Talbott chuckled and shook his head. "That's great of you to think that I would land myself a date." He paused for a moment before continuing, "But no, it's also my first date."

Talbott had to chuckle and shook his head. "It flatters me that you think I'll land myself a date." he paused, grinning at how they landed a date, "but no, it's also my first date."

If only she could hear the loud beating of his heart as she talks to him. Or if she could focus enough, she would realise how his hand was hidden from her view. His hands are clasped together, trembling now and then.

"Well, it is our first date together here, so maybe that's also what Madam Puddifoot picked up on." she commented, which he agreed on. 

With that topic ended, they then fell into their occasional talks when they met up at the owlery. But unlike then, today was something special. It's always just her that shares her adventures, but today he was happy to share his day too.

She talked about her eventful day before their date. How she was accused by Professor Mcgonagall of doing a prank, or Professor Snape's summons for her to assist him to brew a Doxycide Potion, said the professor's subtle apology for reading her note, Hagrid's insightful advices...

"What kind of advices?"

"Nothing important!"

Lastly, Andre's self-mission for new and better ideas for his creations.

The conversation naturally flowed, with Talbott occasionally putting in comments every now and then.

Talbott's day wasn't as eventful and exciting as hers, telling her that he spent the majority of the time reading some books before he was hounded by both Penny to ask how it all happened and Andre for his outfit. Then a few more hours of hiding from Penny and eventually Andre when he wanted him to try on more of his outfits.

But no, he will not tell her he was reading books on how to make their time enjoyable. He would also not tell her that Rowan and Bill talked to him. That would be a secret he'll gladly keep to himself.

Their tea arrived with a tray of sweets, and their line of conversation changed to their studies or their extracurricular activities. He wasn't that surprised when she told him that she sometimes transforms into her animagus to play with other pets of the students or her friends who know she's an animagus. But what surprised him was that she also played with the creatures inside the magical creature reserves.

It's not like Talbott thinks she's reckless. Well, playing with a fire breathing dragon is reckless, but who wouldn't want to try and play with a dragon? He would too, he would love to try and have a race with a dragon in his animagus form. Besides, he did it with a hippogriff. So when she invited him, he said yes.

Halfway through their conversation, she told him more about her experience with her patronus charm. Something she hasn't had the time to talk about with him. Considering she was full of worry for Penny and then collapsing due to exhaustion after excessive use of her magic and the aftereffects of the dementor.

Her eyes were filled with a dreamy quality as she spoke about the memory she used to effectively use her patronus charm. "I had myself remembering my brother, Jacob; he was showing me the spells he learned and spending time playing with me." Her voice was filled with fond memories and a touch of nostalgia.

As Y/N started to speak about her patronus, she mentioned, "But then I had an eagle," and abruptly stopped, her expression one of shock and embarrassment. It was clear that she hadn't intended to reveal this information, and she seemed hesitant to continue.

She paused for a moment, making him curious, but she recovered and talked about how she had defeated the dementor with her patronus, also encouraging Merula to learn how to cast her own patronus.

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