Kiss Me

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He opened the door and saw her standing there, a bottle of whiskey wrapped in a paper bag held tightly in her fist.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, and she gave him a wobbly smile before reaching her free hand out to touch his bare chest.

"I hate you." She slurred.

"Really?" He grinned, his head tilting to the side. He knew she was wasted, but that didn't mean he didn't find this side of her amusing. In the years they had been partners, he had never seen her drunk off her ass. Nor has she ever touched his bare chest as she was right now.

"Don't," she hiccuped, "Don't smile and act all cute. I am angry at you." 

Elliot continued to smile as Olivia pouted. He couldn't believe how adorable she was, but he knew that whatever he was feeling couldn't be acted upon. Olivia was out of it right now, and he didn't want to do anything without her consent. 

"I'm not the cute one, Liv." Elliot replied, before reaching his hand up and touching where her's was still against his chest.

"I'm scary." Olivia huffed as Elliot stepped back and let her into his apartment. Once the door was shut, Elliot led his drunk partner over to his sofa and forced her to sit down.

"Why do you hate me? What did I do?" Elliot asked, as he took the bottle from Olivia and sat it on the coffee table.

Olivia's eyebrows kneaded together as she leaned forward and tried to focus on Elliot's eyes.

"You kissed her. Not me." Olivia mumbled.

"What?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip as she looked down at the carpet.

"You kissed that dumb blonde detective... that Dani Beck," Olivia slurred, as she finally looked at Elliot." You were supposed to kiss me."

Elliot frowned as he realized what was happening. With Dani Beck filling in for Munch when he's recovering from getting shot, Elliot didn't work with Olivia as often. They had swapped partners for the moment, and that led to Elliot kissing Dani. But clearly, after years of being his right-hand woman, Olivia had fallen for Elliot and was jealous.

"It didn't mean a thing to me, Liv." Elliot breathed, as his hands moved to hers. "She kissed me first, and I didn't have time to shove her away and tell her not to."

Olivia shook her head as she stood and swayed. Elliot looped his arms around Olivia before holding her in his arms.

They didn't look at each other or speak. Elliot just kept his arms wrapped around Olivia until she lifted her eyes. 

"She's smart, passionate, and pretty. Dani Beck is everything that I am not, and I hate that you love her and not me." Olivia whimpered.

Elliot took a hand away from Olivia's body and gently caressed her flushed cheek. He smiled lovingly at her before whispering.

"I don't love Dani Beck. Do you realize that I have been single for so long because I have been waiting for this adorable, smart, kind, badass brunette to ask me out? To finally say she likes me?" 

"Who?" Olivia asked. Elliot chuckled softly before leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You, Liv. I have been waiting so long for you. But you are drunk, and can not consent, so I won't kiss you right now. Soon though, I promise."


Olivia passed out at Elliot's apartment. She fell asleep on the couch, but Elliot carried her to his bed so she slept well.

When Olivia woke up the next morning, she had a headache and didn't know where she was. 

"H-hello?" She called, her voice cracking as she left Elliot's bedroom. 

"In the kitchen, Benson!" Elliot called back. Olivia winced and rubbed her forehead as she walked towards the kitchen. She stopped in the doorway as her eyes went wide.


"Hey, Liv. So, I don't think you remember what happened last night, so let's just get some food and water into your system before we do a recap."

Olivia nodded hesitantly before sinking down at the small kitchen table. Elliot served her before sitting in the chair across from her. Olivia picked at her food before finally speaking.

"What's the recap?" She breathed. Elliot smiled as he sipped his coffee.

"You were drunk and showed up here last night," Elliot spoke, as he sat his mug down," And you pounded on my door well after ten, with half a bottle of whiskey in your hand. You said you hated me, called me cute, then got angry because I kissed Dani Beck and not you."

Olivia felt as blood rushed to her cheeks, and she sat her fork down. She was sure that she ruined everything, because she was certain that she probably confessed something to Elliot that she didn't want to.

"I'm sorry, El. Alex and Melinda took me out last night, and clearly I drank too much. You can't believe anything I said when I'm drunk."

"Okay, but I'm going to repeat what I said last night. Maybe it will help you realize some things."

"Don't be a jerk to me this morning, Elliot. If you think I'm disgusting and unattractive, just keep it to yourself. I'm not in the mood." Olivia huffed. She stood up and slid her chair back quickly before storming to the front door.

Elliot grabbed Olivia's arm before she could get the chain off and turned her towards him.

"I find you to be incredibly sexy, Olivia. I enjoy the nights you and I are on stake outs and can catch up. You are a badass, and I love the jokes you crack. Sometimes your choice of men is disgusting, but you aren't. I love you, Olivia. So much." Elliot breathed. He reached up and ran his fingers through Olivia's short brown locks, as his eyes kept locked on her slightly parted lips.

"Just do it already. Stop making me wait." Olivia whispered.

"Is Olivia Benson giving me permission to-"

"Just kiss me already!" Olivia blurted out.

Elliot gave Olivia a grin before leaning forward and kissing Olivia's lips deeply. 

SVU: The One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora