas watches Rollbar being tortured. For a very brief moment their eyes meet, and Silas looks away in guilt. Attinger and Savoy come to speak to him.

Attinger: "You know this is for the good of our people. We need to learn the secrets these aliens hold. They're going to fall one day, all of them, and we're going to be the ones to make it happen."

Silas: "What do you want me to do?"

Attinger: "If there are new Autobots showing up here then there are bound to be more. And with every new Autobot there are bound to be new Decepticons along the way. So it's time you pay your old friends a visit."

Silas: "Got it." (leaves)

Attinger: "Savoy, I don't quite trust his emotions, so I need you to go there and keep an eye on him."

Savoy: "Consider it done."

Savoy leaves and Attinger nonchalantly watches Rollbar's experimentation. The next day Optimus is observing Terradive's trident with Blaster and Jolt.

Blaster: "Is that Terradive's trident?"

Prime: "Yes Blaster, it is no longer used for evil."

Jolt: "I heard you got it from ripping his head off!"

Prime: "Yes, I hope now that the Seacons can find peace knowing that their tyrannical leader is no more."

Terra: (distraught) "How dare he look upon my trident so pervertedly!"

Fear: "Pft, it's just a trident."

Terra: (twitchy) "Just a trident? That was a relic from one of the thirteen that my royal bloodline rightfully stole and used to rule over the Seacon race since our inception!"

Fear: "That's stupid!"

Terra: (cracking) "No you are!"

Perceptor and Wheeljack call Optimus over to test some new invention that they created. Meanwhile Ace and Fireflight are preparing Silverbolt for his flight training. All the other Aerialbots have decided to spectate. Jetfire is napping right on the ground.

Silver: (nervously) "Are you sure about this?"

Fire: "You'll be fine baby just follow my lead."

Ace goes inside Silverbolt's cockpit ready to take off.

Ace: (impressed) "Wow it's really roomy in here. I can get used to this."

Fire: "Are we ready?"

Silver: "It seems like I have no choice."

Fire: "That's the spirit! Let's do this!"

Fireflight takes off first, with Silverbolt close behind. They start off flying near the ground because it's when Silverbolt is at his most comfortable. Fireflight decides to go up another ten feet. All seems to be going going well except for a subtle twitch by Silverbolt. Only an experienced pilot like Ace could have noticed it. They go another five feet and Silverbolt starts to hyperventilate. They go up another story and Silverbolt completely loses his mind.


Silverbolt barely manages to keep his mental state in tact as he lands and ejects Ace safely out of his plan mode. Airraid and Slingshot are obviously amused.

Airraid: (mean) "What a joke! You don't deserve to be a flier."

Sling: "Aww he got all scared!"

Jetfire: (waking up) "Did I miss something?"

Break: "Not really, just Silverbolt messing up."

Skydive and Stratosphere hang their heads in shame, and then start slapping each other because they're creatures of habit.

Fire: "Don't worry Silverbolt you'll get it next time."

Silverbolt: (frustrated) "It's no use! What's the point anyway? I'm not good at flying or leading."

Airraid: "Got that right. Once a loser always a loser."

Jetfire: (quietly) "Pot my kettle Airraid."

Airraid: "Excuse me?"

Before any arguments can start they see something in the sky heading for them.

Sling: "What the heck is that?"

Break: "Probably a shit I don't give."

The object comes down and lands. It's Optimus, and he's wearing some kind of flight tech.

Wheel: (coming in with Perceptor) "It works!"

Break: "Scratch my last statement. Color me interested."

Fire: "That was some mighty fine flying I saw there Optimus."

Sling: "Yeah that was awesome!"

Silver: "I didn't know you were great at flying."

Prime: "Actually that was my first time."

Airraid: "Then how were you able to fly so much better than us? Granted anyone could fly better than Silver- (gets backhanded by Stratosphere) hey!"

Perce: "The tech has a neurological link with Optimus, it can react to his thoughts perfectly."

Break: That's pretty neat. I'll fly with you any day."

Silverbolt leaves depressed with Slingshot giggling at him.

Fire: (concerned) "I've never seen him so beat up like that. Do you think we can help him?"

Ace: "I don't know."

Back inside the Ark Fearswoop and Terradive are still arguing.

Fear: "You're stupid!"

Terra: "You're stupid!"

Fear: "No you're stupid!"

Terra: "You are most definitely stupid!"

Fear: "Oh yeah? Well you're so stupid you make other stupid seem.... less stupid!"

Terra: "That actually works as an insult!"

Fear: "Thank you!"

Terra: "You're welcome!"

Fear: "Well that was fun."

Terra: "Indeed. While I enjoy making fun of the Autobots I do wish I knew what was happening with Megatron and the others."

Fear: "I know where they are."

Terra: "You do?"

Fear: "Yep. I remember talking to Thundercracker about it as a last resort spot if things went bad right before I died."

Terra: "I see."

Fear: "Next stop Africa!"

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