22| Ladies Night

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"Nope! House parties are lame, and I don't want to risk running into Drayden," she explained.

"Okay... but how do you suggest we get in? I'm not old enough and I don't have a fake." The irony that my literal current ID was actually a fake wasn't lost on me.

"Well," she said, "it just so happens that I know the bouncer. He has a thing for me, and as of tonight, I'm single."

I smiled, enjoying her confidence. "Okay. I guess I'm in. Would he be able to get Mason in too?"

"Please don't invite Mason tonight," she pleaded, "I mean, I like him, but I really just want to have girl time."

Fuck. "I... I don't know," I stalled, adjusting my skirt. "I promised him I'd hang out with him tonight."

She pouted her full lips. "Come on, you're literally with him all the time. I'm sure he will understand if you want to have one night without him. Tell him I need you... because I do."

I nodded, "Okay. Let me just run across the hall to talk to him in person." I slipped on my other sandal, bracing my hand against the wall for balance.

"Okay," she said, "Be fast! I'm pouring another shot for you!"

I closed the door, stumbling over to Jax's room across the hall. I figured I'd just have one more shot with Hannah before heading over to the bars, and then quit drinking for the night. I didn't want a repeat of the last time I got too drunk.

I was still planning on how to work this out with Jax when Blake swung the door open. I didn't really see too much of Blake nowadays. He hung out with Jax and I on occasion, but he also had his own group of friends with some of the basketball players.

"Hey Blake," I greeted, giving him a dorky wave of my hand.

He smiled, scanning my body up and down. I was suddenly nervous my skirt was too short with the way he was looking at me. "Damn, Sky. Lookin' good."

I smiled, hoping to look like his compliment didn't affect me. "Thank you. Is Mason around."

He placed a hand over his heart, feigning being hurt. "And here I thought you were here to see me."

I shook my head. "Unfortunately not this time. You should start coming to hang out with us more."

"Maybe I should," Blake agreed.

Just then, Jax appeared in the doorway, moving Blake to the side with a nudge of his hand. "Hey, Sky. Need something?" He drawled.

"Yeah... could I talk to you for a minute?" I asked awkwardly. Blake took the hint, walking back into the room as Jax stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

"What are you wearing?" Jax asked, his ice blue eyes laser focused on mine. It almost seemed as if he was trying too hard to keep his eyes from wandering.

"Hannah and I are going to the bars," I blurted, ignoring his comment.

"The fuck you are," Jax scoffed. "Seriously, which house party are you going to?"

"I'm being serious," I said, "apparently Hannah knows the bouncer."

Jax sighed, running a hand through his hair and averting his gaze as if contemplating how the rest of the conversation would go if he tried to fight me on this. Eventually, he relented. "Fine; When are we leaving?"

Now it was my turn to carefully plan my words. "The thing is... Hannah insisted that you don't come with us."

He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. He was clearly feeling stressed. "You're wearing skimpy clothes, are already drunk, and now you're saying I can't come with you? That's not how this works."

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