Year 2

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Note: This is just a summary of year 2, where Talbott is still MIA...

The bravery of a raven

Talbott watched from a distance as y/n, along with her friends Rowan, Ben, and the new addition to their group, Bill Weasley, embarked on their quest to conquer the newly opened cursed vault. His concern for the group's safety had grown due to his observations for a year; it feels like he's invested in their lives without them knowing he was.

Each day, as he saw how she practised new spells—not in the curriculum yet—as she prepared for their self-appointed mission, Talbott couldn't help but acknowledge the incredible resolve within y/n. Her goal to put an end to the cursed vault shows how brave she was, and her willingness to seek help from an adult tells him that she has self-preservation. Lastly, her way of showing that she cares for the well-being of others makes her a loyal friend. All those traits are found in the other three houses. Now he's doubting whether she really was in the right house.

But then again, Talbott is an aspiring auror. Showing concern for other people's well-being is the duty of an auror.

Talbott's vision of becoming an auror shows his commitment to justice. Being an Auror provides a sense of purpose and a lasting legacy, aiming to make the wizarding world safer and better for future generations. Helping with solving the problem the school has is the right thing to do.

But Talbott remained on the sidelines, conflicted with his own desire to help and his understanding that, as a student, he couldn't act like an Auror just yet. He knew the importance of the rules given to them by the school and the headmaster; he knew not to question them and that they would also put a spotlight on him, which he wouldn't want to have. So, even if the worry gnawed at him as he saw his fellow Ravenclaw putting herself in harm's way, he could only watch and hope that their mission would be prevented by the professors, or maybe y/n would remember that she is in fact a "Ravenclaw", with books and knowledge as their weapon.

As the days passed and with his undetectable spying, Talbott couldn't help but admit to himself that y/n is in fact a Ravenclaw, though she seldom shows it. With her careful planning of being undetected by the professors, she had managed to have a fool-proof plan. And it seemed the group's hard work paid off in the end, and they managed to conquer the cursed vault. Though he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the fact that Professor Dumbledore awarded her house points for their mission, and that contribution had made Ravenclaw win the house cup as a testament to her breaking the cursed vault.

Talbott couldn't deny that y/n had proven herself to be a good person, despite her rule-breaking and daring risks. She was, although not that much, well-liked and admired by some after her successful feat. An idea popped into his head, and he had to shake it to bury the thought. Being a friend of her seemed nice, but he preferred to be just one of the spectators. Besides, his friendship with Penny is already too much, and he seldom meets her because she has earned quite a lot of attention from a large number of students, making her popular, and the thought of being in the center of that very crowd already makes him ill.

But at the end of the day, Talbott couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the group of friends had succeeded in their quest and that she had been recognised enough to show that she's different from her brother. He hoped that she would learn from her adventures and that the fame would make her realise that she is a Ravenclaw student, a bookworm, or a scholar, not a warrior. Yet he couldn't help but think that her adventure was fun to watch, though from a distance. He couldn't deny the respect he held for y/n, showcasing that although she was a Ravenclaw, she showed the other three houses traits.

To be continued.

A/N: Concern? A duty of an Auror? ok... whatever floats your boat.

See you next chapter!!

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