Shadows of the Dark Lord Pt. 2

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Boggarts? Really Riddikulus

"Alright, everyone, it's now or never. So, we've got to be quick..." Y/N said as they reached the camping site. Talbott observed silently from the sidelines as Y/N began to strategize. Y/N assigned Tulip and Barnaby to help each other review the spell Riddikulus, while Y/N, Penny, and Talbott would form another team to practise the spell together.

When Y/N realised that Penny and Talbott had the spell down, she excused herself to help Tulip and Barnaby, leaving Talbott alone with Penny.

Suddenly, Penny, despite her nervousness over the recent events, gave Talbott a small grin.

"What?" Talbott asked, confused by the grin Penny was giving him.

"Oh, nothing..." she said, crossing her arms on her chest. "I'm just confused," she continued.

"Confused? About what?" Talbott asked.

"Oh, you know..." she paused to give him a mischievous look. "You being here?"

But before Talbott could reply to that, Y/N returned and immediately looked worriedly at Penny.

"Hey, Penny, are you okay? I know you're worried, but I know we can do this." Y/N reassured Penny, placing a comforting hand on her trembling arm. Talbott hadn't initially noticed Penny's anxiety, but he appreciated Y/N's attentiveness. Although he would have also noticed if Penny hadn't been acting strangely around him.

"Oh, Y/N, thank you for your concern. Facing Boggarts means facing your biggest fear, and the thought of it scares me more than I'd like to admit." Penny confessed.

"I'm scared too. It's a challenge. But we'll be together," Y/N assured her, and then she turned to Talbott, offering a grateful smile. "And when others are in danger, we don't always have the luxury of being afraid; we have to act."

Penny agreed and then took hold of Talbott's arm. "And since Talbott's here, we have more help, right?" She glanced at him expectantly, and he responded with a small, nervous nod, feeling the weight of everyone's attention suddenly on him.

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of, who's he?" Barnaby asked.

"He's Talbott Winger," Penny introduced, still clinging to his arm. "A fellow Ravenclaw," Tulip added.

"He's a friend," Y/N said as she grinned at Talbott. If he had felt a sudden fluttering in his chest, he ignored it and instead tried to gently pry Penny off his arm.

"Oh, nice to meet you! Barnaby Lee," the Slytherin boy introduced, offering his hand for a shake.

Talbott accepted the handshake, nodding politely. "Likewise."

"Well, then... let's go to Hogsmeade and banish the Boggart."

As they headed to Hogsmeade, Talbott watched Y/N and her friends interact, realising how patient and meticulous they were in asking questions and looking for signs of any Boggarts. He knew he wasn't particularly skilled at talking to people, let alone strangers, so he admired their social ease.

As Y/N, Penny, and Talbott rushed towards the festival grounds upon hearing that someone had seen a dementor terrorising the place, he couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for Y/N's bravery.

In the end, Y/N cast the Riddikulus spell and saved Bilton Bilmes from the Boggart, defeating the illusion of You-Know-Who.

Talbott and the group raced back towards the castle to tell Professor Dumbledore that the terror that was seen and rumoured to be something dangerous was just a Boggart taking the form of You-Know-Who.

Y/N, Penny, and Talbott were left behind while the others went to relax or take part in the celebrations.

"Thanks for helping us, Talbott. I know you're not really into large groups of people, but we really appreciate it." Y/N expressed her gratitude.

Talbott felt a hint of nervousness as he replied, "You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. I need to go, though. See you around?"

He rushed off, feeling uncomfortable with Penny's stare and Y/N's presence. Both of them nodded, saying goodbye.

He heard Y/N also saying goodbye to Penny as she made her way to the Ravenclaw Tower.

Unaware of Penny, who couldn't help but giggle softly to herself as she watched the two leave. "Ah, young love," she whispered with a knowing smile, amused by the effect Y/N and Talbott had on each other, though Talbott hadn't heard her comment as he blushed deeply, his ears turning redder by the second.

To be continued.

A/N: The next few chapters will be either a mix of canon and fanon or just my plot so they end together. See you next part~

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