Liv and Ed: Part Two

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yourgirlshaandre here is the part two you requested!

Olivia sat in her office a few weeks after everyone found out about her and Ed. She glanced up when she saw Fin and Amanda pack up for the evening, and only stood when Ed entered the squadroom. She tried to get out of her office before anything was said, but stopped mid-step when she saw Fin shaking Ed's hand.

"What are your plans for tonight?" Amanda asked quietly.

"Uh, I'm taking your commanding officer out for drinks..." Ed trailed off. He turned towards Olivia's office and smiled when he saw her. Olivia blushed under his gaze as she moved to join.

"Hey, baby," Olivia breathed, before sharing a few kisses with Ed. As they parted, Fin cleared his throat and tugged his leather jacket on.

"Um, would you two like to join me and Rollins for drinks? We are going to the cop bar down the road," Fin replied. Olivia looked at her friend in shock and was even more shocked when her boyfriend agreed.

"Yeah, I think that would be fun. Why don't you two head out and we will follow shortly," Ed replied. He led his girlfriend back to her office and kissed her again once they were alone.

"You just agreed to have drinks with two of my detectives. The two that hate you... Why?" Olivia asked, as she trudged to her desk and gathered her items.

"Olivia, I care deeply about you. It's important that I am kind to your detectives, especially since I will probably be investigating Rollins in the future. Anyway, they are important to you."

"I don't want them to hurt you, Ed. They can be rude sometimes, especially when they get drunk. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. We are public now, and it's important that we form some sort of relationship with your squad. So they know they can come to me if they need anything. Or if something happens to you," Ed replied, his voice deep as he moved to Olivia's side. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist before leaning close and pressing firm kisses to her lips.

"This is going to be so incredibly awkward," Olivia whispered.

"Oh, but you are always awkward," Ed grinned, his hands going into the back pockets of her slacks. Olivia blushed again as she buried her face in Ed's neck.


Ed sat beside Olivia and rubbed her inner thigh as they chatted with Fin, Amanda, and eventually, Carisi. There was a lot of joking around, but Olivia had a hard time settling into this outing. She loved Ed and her detectives, but was still worried that someone would say something wrong and there would be a fight. 

"Do you want more wine?" Ed breathed into Olivia's ear. She turned to look at her glass before shaking her head.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you," she replied. Ed nodded and kissed her temple before following Fin and Carisi to the bar to get refills.

Amanda quickly scooted over to Olivia's side of the booth and rested her hand against her arm.

"He's in love with you," Amanda spoke, tears welling in her eyes at the thought of her best friend finally finding the one.

"What?" Olivia asked, her cheeks growing red.

"Liv, he's a goner. Ed is so gentle with you and is always peppering you with kisses. Liv-"

"You have to be on board, Amanda. Fin and Carisi too. You are my family, and it's important that my family approves of my boyfriend. So please-"

"I approve. Please don't push him away, especially since he is going to walk away with a broken heart if you do," Amanda spoke. Olivia turned her gaze away from Amanda and found her boyfriend looking at them. He winked and gave her a small wave.

"I feel like he'll be around for a very long time."


Whenever the squad invited Olivia out to drinks or dinner, they always asked if Ed was going to join them. He quickly became a part of their group and even Fin enjoyed his presence. A few times, Fin took Ed out to the range and he even went to help Amanda with a flat tire in the middle of a thunderstorm. Ed Tucker wasn't someone Olivia expected to fall in love with, but she was just as far gone on him as he was on her. 

After a year of cultivating a relationship with each other and important friends, Ed proposed to Olivia. She screamed her yes, and they quickly planned a wedding. They settled on a small wedding with under fifty guests. Olivia wore a blue lacy dress while Ed wore a dark suit. They stood in front of everyone and exchanged vows before enjoying a large dinner and listening to Ed's favorite jazz music.

Later that evening, Fin found Olivia standing on the back porch of the house she was sharing with Ed and looked at all the people who loved and supported them.

"Mrs. Tucker, are you okay?" Fin asked. Olivia smiled largely as she turned to look at Fin.

"I love the sound of that, even if I'm keeping my last name," Olivia spoke.

"You didn't answer my question, Liv."

"I'm great, Fin. Amazing, actually. This year was a little rocky at first, but I'm so thankful it turned out like this. Thank you for giving him a shot and actually spending time with him. He loves your little shooting range outings with a large steak and beer afterward," Olivia beamed. 

Fin wrapped his arm around Olivia's waist and pulled her to his side. He placed a soft kiss on her temple before sighing when Ed approached them.

"I guess I'm not your protector anymore," Fin breathed.

"I still need you, Fin. But not right now... I kinda want to dance with my husband," Olivia spoke. She stepped away from Fin and took Ed's outstretched hand. 

They walked out onto the makeshift dance floor and shared their first dance together as husband and wife.

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