Little One

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Olivia bounced her leg as she sat on the exam table. She was just waiting for her doctor to come in, but it seemed to take longer than expected. Then again, today she was more anxious than ever before. She was so anxious that the sound of her phone ringing almost gave her a heart attack.

"Benson," she panted into the phone.

"Did you really answer your phone in the middle of having sex?!" Alex exclaimed, horror filling her voice.

"N-no! Sorry, Alex. I'm just anxious and having a hard time calming down. What's happening?" Olivia sighed, as she breathed slowly and tried to calm her breathing and her quickly beating heart.

"Cragen just called. You have a case, and I'm the only one that could get ahold of you. So, can you come in?"

"On my day off? Alex-"

"It's a kidnapping, Liv. Twin boys were taken from their daycare, and we need help to find them."

"Okay, I can be there in-" Olivia stopped when the door opened and her doctor walked in.

"Are you ready, Olivia?" He asked.


"Okay, so I'll be there in an hour. Please, just tell him I'll be there soon."


Olivia walked into the precinct and Cragen was angry that it took her an hour to come in. It was her day off, so what did he expect? He also wasn't informed of what took her so long, and she didn't plan on telling him right now.

"Olivia, when I call you in, you have half an hour to get here. This-"

"I don't care if you are angry at me, Don. I was in the middle of something, and I didn't have another choice," Olivia huffed.

Olivia joined the rest of the squad to work the case. For hours she ran back and forth between the crime lab, the day care, and to computer crimes where pictures of the boys had popped up.

It wasn't until early in the morning four days later, did she get time to sit and process everything that had happened on her day off. 

"Hey!" Alex called, as she walked down the sidewalk. Olivia was sitting against the building, her legs pulled to her chest.

"Hi, Alex."

"Finally get a break?" Alex asked, as she sank down beside her friend. Olivia nodded slowly, but didn't respond.

They sat in silence for a while before Alex spoke again.

"So, who was the guy on the line before we ended the call?"

"The guy?" Olivia asked, playing dumb.

"Liv, I know something is happening. You have been more distant than usual. So, gonna tell me about this man?" Alex asked.

Olivia sighed softly as she raked her fingers through her brown locks.

"I'm thirty-seven, Alex."

"I know."

"So you know that I'm losing my chances of having a baby."


"Please, Alex. Let me talk," Olivia whispered.

"Of course. Proceed."

"The guy on my side of the call was a doctor who is going to help me have a baby. I bought sperm from a donor and my day off was the day they inseminated me," Olivia breathed, her cheeks growing hot. 

"Olivia... this is-"

"Please don't say it's dumb, Alex. I'm already struggling enough," Olivia whimpered as tears poured down her cheeks. Alex grabbed her friend's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I was going to say that this is amazing, Liv. You are going to be an amazing mother, and super adorable as a pregnant woman," Alex smiled. She kissed the back of her friend's hand as Olivia cried harder.

She leaned over and hugged her friend tightly. 

"Thank you, Alex. I was scared to tell anyone else because they will probably think I'm dumb for deciding to have a baby on my own."

"You are meant to be a mother, Olivia. And I promise to help you along the way," Alex smiled, as the front doors to the precinct opened and Elliot walked out.

"Benson! We found the boys! We need to move out now!"


Olivia got pregnant on the first try, and she was surprisingly not sick at all. She was pretty tired, but that didn't change the fact she was excited. Not everyone took the news of her pregnancy very well, but no matter what was said, Alex stayed by her side.

As the months moved on, Alex ended up becoming Olivia's partner through this entire process. She took her to any classes she signed up for and was there for all appointments. Alex helped to decorate the baby's room and even signed up to be Olivia's coach during her labor and delivery.

"This is going to be long," Olivia frowned, from where she laid in her hospital bed. Alex had just walked back into the room after Olivia had been admitted.

"Hey, I'm here for the long haul, hon," Alex smiled softly.

"Even if it means you can't go on a date tomorrow night?" Olivia asked. Alex let out a laugh as she grabbed her friend's hand.

"I cancelled yesterday."


"You had contractions last night, and I told my date that being here for the birth of your baby was more important. He got angry, but clearly he doesn't care about family like I do."

"Family? Alex, you've never said that to me before," Olivia whispered, as she reached her hand out to her best friend.

"In the end, I consider this kid my own. I'll be your platonic best friend that raising your baby with you," Alex smiled, as she grabbed Olivia's hand. She squeezed it for a moment before smoothing Olivia's hair away from her face.

"I love you, Alex. So does my little one."

"I'm sure they do. I'm the absolute best," Alex grinned.


Olivia was in labor for almost two whole days before her daughter was born. Alex stayed by her side, even if she was tired herself. 

Once Olivia had finally passed out, Alex got to cuddle the little girl and finally tell her things that she had been thinking for so long. 

"Masie, the moment your mommy told me about you... I knew I loved you so much. I will never have kids myself, so I'll probably will spoil you rotten. Actually, I plan on spoiling you rotten... but take it easy on your mommy. She went through so much to get to where she could have you. She survived so much, and I am beyond thankful to have her in my life. You too, baby girl. Now, what should I be called?" Alex smiled, as a tear slipped down her cheek.

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