Birds of a Feather Pt. 2

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Note: The memory charm

The start

Y/N couldn't let the situation with Merula go unresolved. She knew she had to confront her about spying on her and Talbott and potentially persuade her to keep their secret. She found Merula in the potions classroom, working on a potion, and decided to approach her.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope we could talk?" Y/N began as she sat beside Merula, who was engrossed in her brewing.

Merula continued her work without looking up. "If this is about you and Winger, I already told you I didn't hear anything," she replied, her tone dismissive.

Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration. "Do you really think I'm daft enough to believe that lie?"

Merula couldn't help but grin. "You want me to answer that?"

Rolling her eyes, Y/N pressed on. "Why are you spying on us?" she repeated, making her intentions clear.

A tense silence hung in the air as Merula finished her potion, waved her wand to complete the process, and finally turned to look at Y/N. "Why are you so incredibly annoying?" she retorted.

Y/N crossed her arms, unfazed by Merula's attitude. "Look, Merula, you can't avoid this subject, and I'm not leaving until you answer me. So you might as well cooperate."

Merula rolled her eyes again, but eventually relented. "Fine, I was listening in on you and Winger. but only because I thought you had info on the cursed vault."

Y/N were both angry at Merula for eavesdropping on a private conversation and relieved that she wasn't spying with the intention of uncovering their Animagus secret. Talbott was not part of Merula's schemes. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on her shoulders, though; it was her actions that had led to Merula overhearing their discussion.

However, Y/N wasn't done yet. "Wait! The reason I'm also here is to tell you that you have to keep this a secret."

Merula challenged her, asking why she shouldn't reveal the fact that she and Talbott were unregistered Animagi.

"Because I know you're better than that," Y/N replied with compassion and trust in her eyes. Even if the Slytherin girl proclaimed herself her rival, she believes that she's a good person; that's why she's never been hurt or mad at her continued bullying. Annoyed, maybe, but angry? No.

Merula was taken aback by Y/N's response. "I didn't know you felt that way about me, Y/N... Thanks, I think?"

Y/N pleaded again with Merula to keep their secret, and Merula responded with a noncommittal "We'll see, won't we?" before leaving.

Y/N was crestfallen but not defeated. She had to warn Talbott about the situation and hoped he would come when she called for him. She wants to right her wrong; after all, she was the one with the loud voice, blurting out secrets in the open.


Talbott and Y/N met at the Three Broomsticks to discuss the situation with Merula. Y/N had given him a relieved look that he was willing to meet her after Merula had overheard their conversation.

"Thanks for coming, Talbott. After Merula heard me blurt out your secret, I was worried you wouldn't show up," Y/N admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Talbott understood her unease and reassured her, "I figured I owed it to you to say that I don't blame you for what happened. You couldn't have known Merula was hiding and listening."

Even with his assurance, y/n would still like to help him with his plan to not let Merula tell their secret to anyone. She asked if he would let her assist him, but Talbott was still adamant about doing it by himself.

A Hogwarts Mystery: Talbott Winger x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat