The crossing process was dangerous. This time, Gu Tinglan was leading the way, and Xie Weimin was behind.

Hua Ya and Wang Lihua supported each other and walked in the middle of the team. In front of them are Zhou Yan and Huang Dandan, and behind them are two sisters and family members named Zhao Xue and Zhao Yu. Behind them are Wang Tianzhu and his classmate Hu Zi.

As soon as we entered the mangrove forest, we were greeted by swarms of mosquitoes. They made a huge buzzing sound and swooped at people's faces.

Hua Ya wore a gauze scarf on her face, but even so, she still felt like mosquitoes were getting in through the tiny holes. She held the mugwort sachet in her hand and kept shaking it in front of her eyes. Who would have thought that these mosquitoes are so crazy that they are not even afraid of mugwort.

Maybe it's been too long since I've had fresh blood to drink. When I meet someone, even if the mosquitoes in front of me are swatted to death, there are still a large number of mosquitoes rushing towards me from behind. It's scary to see them swarming one after another.

Gu Tinglan urged the family members not to stop and walk through the mangroves in one breath. The mangrove forest looked scary, but it was only three to four hundred meters long across it.

Just as they rushed forward, Huang Dandan, who was walking in front of Hua Ya, suddenly fainted. Hua Ya reacted quickly and quickly reached out and held the limp Huang Dandan in his arms.

Gu Tinglan seemed to have eyes on the back of his head and immediately stopped. Xie Weimin stepped forward to check on Huang Dandan's condition. He gestured to Gu Tinglan and said, "Someone is exhausted."

Gu Tinglan was holding a machete in front to clear the way and was unable to help. Xie Weimin wanted to go over and carry Huang Dandan on his back, but Zhou Yan said instead: "How can I let other men touch my daughter-in-law?"

Hua Ya watched Zhou Yan staring at her, and it was obvious what he meant. Hua Ya said nothing, lifted Huang Dandan's arm and threw it on Zhou Yan's shoulder: "You carry it yourself."

Zhou Yan stamped her feet anxiously. She saw cold sweat on Huang Dandan's head and knew that the medicine she secretly changed was working. This was much faster than she expected. She pulled the limp Huang Dandan in panic, stumbled accidentally, and almost fell into the swamp with Huang Dandan.

Xie Weimin came over, pushed Zhou Yan aside, and carried Huang Dandan on his back.

He handed the big knife to Hua Ya: "Can you run across the mountain and stay behind?"

"Yeah!" Hua Ya stood at the back of the team holding a knife. Watching Zhou Yan indifferently as she circled around Huang Dandan.

Xie Weimin was walking in front with Huang Dandan on his back. Hua Ya was behind and saw that Huang Dandan's clothes were abnormally big. She pursed her lips and planned to tell Gu Tinglan about this situation when she got there. At first, Hua Ya felt that it was not easy to get involved in other people's family affairs, but now seeing Huang Dandan like this, it was no longer a simple family dispute.

From her contact with Huang Dandan, she knew that she was a poor person and her family members felt sorry for her. Some quick-talking people even tried to persuade her to get a divorce. Huang Dandan said that military marriages were protected, and she didn't want to divorce.

Hua Ya felt that this person was very contradictory and seemed to be accepting everything, but Hua Ya would feel very uncomfortable staying with her. Even though Hua Ya has a good relationship with Wang Lihua, Hua Ya doesn't play with Huang Dandan. Huang Dandan initially asked Huaya twice to dig wild vegetables, but Huaya did not go there either. Later, Huang Dandan felt that Hua Ya didn't like her, so she stopped looking for Hua Ya.

70s happy little days on the islandWhere stories live. Discover now